Chapter 25

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Rain's Pov

My eye's slowly open, i adjust my sight and i first saw is color white. I look around and recognize the place, it's a hospital "Why i'm here?" i said to my self, my hands have dextrose and it's normal for me since this is my second time having this in my hand. I saw a sleeping figure besides me and it's Junghwan. His holding my hands while he's sleeping "I guess this kid wait for me" 

"Junghwan" I said softly but he's still sleeping "Junghwan" now this time i'm shaking him a little, he moves a bit and he open his eyes. When he saw me he immediently sit straight and look at my eyes "Thank god you're awake" he said with a happy tone on it "How long did i past out?" 

"Only one day don't worry" he said while caressing my hands "Where's my hyungs?" 
"They're in their dorms, they are also here yesterday but i volunteered to watch over you" he's been doing this like everyday, he always think about me, he sometimes forgot about himself because of me "You've been helping me like everyday you should also think about yourself" he shakes his head "No, i'm your man remember? I should watch over you, help you when you need help, comfort you when you're sad, make you happy everyday even in the darkess day,even make love if you wan't" He wiggle his eyebrows when he finish what his saying, i playfuly slap his arms "That's not funny"

"Then why you're smiling?" 
"None of your business!" he laugh and hug me "I miss you" 
"why you miss me?"
"I miss talking with you, i miss staring in your dark orbs, i miss those pink lips and i miss your warmth" i smiled and peck his lips, i look at his eyes and hug him back "I miss you too" i said and gave him a another peck "Can you do that again?"

"Nope, i will not do it cause you wi- hmp!" i didn't finish what i'm saying cause he sealed my lips with his. The kiss is short but it's enough for me to get stunned "Sorry, i just miss it" he said and i'm still stun by the kiss, my mind saying it's different from the past kiss, it's like theres a spark bursted out in my heart "Rain?" i came back to my senses when called me "Are you ok?" i nod "yes, i'm ok"

"Then why you look like saw a ghost?" 
"If i saw one then i will probably run faster leaving you alone" i said and he laugh "that make sense" he said while laughing "You love watching phasmophobia gameplays but you also have that phobia" 
"It's interesting though"

"You will be discharge tommorow"
"Yes, the doctor said if you wake up today you will get discharge tommorow"
"I wanna go home, i don't like here"
"Why? You don't want us to be alone like this"
"Not like that"
"Then what is it?"
"I miss jamming with Little Mix song" i said faking a cry and he just shook his head in disbelief

"You're really addicted with them" he said pinching my cheeks "Yes but you're my drug" i saw him blush a little and i laugh "Just admit that you're cute when you're blushing" he blush even more making me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt more because of the pain when i got punch in the Japan "That's karma" he said and i pinch his waist "Ok, ok" he raise his two arms saying he lose "I love you" i said and snuggle on his neck "I love you too" he wrap his arms on my waist and we wait for the day end

A week later

"Junghwan and Rain come step on the stage" It's the day that me and Junghwan performing the partner in crime event, we step on the stage and so many people is looking, i don't know why im nervous, i've been perfroming on stage like a months but why i'm nervous? Junghwan sit on the chair right infront of the piano while me sitting right infront of a mic 

My hyungs are cheering nonstop, same goes to Treasure. I just laugh at them and look at Junghwan "One, two, three" i muttered at him and he started playing the piano

Marvin Gaye

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

We got this king size to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else
Don't keep your secrets to yourself
It's karma sutra show and tell

There's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
(That pulls me closer)
It's so subtle
(It's so subtle)
I'm in trouble
(I'm in trouble)
But I'd love to be in trouble with you

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

And when you leave me all alone
I'm like a stray without a home
I'm like a dog without a bone
I just want you for my own
I got to have you babe

There's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
(That pulls me closer)
It's so subtle
(It's so subtle)
I'm in trouble
(I'm in trouble)

But I'd love to be in trouble with you
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Oh baby, you got that healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got that healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on, baby
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

We're done singing and the audience started clapping and shouting with a glee on us "Wooh! Thats wonderful" one stranger said and everybody agree what he said, they started to shout even more louder same goes to our hyungs. I just look at Junghwan with a smile and muttered "They like it" he nod and smile back to me


"And the winner is.................................. Junghwan and Rain" The people shout saying "they deserve it!"
"Yes they look like a couple i ship them!" 
"They look so cute together omg they deserve to win" those compliments make me stronger and i kinda wan't the media know about our relationship
we receive the trophy and take a picture

I dialed someones number when i reach the back stage while Junghwan is on the bathroom taking some privacy, the person pick up and say 

"Who are you?" she said "Still remember me?" i said with a smile, i heared she gasp and jump in excitement "RAIN!" She said and i think she's jumping crazily "Aera i miss you" i said "You dork i also miss you!" i just laugh at her "Do you know how worried i am when you got kidnap!?"
"Don't worry i'm here still kicking" she just laugh at what i said "How are you?"

"Here working"
"You have work?"
"Yeah and it's decent work"
"I'm glad you're in decent work our conversation continue not until she excuse "Ok bye Rain my boss will get mad bye"
"Bye" i said and she ended the call

"Who's that?" Junghwan said "My friend in Busan"
"I bet your friend really miss you" i nod "She is" he ruffle my hair and interwined his hands to mine "Lets go to my dorm" i nod ans he immediently pulled me

We're at his dorm right now and i lay on the bed "It's so comfy" i said while i roll over "It's much relaxing if you hug me" he said and i tackle him to hug him "Can we always be like this?" i said and he nod "we can always be like this" he hug me back and kiss my cheeks "And one more favor"
"What is it?" i smile and kiss his lips "Can we always be together?" he giggled "Of course, our circle will never end, we will always be together" He said and kiss my to "I love you my prince" i brush my nose into his "I love you too my princess" he said and our love didn't end, thanks to the circle preventing us from breaking up 

We will always be together forever and ever

We will stay forever, like how our grandfather and grandmother stayed even in their darkess day

Rain & Junghwan
Our love is eternal and no one can destroy it

-The End-

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