Chapter 21

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Junghwan's Pov

It's been a week since we left Jeju Island. I'm preparing for the Halloween party on the school, this is going to be fun. I already plan to wear a minnion costume for the party. I headed out in my room and saw my schoolmate hyungs are ready to go (Just imagine the "MMM" halloween special dance practice) "Minnion but you're tall" Haruto hyung said while the other just laugh at the joke

The school is so crowded, i can't see Rain because he's so small "Did ya'll see Rain?" I said asking my hyungs but they just shakes their heads "He's probably somewhere" Yedam hyung said. I walk around the school to find him but i can't see him it's to crowded. I decided to text him to see where he is

Where are you?

I'm on the rooftop. It's to crowded down there

Ok, i'm coming

Oh yeah by the way. Can you bring me some food, i'm hungry

I just laugh at his text and nod

Ok, ok, what do you want princess?

Is there marshmallow?

I look around and saw a marshmallow

Yeah there is

Can you bring me some pwease

I can saw his cuteness through text

Ok my princess

He didn't reply back and headed to the cafeteria to grab some marshmallow and bring it to my princess. I saw a figure leaning against the barrier of the rooftop wearing a fox costume, he has a realistic fox tail also a headband ear fox. I look around and theres no other people except him and me "Rain?" I call rain's name and the figure look back and i saw his face. It's Rain, i smile at him, he's so cute 

He run to me and stop when he approaches me "Minnion? But you're so tall" He said and i gave the marshmallow to him "I don't really know what costume i'll wear so i choose this" i said and he nod while eating the marshmallow "You're so cute while wearing that costume but your but cheeks" i said, his buttcheeks is so fat "I didn't mean to be sexy. I also don't know what costume would i wear" He said while cutley eating marshmallow "Can  you feed me some?" I pointed at his marshmallow and he nod "Yes my prince" he said and grab one marshmallow, i open my mouth and he shove the marshmallow in my mouth

I chew it and he's laughing silently "Why you're laughing princess?" i said and he look at me "The way you chew" He said, he seated on the floor and i follow him to seat "No"
"Then why you're here?"
"My hyungs wants me here"
"So it's force?" He nod "Why?" 
"I don't really like party's at all"
"Oh, thats why you're absent in some NCT party's" He nod "My introvert side triggered when there's party's happening around me" He said while chewing "I understand you, i'm here don't worry" He look at me and smile, he muttered 'Thank you' at me "Your Welcome my princess" i said and he rested his head on my shoulder while eating

"Do you wanna go in celebration later" i said knowing the answer will be no but he nod "Yes, because you're here and you make me happy" I smile and ruffle his hair "That's my princess"


The party is going to start now, it will start at 6pm and it's 5:57 right now, 3 more minutes and it will start. I hold Rain's hand and it's cold "Are you ok? Your hands are cold" I said to Rain "This is normal to me, it's because of the weather its kinda cold" Yeah he's probably right, the weather is cold unlike yesterday 

The lights open up and we look at the stage "Welcome everyone!"
"Today is a spooky fun day where we can do all we want is the night" The principle said and the students are shouting "I'm glad you're all wearing costumes" he said "Ok, let the party begins!" he shouted and the students shouted too making the place the loudest place ever

The speaker played 'Spooky scary skeleton' the famous song when the halloween comes. The other people dance really weird, the other just eat and uhm the other uhhh making out? Rain poke me and i look at him "Do you wanna go to the rooftop again so we can dance sweetly?" He said and i nod "Why not?" I said and he pull me and we headed to the rooftop

He open the rooftop door and we stand on the center. He put his one hand on my shoulder while the other hand are holding mine. My one hand hold his waist and we dance slowly but gracefully. You can still hear the sound of the speaker down there so we don't have to be worry on music

We've been dancing like a minute but i'm loving it, Dancing one of the main dancer of NCT and now i know why he's the main dancer. He moves like a feather so elegant and graceful, he spin like a ballerina, moves like a swan and eyes shone bright like a star

We stop moving and i look at his eyes deeply, his smiles are like gummy and teeth is so white like a cloud, His hair moves when the air hits it, while looking at his crystal eyes i didn't notice that i'm slowly leaning into him and our lips met 

His lips are so soft like marshmallows, our saliva is mixing together, i know it's gross but when you do this to your love it doesn't. Our tounge sometimes brush to each other and i liking the feeling. My one hand is tugging his hair while my second hands is supporting his back

His hands are wrap around my neck. The kiss is getting rougher and rougher not until my phone rings, i broke the kiss and i look at it. It's Yedam hyung "Answer it. It might be emergency" He said and i nod, i answer the called and yedam hyung sounds like his not happy

/Can you help me, help this two?/

/Who hyung?/

/Jihoon and Haruto/

/What happened to them?/

/They're drunk and i can't help them all by my self/

/Ok hyung i'm coming/

/We are going home now/

I ended the phone call and look at Rain "What happened?" He said in confusion "Haruto and Jihoon hyung are drunk and Yedam hyung can't bring them home by his self" He nodded understanding the situation "You're going home now?" he said and i nod "I'm sorry" he shakes his head "No it's ok"
"How about you, i'm worried when you're alone"
"Don't worry my hyungs are here" he said and i believe in him "Don't go with others ok?" i said cupping both of his cheeks "I'm not a baby Junghwan" i giggled "For me you're a baby" i said and spank his butt cheeks "Hey!" he said while blushing "What a fluffy butt cheeks you have" i said and laugh how red he is "Ok, i'm going now"
"See you later" He said and i started to walk "WAIT!" I stop and look back at him "What?" He run towards me and peck my lips "I just wanna kiss it one more time" he said and i smile "Ok i'm now thanks for the kiss" i said and leave him in the rooftop

Rain's Pov

Junghwan left me and i sit on the floor of the rooftop. That kiss is much longer than before, i touch my lips and i squeal in a high pitch tone. While shouting like a girl a sound echeod past my ear "What's that?" I said in my mind "Junghwan is that you?" I said and the sound became louder and louder making me hold my two ears "STOP! WHO ARE YOU!?" I shout while kneeling down. After a minute the sound stop and i saw a figure with a tail, i can't see the person it's to dark "Who are you?" i said while my head is tilted. The figure walk closer and closer to me making me walk back

"W-who, WHO ARE YOU!?" I said in a teriffied tone, i'm like crying the person is making me scared. I fall down on the floor and the figure started to crawl

I walk back while seating, i hit a wall, i'm doomed am i gonna die? The figure slowly crawling and when he reach me i saw his face. It was the guy who tried to rape me "Y-YOU!?" I said and i try to run but he corner me "Trying to tease me with that butt cheeks?" He was wearing a wolf costume and it looks like we're couple "I'm right, you're a vixen. Look im a wolf and you're my omega" He said with a terrefying voice, he hold my waist and pulled me making a uncomfortable position "My omega is so pretty" He said and he put a cloth in my mouth, when he put the cloth my eyes started to close slowly i'm like sleepy and then everything went black

Junghwan Fall In Love To His FanboyWhere stories live. Discover now