Chapter 18

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Rain's Pov

"Guys faster the plane is going to leave anytime" Taeyong hyung said as we run to the plane that we're going to ride, Where going to have a Holiday on jeju island and i'm excited. We entered the plane and we sit on our destinated seat, i was seated with Kun hyung "This should be a quick flight" Xiaojun hyung said "We're just going to take a nap then boom, we're there" Johnny hyung said his right, just take a nap then we're there

To fill up my boredness, i'm reading some story's, i brought some of my wattpad books so i won't get bored, the books are mostly fantasy, i have some love stories but i prefer fantasies 'cause im sick and tired on wattpad love stories "Hey can i borrow some" Kun hyung said and i nod "Sure, here" i said and lift my bag to place it on the small table "Oh, i never thought that you have a lot's of books"

"Yeah, just grab what you wan't"
"Hmm? Fantasy, i'm going to read this" he said and i nod "Pst! Can we borrow some books to?" Taeyong hyung said and i nod "Sure, how many and what genre?" 
"Two and both love story" Taeyong hyung said as i grab some two love story and gave it to them

I see Jaeyong are reading love story, it smells fishy. After an hour we finally came to the island and they bring back my books to me "Thanks rain, i love the story" Kun hyung said, same as Taeyong hyung and Jaehyun hyung

"Finally, we're here" Yuta hyung said as he strecth his arms "Did you got a better sleep?" Winwin hyung said "Kinda" A quick response from Yuta hyung "Ok guys lets go get a rooms ok?" Taeyong hyung said and we all nod


Me and Renjun hyung are room mates and i actually prefer with Renjun hyung as long as i don't get choke by those small hands "Taeyong said that we need to change and go to the beach" Renjun hyung said and i nod "Ok hyung" i said and headed to the bathroom to take a shower first "Hey you're taking a shower?" 
"Yes hyung"
"Be quick, i also need a shower"

I guess he also prefer to take a shower first before swimming, i don't wanna dive in with a stinky body in the beach, thats embarassing. Before heading out to the bathroom i wear a over size white T-shirt and a small shorts that reveal my thighs to much, i headed out to the bathroom and dry my hair with a towel "I bet Junghwan will drool to much saliva if he saw your fat thighs" he said before entering the bathroom "Does my thigh looks fat?" i said in my mind, i just shrug it and sit on the bed

After a minute Renjun hyung came out with the same outfit but his short is not small unlike mine "We should go now" He said and we headed to the beach

"Ok everybody is here!" Taeyong hyung said when Hendery hyung and Kun hyung came "Jaehyun, Yuta, and me found a available volleyball area and lucky i brought a volleyball" For me it's not exciting at all, i'm not a fan of sports, besides i don't have any sports, i can swim but it's not my thing

"Ok, who wants to play?" Half of the team raise their hands but not me "Winwin, Rain, Xiaojun, Jisung. Why all of you don't want to play?" Taeyong hyung said "I don't know volleyball" i said raising my hand so he can notice me "Ok, understandable" he said while nodding. i put down my hands and sit right beside on a tree so the shadow will protect me with the sun

"So they will be the audience" Haechan hyung said "Yeah they will"
"Ok, Me, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jaemin, and Mark will be my team" Taeyong hyung said "Yuta, Jungwoo, Haechan, Ten, and Johnny will be the second team" 

"Me of course the leader of my team while Johnny is the leader in the second team" Taeyong hyung said "I didn't expect that i will be the leader" Johnny hyung said follow by a laugh by Ten hyung "Yeah, me too. You act like a kid so it's unexpected" Ten hyung said

"So we have two rounds, the first team will play in the first round is my and johnny's team"
"So Doyoung, Jeno, Renjun, Chenle, and Yangyang is the thrid team while the fourth team is Taeil, Kun, Hendery, Sungchan, and Shotaro"

"So i'm the leader?" Doyoung hyung said and Taeyong hyung nodded "Yeah, some go as Kun, he's the leader"

"Ok, LET THE BATTLE BEGGINS!" Haechan hyung said and the game begins, they started playing while me and the others just watch, i don't know if i'm a introvert or extrovert but i feel the both sometimes i'm extrovert and now i'm a introvert, i don't know but just feel it

After a few minutes bored since volleyball is not my thing "I'm going to leave hyung" i said to Xiaojun hyung and he just nod. I headed back to the building where my share room is walking in the lobby i heared a familiar voice "Argh! Why he's not answering it" the guy said with a annoy tone on it, i followed his voice and it's leads to a empty area of the lobby, as i reach it there the guys is facing a wall while his phone is on his ear. The body figure looks familiar, the hair style also looks familiar. The guy turned around and i saw his face, It's Junghwan

"Junghwan!" I run towards him and hug him, he has a shock face "Why you didn't say that you're also here" i said to him, he smile and hug me to "I was busy so i forgot to say it to you. By the way why you're here?"

"My hyungs are here and we're taking a vacation" i said "You look so cute" he pinch my cheeks not that hard "Where's your hyungs?" i said breaking the hug and look around "They're in their roo-" he stop at his saying and i look at him with a confuse look "Why did you stop" i said and i look at him, his eyes are looking down and i saw gulp on his neck. I look down and notice my thighs. Renjun hyung is right, I look at him and slap his biceps "Pervert!" i said and walk away 

"Hey, i'm sorry ok, it's not my fault anyways"
"So you're saying that it's my fault?" He nod 
"Yeah" i pout "But don't worry, i like your sexy side" He said and wiggle a one eye brow "Junghwan!" 
"Ok, ok, you need to change"
"I don't want any men stole you from me 'cause that thigh attract so many mens, look" he said and i look around, a lot of men is looking at me and some of them have a pervert stare on me "We should go" i said and hold his hands and run to the empty elevator and press 4th floor 'cause thats the floor where my share room with Renjun hyung is

I swipe the card and we enter the room "You got a nice room" he said and sit on the couch "Yeah i like it a lot" 
"You like the room more than me?" he said with a pout "Don't say you're getting jealous in a god damn room" He nod "I want your attention only me" he said with whinny tone  "Your being a baby again" i said and comb my hair a bit "But you're my baby" he said, i place down the comb in the table and come near him and sit on his lap 

He didn't expect that i will seat on his lap "Your blushing" i said "No" he said quickly, i just shut my mouth 'cause i don't want to argue to him and give him a quick peck on his lips "What was that for?" he said and he looks like a tomato right now "Nothing" i said with a smile "Can you do that again?" he said with a low tone

(A/N: No smut happening they're just going to kiss. Junghwan is a baby ok his to innocent for smuts)

I kiss his lips again, i was about to break the kiss when he put his hands back at my head making the longer. He lift me and place me on the bed and gently kiss me, i wrap my hands around his neck as he continue kiss me. I can't detect any lust on it i can only feel love around us. We broke the kiss and we're hard "This is normal" i said with a giggle "Yeah, having a boner is normal"
"So i make you turn on?" he nod "We should stop before we do something bad"
"Yeah we should"

We sit on the edge of the bed and look to each other " Do you wanna go to beach?" he said "Yeah but before we do that, lets rest a bit 'cause our boner still visible" i said and he laugh "Oh yeah i didn't think about that"
"We should play some songs before going to the beach"
"Thats a great idea" i snatch my phone and connected it to the speaker and we play some songs to jam

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