Chapter 8

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Rain's Pov

I'm happy that me and Junghwan win, i've never felt like this before, i'm to overwhelemed. I put my headphones on and listen to The Bakery by Melanie Martinez and the song is really addicting. I'm walking on the hallway and it's empty "Where's everybody?" i said and look around, there's no signs of peoples presence. I just shrug probably thinking that all student's are in cafeteria right now

While walking, i saw a shadow on the floor and i look back and saw some student like, are they gangs? Now i know why this hallway looks abandon. I just ignore them and walk fast so i can out run them, i heared a stomps like running, i look back and the guy was towards on me, i try to run but he quickly got me 

"Who are you? And why you're in my terrotory?" I didn't say anything and look at his eyes with fear "Hmm you look pretty though.........You can be mine" he said with a husky tone. I try to release on his hold but it didn't work "L-let me go!" 

"Oooohh, you also have cute voice. I like it, you're also a feminise type even your a boy and also a vixen" This guy is insane! Yeah i like those compliment but he's like about to rape me. I tried to let go on his hold but i can't "Don't try to run on me baby boy" I didn't listen to him and try to let go but he suddenly pin me on the wall "Your being a bad boy"

"Please let me go" i said with a pleading face trying to convince him to let him go "Boss don't let him go, he is worth it though"
"HE IS MINE SO BACK UP!" He is scary when he get mad, he look at me and my legs are shaking, he cares my cheeks and pinch them "So soft" 

He started to lean on me, he is kissing me!? "n-no! wa-it! HELP!" He cup my mouth preventing me to shout "Don't make me ma-" He was cut off when a guy punches him, it was Junghwan "Are you ok?" I nod and he hug me, my heart won't stop beating so fast. I accept his hug and some of his friends fight the other gangsters, even my hyungs are here

The guys who tried to rape me run fast away and my hyungs and some of treasure member approach me "Are you ok?" Jeno hyung said and i nod "Don't go alone again rain" Renjun hyung said with a worried tone on it

"Since that bastard is after you, you should go out with Junghwan ok" Jihoon hyung said and i only nod. I'm still hugging Junghwan and i'm traumatized, i hate being alone right now since there's someone after me, i cried silently on Junghwan chest, He doesn't care if his uniform get wet, he just rub my back until i get calm


I'm on the rooftop with Junghwan, my head is resting on his shoulder while looking at the floor. I'm like paralyzed, now i know why girls are afraid to get rape, i felt Junghwan's big hands petting my head "You will be ok if you stick with me" he said still petting my head, i didn't say anything 'cause i don't have any confidence to talk, i'm still shocked

"Do you wanna eat?" I shook my head "Why? Your stomach must be hungry"
"No i'm ok, i'm not hungry" I don't have any urge to eat, my stomach feels full even i didn't eat anything

I just stay like that sitting on the floor while my head is resting on Junghwan's shoulder. After a minute the bell rang, it's school time again "Let's go?" I nod and we stand up to go in our room

The school ended and i got home safely. It was a bad day and exhausting day, someone tried to rape me and the taekwondo is so EXHAUSTING, i never thought that it was hard. I lay on my bed and didn't care if i'm still wearing a uniform, while laying Chenle hyung called me "Rain do you wanna eat?" 

"No hyung"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes hyung" I still don't have guts to eat, i'm type of a person who doesn't eat a lot, specially when something bad happens

I shove my hands down to my pocket and grab my phone to do something 'cause i'm bored. While scrolling on IG someone added me, he's name is like an rp "Probably want's to be friends" i said and continue to scroll down. After a while the person who added me just message me, now this is scary this probably the person who try to rape me

I slowly move my hands on his name then it was

Hey this is Junghwan

Now that username makes sense. I thought you we're the person who tried to rape me

I'm to handsome for that

*Puke in embarassment*


Lol i'm just kidding, by the way, why did you texted me?

Just making sure you got home safe

So i got home without bruises, you can leave now

You're mean but in person you're a shy person

Well atleast i'm shy in person

By the way, did you eat?


Hey! Don't starve yourself

I know but i'm not hungry at all

TallSloth change his name to Junghwan

No! You need to eat

Your not even my father

Well i'm your Daddy

I didn't reply for a minute 'cause of that 'Daddy' but i'm not assuming though

Pft, That's sounds so wrong

What do you mean?

Nevermind, i'm going to eat now

Yeah you better eat 'cause daddy will get mad at you if you didn't eat

Oh god. Okay bye


I place my phone on my nightstand table and went to kitchen. I saw my hyungs and they're still eating "Hey rain! Here sit beside me" Renjun hyung said and i sit beside him "I thought you're not hungry?" Chenle hyung ask "My stomach suddenly growled so.....Yeah" of course i don't wan't my 'DADDY' got mad at me, does anyone wan't to get scolded to their daddy? Of course no one

I put some foods in my plate and started eating and talking with my hyungs


i'm walking in the Hallway in school with Junghwan, since Jihoon hyung said that i should go with Junghwan when i'm going somewhere, even in the cr but he still give me privacy. I open my locker and place my things on it, i close the door locker and lock it "You sure you're not going to Taekwondo class?" I shook my head as a response "Why? You've been skipping Taekwondo class like, almost everyday"

"I'm afraid to do new things. Taekwondo is a new things for me inshort i never did Taekwondo since birth" 
"Are you kidding me? Most of koreans learn Taekwondo"
"My mother won't let me like i do"
"Your mother doesn't wan't you to learn Taekwondo?" I nod
"That's why you can't defend your self"
"It's because she doesn't wan't me to get hurt or have a broken bone"
"You almost got rape!"
"And why do you care about me so much!?"

He didn't say anything and he had a wide eye's "I-i-i i din't mean to shout at you" he said with a low voice "Leave me alone" i said and he look at me "What?"
"Leave me alone"
"Why? You're in danger"
"Just leave me alone, i wan't to be alone"

I said and walk away. I was on the school garden and no one is here since it's Taekwondo class, i always stand by here 'cause the place looks beautiful, full of flowers, green grass, tall trees, and there's even a pond with some koi fish. While listening with some random music some groups of women came on the garden

I thought they were just having fun not until they approach me "Hey you're Junghwans friends right?" I nod but i didn't say anything "Well back off 'cause he is mine!" i was confuse at first but i easily understand, she's jealous that i might wins Junghwans heart "What are you saying? We're just friends" 

"Stop playing or i'll slap you!" 
"Go slap him Cloe"
"Yeah slap him"

She look at me with a sassy smile "Well my friends wan't me to slap you. I don't care if your an idol" she said slowly raise his hands, i close my eye's when she is about to slap me but i didn't receive any slap, i slowly open my eyes then i saw a body infront of me holding cloe's wrist "What are you trying to do Cloe?" The voice was quite deep but i can tell who's voice it is, it was Junghwan's voice "J-junghwan.....h-he's mean to me. He is c-calling me slut"

"And why did he call you slut?"
"Bacause he said that i always cling with you, right girls?" Her friends nod, what a liar
"LIAR!" I was shock when he shout "Wew i never thought this Junghwan can be this scary" i said in my mind "Rain will never say that, i know him very well than you" He said and let go Cloe's hands "Now go away before i hurt you" he said and the girls run away

He look at me and hold my hands "Now you learned your lessons" i nod and averted my gaze "Don't go without me ok?" his voice was soft, it's like melting me. He hug me and ruffle my hair "Let's go?" i nod and we started to walk 

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