Chapter 15

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Junghwan's Pov

"You confessed to him" Jeongwoo said as i nod "How did you manage to confes to him?"
"Probably, because of you and confidence"
"You listen to me?" 
"I'm glad, see he doesn't avoid you it means he also like you"
"Are you sure? It seems not"
"Aw c'mon! Don't lose hope, he'll like you back or more than that" He said as he leaves me alone in the cafiteria

Rain is absent due to fever and i'm sad, i dont have any energy to go in classes, i can't even call him, i don't wanna disturb him. I was walking in the hallway when cloe pop up infront of me "Junghwan~~~" Ugh! i hate it when he call me like that, i roll my eyes at her and walk again like she didn't exist in world "YAH! JUNGHWAN!" i didn't look back when she called me i just keep on walking and walking "YAH!" I can hear her footsteps getting closer, she hold my wrist and look back her with a feirce look "What do you wan't cloe!?" i said with a little bit of anger, even i hate her, i still respect her because she's a women

"I just wanna have sometime with you since rain is not around" she said with a soft low tone but that doesn't going to work on me "No" i said quickly and started to walk again "You're always leaving me! Why can't you like me back!?"
"Because i found the love in someone and thats not you"

"Who is it? Is it rain?" i stop but i didn't look back, i don't want anyone to know except my hyungs and rain's member "Nah, he's just my friend" i said "You're lying Junghwan i know it's him" while she said those words, there's a sniffle on it "I know you love him, but why him? Why not me? I'm a girl and i can give everything to you unlike him" i didn't say anything and started to walk again "Fine leave me again but i won't stop loving you" i just ignore her and entered my room as i reach it


"I'm home!" i said as i enter the dorm "There's some food in the kitchen you can eat" Jaehyuk said but i refuse "No, i'm not hungry"
"You sure?" i nod "yeah, i just ate a lot at the school"

Jeongwoo's Pov

"Jaehyuk hyung"
"He's lying" i said whispering not wanting to Junghwan hear it "What do you mean he's lying?" 
"He didn't ate anything at all, rain is absent so he doesn't have any energy to eat or communicate to others" 
"Ah, i see, just let him be first when rain is ok i'll talk to him" i nod and entered to my share room with Junghwan

Junghwan's Pov

I place my bag on the floor and imediently lay on the bed not wanting to change "I hope i'm in his dorm so i can take care of him so he cant be sick, i wanna hug him till he gets warm" i said not caring if someone hear it "You cant always be on his side" someone said but i already know who is it "Why Jeongwoo? I should be their taking care of him"

"I understand you but don't forget to respect his privacy. Don't go to far, don't pass his border line" he said as he go to the bathroom to take a shower. He has a point on that, i still need to respect his privacy. Thinking so deep not realizing that i fell asleep

I woke up and look around me, it's morning "I fell asleep?" Jeongwoo is not in the room, i also notice that i'm still wearing my uniform "I should go take a bath" i headed to the bathroom. After a minute i jump out to the bathroom wearing a normal clothes, i got the towel and dry my hair

Jeongwoo came in to the room "You're awake i thought your still sleeping" 
"Nah i just take a bath 'cause i forgot to change last night"
"Yeah, you literaly forgot, i just saw you in your bed sleeping with uniforms" i didn't say anything and headed to the living room to hang out with my hyungs

"Morning" i said to them
"Morning Jung" they all said in harmony, i sit on the couch and watch in the tv with my hyungs, we're watching running man, i really love this show its funny, it always made you day even in the darkess day it will made you happy

The running man is done and the next one will be muzik bank but i'm not interested on it. My phone vibrated and i look at the name, it's rain, i immediently run to my room leaving my hyung with a confuse face

Junghwan, are you free today?

Yes, i'm free, why?

Most of my hyungs are really busy specially the dream, but i'm still sick, can you come here?

Yes! I will come 

Ok, my hyungs are waiting for you

I grab some decent clothes on my closet to wear it


I press the doorbell and wait for a person to open the door, the door open and Chenle showed up "Oh, you're here come in he's waiting you, i'll lead you to his room" i bowed at him  entered the dorm, Chenle hyung lead me to his room, he stop to a clean brown door, most of doors have posters on it but rain doesn't have any, he open it and i enter "I'll leave you two now" he said with a low voice, i guest rain is sleeping

His room look so decent and clean, he has a poster of Little Mix and some groups like NCT where he belong but those poster are organize that's why it looks decent, theres also a poster of Little Mix in a frame only Little Mix have a frame "He looks high at Little Mix" i said in my mind, he also have bookshelf, mostly wattpad books but there's also some books thats not under wattpad and the books are also organized

He also have a PC but it looks like he don't use it as a gaming station, his PC looks normal not like under PC have a different lights on it. There's also a album thats protected by a glass and its padlock, like the posters most of them are Little Mix, he really love Little Mix theres also some random albums like NCT album and Twice. Inside the glass, there's also a lightstick, random lightstick and he doesn't have Blackpink and BTS ligthstick "Hm, interesting" i said whispering not wanting him to wake up 

Speaking of Rain, i look at him while his eyes are shut down, his lips look pale a little probably because of the fever, i sit on the small chair besides rain's bed, waiting him to wake up. After a while the door open revealing Chenle and Jisung "Where going"  they said whispering i nod at them and they slowly closed the door, my poor baby can't go with his hyungs today

They we're suppose to be on the interview but rain got sick so he can't go, i carefully pet his hair while he sleep, i stop petting when he moved, his eye's slowly opened and our eye's met "Oh Junghwan, your here" he said as he sit on his bed "Yeah, and sorry for disturbing you" He shook his head "No, it's ok" he said "Do you wanna eat?" i said and he nod "Yeah im kinda hungry, i just want some soup" i nod "I'll come back"

I came back to his room, with a soup on a bowl "Here's your soup" i said and place the bowl of soup in the night stand, he was about the grab the spoon but i stop him "What?" 
"Let me feed you" i said, even he looks pale a little, you can still see him blush "Ok say ah" he open his mouth and i shove the spoon on his mouth, he eat it "Good boy" now he looks like a tomato "Hehe, You're look so cute when you blush"
"Stop!" i just laugh at him and feed him until he finish it all

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