Chapter 24

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Rain's Pov

It's raining and i can't go anywhere, i don't have umbrella "I don't know why it always rain in Japan" i sigh and sit on the cold floor, thanks to this small roof that protect me from the rain "What if that guy catch me again?" I forgot to ask his name, i'm being flooded by thoughts that's why i forgot to ask him. After a minute my phone vibrated, the caller I.D is unknown "Who could this be?" i need to save battery so i just decline it 

After a second it called again "Ugh! I don't even know that i have this number in my phone!?" I decline it again, i was about to power off my phone when it called again "Ok fine i'll answer it" i tap the green button then place the phone in my ear "What!?" I said in a harsh tone "Where are you?" The guy said in a cold voice but it's enough for me to recognize the voice. It's him, how the hell he got my number? I didn't say anything just keep silent 

"Where are you?" he said again and i didn't say anything. I ended the call and run faster, i don't care if i got soaked in the rain, i just want to live happily in my life and live with Junghwan, i stop on a 7/11 store and sit on the tables outside the store. I dialed Taeyong hyungs number and he picked it up quickly "Are still in the base?" He said in the other line "No, it's a house" 
"Yes, it's a house and i escape"
"Where are you?"

I look around for the possible signs and i saw one "Ok i'll just send you the picture, i'm actually on a seven-eleven store" 
"Ok stay there"
"Be quick! I think he can track me"
"He just called me earlier"

I heared him curse in the other line "Ok we'll be quick" 
"But first i need to find some clothes store, im still wearing the goddamn costume"
"Don't swear and ok be quick" He ended it

"Un, yofuku mise o shitte imasu ka?"(Uhm, do you know some clothes store?) I'm happy that Yuta hyung teach me Japanese, but i can't still read their language "Hai, massugu itte kara hidari ni to, sore ga hyoji sa remasu" (Yes, just go straight and then left, then you will see it) The guy said "Arigatogozaimashita" i thank to him and then i walk away from the 7/11 store. I follwed his instruction 

And i find the store, i enter the store and its a simple store "Not bad" i said in my mind "Yokoso!" (Welcome) i look around for a decent clothe and i find one, it just a simple black hoodie and a shorts "Here" i said and place on the counter, the girl smile and he check the price "200-Endesu" i gave the exact money and she put it in the bag. I open one dressing room door then enter to change


I came back to the 7/11 store and sit on the seats. While waiting i saw a familiar figure, i quickly hide my face with the hoodie 'cause it's him "His finding me" i said in my mind 

I look around to see where he is but he already left "Phew~" i sat there still and i got shock when i saw a person in front of me "Let's go home" the guy said and i'm froze. Did he track me!? I run away immediently but he's faster he grab me by waist 

I'm unlucky theres no people around "HELP ME!" I shout as i can, he covered my mouth "Shh no one will hear you here" he said and he slowly drag me, i kick his knee and run much faster as i can. I think he can't run fast because i kick his knee, thats clever

I called Taeyong hyung again and he pick up "Did you already change?"
"Yes, just track my phone"
"He found me" 
"Keep running"
"I'm doing it right know" 
"Ok im going to track you now"
"Just please hurry"
"Don't worry"

I keep running and running until no stamina left on me, i sit on the floor, theres lot of people in the place now "I look like a homeless man i should go to a park" i said and walk around the see a park and i found one. it's a simple park and then i sit on a swing "I hope they will find me first"

Junghwan's Pov

We already land on Japan "Ok let's split up to find him" Taeyong said and we just nod, i tried to call him but cannot be reach "Argh please" I call it again but i didn't work "Unfair how taeyong hyung can contact Rain without any problems" i said and keep calling him until he pick it up "Oh god thank you, you pick up"
"Shh!" He said on the other line "Why? He's near you?" 
"Yes" He said whispering "Just hide" he didn't say anything, a long silence between us not only he breaks it

"Ok, he's gone"
"Where are you?"
"I don't know, i'm just running and running and you know that i can't read japanese words"
"Just look around and tell me what is it"
"It looks like a city"
"Yeah, i don't know but-"
"But what?"
"Argh just help me i don't know where am i! I'm confuse!"
"Ok calm down let me see if i can track you"
"Ok i'll hung up" he said and he did

"Let see" I've been hacking some of my hyungs account and tracking them for fun, let see if i can track Rain. After a few minutes i track him "Bingo" He's in Saitama, well i'm in Tokyo and he is near. I tap Taeyong hyungs number and he pick it up "Did you find him?" He said "Yes! I know where he is"
"Where? I lost him, he is not showing when i track him"
"He's in Saitama"
"Did you track him?"
"Of course"
"Ok lets go right there now

Don't worry princess we're coming for you

Rain's Pov

I walk around in the city, my two hands are interwined. I saw a big sign says 'Saitama' "Saitama?" i'm in Saitama? To be honest, it looks beautiful here, suddenly i heard my tummy growled "Shh don't worry we'll find food" i said and walk further to see some street foods, i still have money left but i don't know if this is enough 

After a minute of walking, i saw one and i run towards it "How much is it?" I said in english "10 yen only" the guy said and i look at my pocket, it's enough for a food. I bought one and i happily eat it "Mmhh it taste good" i said while chewing it "It does" someone talk and it made me to stop chewing, i look at the guy and it was him 

He pulled me in a place that no can hear or saw us. He pinned me on the wall and my food drop on the ground "The poor food" i said in my mind (when food is lifer) "How did you escape?" he said in a deep tone "It's my fault if i escape" i said in a sassy tone, he raise one brow "Then you're saying it's my fault" this time his voice is normal "Hello, you left the glass when you're feeding me" i said and he didn't say anything 

"You're going home with me now" he said and he pulled me "No!" 
"Junghwan is no longer you bf"
"I didn't accept your love"
"But you deal to a deal" i remember the deal we made and it make me froze, i forgot the deal

"No! I'm not going with you!" I try to release his hold from my wrist but he's to strong "Somebody help!" 
"No one can hear you here" 
"Shut up!"
"I said shut up!"
"Hel-" He punch me on the stomach making me fall in the ground "I said shut up!" i'm like blacking out, the punch is so strong, my eyes close slowly then everything wen't black

Junghwan's Pov

"Help!" I heard a voice saying help and it comes from these small entrance of two building "Help!" it theres again "Shut up!" i heared someone said, Wait thats them! No wonder why the voice is so familiar "Help!" Thats probably Rain "I said shut up!" 

"Hyung i think they are here" i said to Taeyong hyung and we enter in the dark alley "I said shut up!" a loud voice said and we immediently run to see. We saw a body laying on the ground while Maxen is just looking at the body

I run towards him and punch him straight in his face, he fell on the floor and i look at the body, its Rain "Rain! Wake up!" the other try to wake him up too "I can take care of this kid" Johnny said and Maxen looks frighten "Lets go to jail kid and have a perty there" Johnny said popping his knuckles

"Johnny just take him in the jail" Taeyong said and he hold Maxens wrist "Lets go to jail!" Johnny said cheerfully. I picked up Rain on a bridal style, he black out "Don't worry princess, you're safe now" i said and kiss his forehead

A/N: This chapter sucks

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