Chapter 7

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Rain's Pov

I'm in the front door of Treasure's dorm and i don't know if im going to knock or not, after a few minutes i gain confidence and knock at the door "WAIT!" i heared someone shout and i have no clue who is it, the door open and Asahi showed up "Oh who brought you here?" i was going to say something when someone interupt me "It's me hyung" it's Junghwan "Come on let's go"

He hold my wrist and pulled me in "This is my hyungs" I look at them and Jeongwoo has a confuse face "What is he doing here?" Jeongwoo said and i feel shy, i also don't know why i'm here "We're having a practice for tomorrow" he said "So excuse us" 

He's room in not that bad, i also notice that theres two bed which means he has a room mate "We should start" i nod and he started playing the guitar


"Ok we're done, i think we can do this- Rain?" He look at me and i'm shaking, i just slip in little space "Are you ok?" i nod "Yesh" he has a confuse face "Why you're talking like a baby? Wait me here"

He came back with his hyungs "So he talk like a baby like he is not the rain that i know"
"Ok speak baby" Junkyu hyung said and i smile at him "Aigoo he is cute ok now speak"

"Why" i said in a baby tone "'cause i wanna see if your in little space"
"I wan't paci and cuddles" 
"Ok he is definetley is little space" Junkyu said "What does that mean?"

"You see he act normal when he get here, but suddenly little space attack him"
"So when that thing attack he turns to a baby?"

"So baby how old are you?" He said and i show my five fingers "Fayv" 
"Great!" he said and carry me "Why did you carry him?"
"He is a baby, of course" 

He place me on the couch "Don't go anywhere ok?" i nod and he left me, His member approach me and sit beside me "Baby?" i look at Haruto hyung and tilt my head "Yesh?" 
"Ok i don't wanna die" he said and some of members laugh softly

"Ok i'm back" Junkyu hyung said and sit beside me, he place me on his lap "Here's the paci" he said and i open my mouth and he shove it into my mouth and started chewing the pacifyer "Why do you have pacifyer?" Junghwan said with a confusion

"None of your business" I place my chin on his shoulder and slowly falling asleep

Treasure's Pov

"Did he fell asleep" Junkyu said, Yoshi look at Rain and he nod "Yeah he fell asleep" 
"Do we need to make him sleep?"
"Yeah so he can go back to his normal personality" 
"Can i ask something why he suddenly acted like that?" Yedam said "Probably something triggered him"

"Calling him baby boy, prince, little, baby, cute"
"Junghwan did you do those?"
"No, i didn't"

"Sometimes it attack without a reason, you just need him to make him sleep so he can go back to normal"
"Wait! Why do you know this things?"
"Cause i read story's about little space and i like it" The dorm got silence and most of treasure members are looking at Junkyu "Why?"

"We should go"
"Yeah i'm going to cook some foods"
"I'm just going to look at rain"
"Don't mind me, i'm just going to listen to some musics"
"I'm going to take a bath"

The treasure members split up to do their things while the other look at rain sleeping, Junkyu just rubbing rain back in circular motion, after a few minutes rain woke up

Rain's Pov

I woke up and i have a paci in my mouth, i was seating on someones lap. Wait what!? I immediently stand up and bowed at Junkyu hyung "I-i im sorry" 
"Hey hey it's ok, you slip in little space"

"Did i?" He nod "Yeah why you suddenly slip?" I shrug "I don't know" 
"So it attacks?" i just nod "Not gonna lie tho you look cute when you slip in little space" my cheeks turn red and i bowed again at him "I'm really sorry"

"Like i said it's ok, i like it when you're little, i can be also your daddy" he said with a wink "I'm loyal to Junghwan, im loyal to Junghwan" i keep repeating that sentence on my mind "Ew Junkyu" Mashiho said with a disgust face "Aw come on little needs daddy in short protector"
"Yeah yeah fine" 


"Junghwan and Rain your up" The teacher said and we prepare our selves "One, Two, Three" i said whispering signaling Junghwan to start

Not A Pop Song

They look for picture perfect
Don't look deeper than the surface
Bubblegum always pops and
Stars they fade out, life never stops

I don't do what Simon says
Get the message 'cause it's read
That's just life, it never plays fair
Said to follow any dream
Be a puppet on a string
Works for you but that isn't me

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

A hamster on a wheel
That's how it feels tryna be real
These unrealistic expectations
Said we'll make it if we fake it

I don't do what Simon says
Get the message 'cause it's read
That's just life, it never plays fair
Said to follow any dream
Be a puppet on a string
Works for you but that isn't me

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

No broken bottles
Or glitter on the floor from the night before
Ain't no boy troubles
If that's what you came here for, then you should know that

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

Not a pop song
I don't give a what
Not a pop song
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

"Ok very good, you two can go back to your seats" The teacher said and we sit to our seats. After an hour the event is done and we wait for the teachers announcement "1 stars mean 3rd place, 2 stars means 2nd place, and 3 stars means winner" the teacher said and we wait for her announcement "For the 1 star is......... Jeongwoo and Katarina" Jeongwoo and katarina are happy and they high five "For the 2 stars goes to Avy and Adrin" 

I've been saying 'Please me and Junghwan' for like 10x  in my head "And the winner is.................Rain and Junghwan" My eyes widened and i look at Junghwan, we did a high five with our both hands we're so happy "But since you two are winner, you will be joining the competion called 'Partners in crime'(lol)" wait what we're joining that! Im excited "That event will start at December, since its July you two have a plenty time. You two can sing or dance"

"So be prepared ok?" me and Junghwan nodded, i'm kinda nervous and excited at the same time but what will be the price though, if it's money i can pay all of my mothers interest, i hope so

A/N: So this chapter got deleted, thanks to wattpad, and i hope you like this chapter

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