Chapter 4

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Rain's Pov

I'm on Sooman's Office he said that i need to come on his office but where he is? "Ah hello?" i said making sure if someone with me "Oh you're here" a door opened and Sooman show up "Come sit here" he said and i sit infront of his desk "So first of all........why i'm here?" 

"Well look. I gave you a scholar ship and you're attending School of Performing Arts Seoul" my eyes widened, Im attending a school that idols attend, i stand up and bow at Sooman "Thank you thank you, i'll accept it" Sooman smiled "You better accept it, you can go now and sleep early cause you have school tomorrow" he said and i bow again and leave

I don't know why i'm screaming inside, i think im just overwhelm i open the door of NCT DREAM door and i saw them in the front door like they are waiting for me "Ok spill the tea what happen?" Haechan hyung said "Yeah why Sooman wants to meet you?"

I sigh and i look at them "He gave me scholar ship"
"Well that's normal, what school are you attending?" 
"SOPA" i said and their eyes are wide open "HE IS OUR SCHOOLMATE" they cheered and Jaemin hyung hug me tight "Ok Jae-jae-min h-yung yo-ur k-ki-illing me" 
"oh sorry" he release me from his tight hug and i breathe


It was the day that i'm attending the SOPA, the yellow uniform is so bright its like it doesn't suit me, ok lets not talk about that my anxiety might attack me if i think about negative thoughts, im on the Van with the dreamies and im kinda nervous like most of the students are rich while me yeah just a normal kid

We arrived at the school and we stop at the parking lot, when we got out a lot of people are in the front of the building and they're holding cameras, oh they are reporters when we got closer the reporters look at us and said "The Dreamies are here!!!" they started taking pictures and i hide behind Jeno hyung cause i trust him more

I started to hear comments like
"Who's that?"
"Is that the new member?"
"Is he rain?"
"Why he is here?"
When they knew it's me they started running towards me and some of them try to grab my wrist but failed, Jeno hyung hold my hand and he hid me, we walk faster and successfully entered the building, i look behind me, the reporters are like zombie who want to eat me and the other idols, Jeno hyung release his hold to my hands

"Beware of them ok" he said and i nod "Oh by the way, did you saw my message to you?" i shook my head, i didn't know that he message me "You better look it, i message your schedules" i open my phone and a notification saying that Jeno hyung texted me i open it and i saw my schedules

(A/N: This is my own schedules)

9:00 Music
10:00 Free-time
11:00 Dancing
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Taekwondo
2:00 Gym

I got nervous at Taekwondo, i never did that before "Ok we need to get going" Chenle hyung said "Rain come with me i'll lead you to your room" Renjun hyung said and i follow him, we stop at a sliding door room "Heres your room go in" he said and he left me, i sign of the cross and prayed before entering, my hands are shaking while opening the door and few students are in the room and the teacher is still not here, the students look at me and my Anxiety triggered

"Hello" i said and they smile, i guest they are not that bad "Come in you're welcome" i entered the room and i don't know where to sit "Here sit there, no one is sitting there" the girl said and i thank her "Whats your name?" the girl said "Oh im Rain" i said "Your name is cute, by the way im Eunchae" i smile cause i have a new friend, i thought they are bad, i think im wrong "And can i ask you why you're here?" 

"Oh yeah sooman just gave m-"
"Wait wait wait your saying that your a official idol of SMTOWN?" she said and i nod "Oh my god do you know that i want to be an idol in SM and yeah continue"
"Like i said Sooman just gave me a scholarship to attend here"
"Your lucky that he gave you a scholar ship" i nod and didn't say anything "So are you in a new boy group?" i shook my head "I'm the new member of NCT" her eyes widened and she sqweeled "Oh my god i'm a big fan of them" she said 

The door open and a guy showed up, when he look at me my eyes widened, it was Junghwan, i averted my gaze and look at Eunchae "Uh can i ask something" i said and she nod "Yeah what is it?"

"Why the Maknae of Treasure is here?"
"He is our classmate why?" i shook my head "Nothing just asking" i said and look at my books cause i don't wanna look around "Oh yeah are you big fan of them?"
"Just a little" i only listen to their song Boy cause its catchy, after a while i look around and i cant see Junghwan around "Hmm i guest he leave" i said in my mind, i look around if he really leave but i'm shock when i saw him right beside me "Hey you're my classmate" he said with a smile and i'm gonna die, i just nod and didn't say anything "You're the guy in the convenience store right?" i hope that the floor can swallow me so i can run away from him, i dont really know to say right should i lie? "Uh....."

"Aw come on i know it's you"
"So why you're asking him if you already know it's him" Eunchae said with a sass on her tone, also thank god she save me "Why? theres nothing wrong if i ask him if it was him"

"No you probably talk to wrong person" i said smoothly "Nah i think it's you" he said and sit beside me "And you will be my seatmate for months so we can be friends" Now i'm doom my ultimate crush is my seatmate and he is making friends on me "Yeah just don't disturb him" Eunchae said while writing something on her notebook, i'm glad that im seating beside Eunchae cause and i can trust her, but Junghwan i dont know

I'm looking at the window while the music teacher is teaching and i also introduce my self earlier and it was a total nightmare, even tho i'm looking on the window i still listen "Ok so we're going to do groupings, one is a vocal and one is a musician, you will perform here in front" well i've been dancing and singing in front of many people in stage so i have confidence to sing infornt of my classmates "Ok here's the grouping so Eunchae and Donghyun, Rain and Junghwan" My eyes widen and now my confience started to get low, i have so many classmates like we are 40+ here but why Junghwan, i look at him and he has a wide smile "We are partners" he said and i just nod "Yongrae and Ayeong, so thats all" The teacher said and the bell ring "Ok class dismised" i grab my things and immediently leave

I'm on the school garden cause Haechan hyung said that we will be hanging around here at free-time, i'm with Jaemin hyung and waiting for others. After a while they all came Renjun hyung place a fabric on the grass, i remember that i have some food in my bag like chips, i place them on the fabric and we all sit in the fabric, we're just eating and talking some random things "Yeah he just doing some choirs in the dorm and he pft he slip and fall down" Haechan hyung said saying that Jaemin hyung slip "HEY!" We laugh cause they look cute when they argue


The school ended and i grab my things "Hey" i look at the person who called me and it was Junghwan "So.......we are partners and the deadline is friday" since its monday we still have lots of time to practice but only him cause i'm vocal so my job is easy "Do you wanna do it right now or tomorrow?" he said shyly "Hmm i think we should start tomorrow at 8 in the morning" i can't go with him today, i don't want my hyungs to get worry "Ok 8 at the rooftop of the school" i nod at him and i wanna die right now "So see you tomorrow" 

"Ok see you tomorrow" to be honest my soul wanna leave my body like i wanna die how cute he is. I saw Jeno hyung in the front of the building and i approach him "Your here, lets wait for the others ok?" i nod and he ruffle my hair, i like it when he did that, after a while we are complete now and we entered the van to go home 

A/N: this chapter sucks

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