Chapter 16

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Rain's Pov

It's been a day since i got sick, thanks to Junghwan and my hyungs. I can freely go anywhere now but of course Junghwan is right beside me to look out for me "So, where are we going?" he said and i look at him "I don't really know where, i'm just walking so i can have fun" 

"We've been walking like hours" 
"Yeah i know but i like walking"
"You know? Since we are close to the Fun Park(theme park)why don't we go there?" i didn't know thats there is a fun park at this village "Yes, let's go" i said,  hold his hand and run

"Wow" i look around and theres so many rides to ride and so many games to play "Ok, let's go" he said and he bought some tickets for some rides, we first rode the bump cars, we play with random peoples in the bump car, Junghwan always bump on my car "Yah, Junghwan"
"Sorry" he always said that everytime he bump his car on mine, some people take a picture of us while playing the bump car, me and Junghwan don't actually care 'cause we're having so much fun today

"Next is splash log" he said and he lead the way
"AAH!" Thanks for the plastic coat that we're wearing or else we'll get wet, it's actually like a roller coaster ride but with a twist of water "Are you ok?" he said with a glowing smile on his face "Yes, i'm having fun" i said and another big splash will come


We are in the bench eating corndogs "Did you have fun?" i nod "Yeah, this is my best day of my life, i really love this day" i said as i sip on my coke "We played a lot but we only have two tickets left" he said as he showed it to me "Tickets for?"
"Ferris Wheel"
"Ooh yeah, after we eat all of this lets ride it and go home" he nod and we continue to eat

"Look we're going up" he said as the wheel slowly move, the wheel stop for a moment and at that time  we're at the very top of the wheel "Rain?" i look at him and his face us much softer than before "You know, i ask the operator to stop the wheel from moving when we reach the very top of the wheel and give us some privacy when we reach it, look at the bottom" i did what he said and the people are moving away from the ferris wheel "Why?" i said with a confuse look

He kneeled down and show a red rose "Rain. Will you be my boyfriend?" he said and some tears started to fall from my eyes, i don't know what should i say but i can see he really work hard for it. I wipe my tears and nod "Yes, i do" i said and he gave me the rose and i take it, the rose doesn't have spikes on it, i look at him deeply straight to his eye's and then smile

 He slowly lean down on me and i didn't move, his lips touch mine, it's soft and gentle, i respond to his kiss and after 5 seconds we break it "I love you rain" he said with a really soft and gentle voice "I love you too"


"So you two already dating?" Yedam hyung said as Jughwan feed me some noodles "Yeah" Junghwan respond "I hope you two last forever" he said with a smile "Hm, well i don't know about that" i said while chewing the noodles "Yes, we can't predict the future" Junghwan said as he keep feeding me "You should eat, you keep feeding me"
"But i wan't you to be healthy"
"No, i'm full"
"This is last, i promise" i roll my eyes and open my mouth as he shove the chopstick with noodles on it and i eat it

I look at Jihoon hyung signing him to feed Junghwan, he get what i said and grab a fork to feed Junghwan "Junghwan say ah" 
"Hyu-hyung not infront of my boy-" he look at me and i gave him a death glare "Ok ok i'll eat" he open his mouth and it the pork in the fork

He look at me and i smile at him, he looks cute when being feed by Jihoon hyung. I kiss his cheeks 'cause why not i want to kiss him "Respect for the singles" Jeongwoo said while Haruto is covering Jeongwoo's eyes, and yeah Asahi hyung......................Didn't react at all

I just giggle, i just notice that i'm always with Treasure and i don't have any connections with WayV, i'm a NCT member but i don't have connection with the chinese member except Chenle hyung and Renjun hyung, i take a sip (In my secret potion JOKE) coke while thinking some random shits in my mind 

And yeah we're at school (forgot to say it sowwy) most of students still doesn't know that me and Junghwan are dating but we prefer to hide it except to our groups. NCT already know that we're dating but treasure still doesn't know except Yedam, Jeongwoo, Haruto, Jihoon, and Asahi. Atleast one of the leader of Treasure know it and he support us "Rain?" i look at Junghwan "Do you wanna go to my dorm?" 

