Chapter 12

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Junghwan's Pov

I'm leaning on the tree waiting rain to comeback, after a minute he comeback wearing a hoodie with a pants, he looks good on it "You look snazzy" i said and i saw a tinded pink blush on his cheeks, i smile "You to tho" i ruffle his hair "C'mon" i said and i hold his hands as we go

"Where are we going?" he asked
"Secret" i said "Ugh say it please" he is now acting cute "Nah, i won't tell" i said he gave up. After a while we already got into the park "Park?" he said "Yeah and here" i said and he saw the picnics "Aw Junghwan" he said while looking at it "I've never experience a picnic before" 

"Now you're going to experience it" i said and i sit on the fabric, same go to him "Shall we eat?"
he nod "Yeah, i'm excited!" i smile and he open the picnic basket and grab some foods "Here take this" he said as he handed me a food "Thank you" i said and we started to eat

He actually ate a lot "You look so full" i said and he giggle "Yeah, sorry about that" he said and i shook my head "You're so twee" 
"Yeah, i'm twee" i chuckle at his sillyness, i approach him and hug him "Your so mushy" 
"You too" he said, while hugging him, something pass on my mind "Confess to him before it's to late" that line came pass on my mind, should i? "Uh rain"


"I have something to say to you"

"What is it?" i sigh heavily and look at his eye's "I-i I love you" his eye's widened and he break the hug "Are you sure?" he said with a confuse face, i nod "Yeah, i'm really sure" i said "You're under YG and i think this is not allowed"
"No, please let me love you" i hold his both hands and we're looking straigtly in the eye "I'll think about it Junghwan"


It's been a week since i confess to him, he sometimes avoid me. I think i made a mistake, i shouldn't confess to him. I can't stop thinking about him everynight, Jeongwoo thought i'm crazy, i can't sleep very well, i also skip meals

I'm actually on the school right now, i dont have any urge to talk to anyone around me, i just wan't to be alone. I open the door rooftop and sit in the middle, looking at the sky remembering the day when me and rain play his favorite song in here

"They look for picture perfect don't look deeper than the surface, bubble gum always pops and stars they fade out, life never stops" i sang the first verse of the song, instead of my voice, i heared rain's voice

"I don't do what simon's says "get that message" 'cause it's read, that's just life it never plays fair, said to follow any dream be a puppet on a strings, works for you but that isn't me" this songs is a total bop, even i don't stan who ever sing this i like it, as long as rain sing this

I was about to sing the chorus when someone sings it, it's rain

"This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, I don't give a what"

After he finish singing it, he sit right beside's me and place his head on my shoulder "Avoiding you doesn't mean i hate you" he said while looking at me "I thought you don't like me" i said and tears started to fall "No, i don't hate you nor love you, just give me some times to think about this" i don't know if he is saying the truth but i trust him. He kiss my cheeks and left me

I touch my cheeks where he kiss me and look at him while he walk away "I love you" i said whispering 


I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier, he kiss my cheeks and i can't stop smiling, i think i have a chance "You look like a creep" Jeongwoo said as he looks at me "You're a total killer joy" i said as i stop smiling "But why are you smiling" i smiled again when i remembered rain kiss my cheeks "Just....... nevermind" i said then stand up to get my laptop to play some games "He forgot to take his medicines" jeongwoo whisper but i heared it "Yeah i forgot but atleast i'm happy" i said and he shooks his head

"Yo wake up!" i woke up and saw Jeongwoo "It's 11 in the morning you're still sleeping?" he said "Sorry, i just played a lot last night" 
"You need to get up or Mashiho will eat all the foods" i stand up quickly and headed to the kitchen "You're already awake and take this and eat it quickly Mashiho is finding me and wan't to steal this bowl full of dumblings, here" Jihoon hyung said and i take the dumblings and started to eat it "Where's my Dumblings!?" i heared mashiho and his voice is kinda still cute tho not gonna lie "Run to your room" Jihoon hyung said and i nod and run to my room "Oh there it is" Mashiho hyung said when i run past by him, i started to run any directions while Mashiho hyung is chasing me "YAH! Help" i said when Mashiho catches me "Give me my dumblings" 

"No! This is mine" Yoshi grab Mashiho's waist and pulled him away from me "Ok run" he said and i run to my room locking it "Phew atleast the dumblings are safe now" i said and started to eat them, i sit on the bed and get my phone, i texted rain 'cause why not

Hey! Miss you

Thank you


Just kdding, Hahahaha

So what are you doing?

Watching a movie with my hyungs

Nice, i just check if you're doing great

That's sweet

Because i love you

YAH! My hyungs might see that

Oops sorry, not sorry ;)

Ugh, annoying

I just laugh while texting him "I really love this guy" 

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