"Yes, you said that you want your hyungs to know that you know" i said and sip on my coke "You're right and your going to sleep in my room" i almost choke at my drink and look at him "Uhm, i know that you're room mate with Jeongwoo right?" he nod "Jeongwoo will sleep in Haruto's room, right Jeongwoo?"

"Yes, i don't wanna see two of you flirting while i'm laying on my bed" he said with a sass on it "Then i got a chance to flirt on you too" Haruto said to Jeongwoo while Jeongwoo throw a disgust look on Haurto "HaJeongwoo" i said and haruto look at me with a smile "Yes, HaJeongwoo" i just laugh a bit while Jeongwoo is really disgust, but i know it's fake, i can see a blush on him


"Woah, woah, woah, You two are already dating!?" Hyunsuk hyung said with a shock/confuse look "Yes hyung, we are"
"Congrats" he said while clapping "Aigoo, i thought Junghwan will never find his the one" Jaehyuk hyung said "Our baby Junghwan has a BF" Junkyu said while dancing "Wait!? That does mean Junghwan will be rain's daddy if he slip in little space?" Junkyu said and making all the treasure look at him with curiousity "Yeah, i also thought that earlier" Yedam hyung said "So you're saying that you already know that they're dating?" Yoshi hyung said and Yedam hyung nodded "Yeah, they said it earlier to us" 

"I badly wan't to be Rain's daddy" Junkyu hyung said as i look at him with a shock face "Oh, ok bye i'm going to my room now" he said and run to his room "That's awkward" Asahi hyung said, finally he speak "Oh, i thought you never gonna speak" Hyunsuk hyung said to Asahi, we all just laugh while Asahi hyung just have a straight face like "Ah, yeah just keep laughing, it's not even funny at all" 

"We're going to my room now" Junghwan said as he hold my wrist and we headed to his room "I SWEAR! IF YOU TWO DID SOMETHING BAD IN THERE I'LL BURN THAT ROOM!" Jeongwoo said shouting at us "I PROMISE WE WILL NOT DO SUCH A BAD THINGS LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING TO FLIRT HARUTO HYUNG!" Junghwan said as i laugh "SO JUNGHWAN!!!" I just shook my head, i never expected that they're crackheads behind the camera, even the cam is on they are crackheads but not like when it's off cam

"Did you bring some clothes?" Junghwan said and i nod "Good, i'll just take a bath" he said as he entered the bathroom, i look around the room and and it looks good here i already been here tho, even there's a little bit of mess it's still look nice and it feels like home to me, i don't know i just feel like it's home

After a minute he came out and i got flustered so bad, my cheeks burn so hot, he-he-he's just uh i don't know to say but, the towel only hide his lower body. I look away and try not to make a eye contact to him "Like the view" he said and started to wear some clothes "I'll go to the bathroom now" i said and run to the bathroom to take a bath


I lay on the bed and look at Junghwan "This kinda awkward you know?" i said and he smile "Don't worry, we're always going to do this so you'll get to use it"(omayghad i'm bad at english) "Yeah, i hope so" i said and he brush my hair "Your hair is so soft" he said as he continue to play with it, i giggle "Did you like it?" he nodded "yes i like it" 

As he continue to play with my hair we heared Jeongwoo scream "YAH!! HARUTO!!!" I just laugh, Haruto hyung really did it, he flirt with Jeongwoo, i'm a high frequency person so i also can hear Haruto "Come here Jeongwoo" he said, it's like he is chasing Jeongwoo "DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME!!" Jeongwoo said "Are they always like this?" i ask Junghwan and he nodded "That's why he prefer here" he said with a laugh at it. I yawn and my eyes slowly close "Good night rain" he said while he pet my hair "Good night" i said as i nuzzle on his chest and then fell asleep in his embrace

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