Chapter 13

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Rain's Pov

"That's exhausting" i sigh and wipe my sweat, i dance some dance practice like 'I Can't Stop Me' of twice and 'Make A Wish' from my hyungs. I'm currently alone in the dance studio and sit on the floor "Aah~ I think i'm going to die, my lungs" I have a weak lungs but i love dancing, it's making me more comfortable even it will kill my lungs

After a while, my phone rings and look at the caller I.D. It's Junghwan, yeah i gave my number to him 'cause he's been asking my number like every morning, every noon, every night, even midnight. I pick it up 

/MY BABY!!!/

I move out the phone on my ear and i think my ears will bleed any time

/Yes? And i'm not your missing baby/

/Oh yes you are. Where are you?/

/Somewhere you can't find me/

/I'm getting worried you know? What if that guy rape you again/

/That happened like a month ago Junghwan, i think he is not going to do that again/

/No, he will do that again. Now tell me where are you?/

/Guest it, i'm not the type of person go out that much/

/Hmmm?................. Ah i know dance studio! I'm coming/

He hung up "He knows me well" i said and grab my tumbler to drink some water. After a minute he came "You make me worried you know? Your hyung said you're not in the dorm so i get worried" he said and sit on the floor then hug me, correction we are not in relationship "You're always worried when i'm not right beside you"

"Yes, because that stubborn guy might stole you from me" he said and he tighten his hug a bit, i look at him and said "You don't need to be possessive, besides we're not dating and no one is here except from us"
"Correction, 'we're not even dating YET' and yeah i like this we are alone just us" i roll my eyes and let him hug me

I took some strawberries on my basket bag and eat it "Can you feed me some? I can't let go i wanna hug you like forever" i have no choice, i feed him one strawberry and his tounge accidently touch my fingers "Oh sorry i didn't mean that" he said while chewing "You better not. But you said you didn't mean it so i forgive you" i said and pinch his nose, i saw a pink blush on his cheeks and i smiled 

"Ah. You're blushing"
"N-no, i'm not"
"Don't deny it, i can see it" i poke his cheeks
"Real men don't blush" i chcukle
"Then real men don't fall in love with boys"

He didn't say anything for a minute "Ok, you win" he said and he place his chin on my shoulder "Can i ask you?"
"Yes what is it?"
"Why did you fall in love with me?" 

"Well you know, we've been partners right?" i nod "when we're practicing then you started singing i fell in love quickly to you" he said while looking at me "Oh yeah, just like Yedam hyung" i said and he look at me with kinda wide eyes "You know that!?" i nod "T-thats embarassing"

"Oh don't get embarassed big baby, just listen to this song ok?" he nod and grab my phone and play a song

If You Want My Love
(By: Little Mix)

Sick and tired of your same mistakes
You never give me what I want
Boy, get yourself together
You say you want me, but it's too late
I'ma keep it movin', babe
I ain't waitin' 'round forever

Now you're ringin' up my phone
Sorry love, I ain't at home
'Cause it's Saturday night, and I'm on a vibe, baby

If you want my love
Boy, you better know
You've got to work
Baby, before I give it up
Whatever you're doin', it ain't enough
Baby, if you want my love

Come on boy, let's face it
Everything you're doin' right now is so basic
Baby, get the picture
Need to movе quicker
Don't you know that if you want my love
You gotta give mе more than pleasure?
Make me feel like I'm the type of sh- that you treasure
I know you got potential to show me that you're special
Give me that, give me that

Now you're ringin' up my phone
Tryna get me all alone
But it's Saturday night, and I'm on a vibe, baby

If you want my love (I)
Boy, you better know (You better know)
You've got to work
Baby, before I give it up
Whatever you're doin', it ain't enough (Oh)
Baby, if you want my love

You should've known that I come first
Should've gave what I deserve
Like I gave it, gave it all to you
There's only one way to make your wish come true (Ooh)

If you want my love (Ooh-ooh)
If you want my love, you better know (You better know)
You gotta work before I let you go
If you want my love
If you want my love, you better know (You better know)
You gotta work before I let you go (You gotta)
If you want my love, baby
(If you want my love, you better know)
Boy, you better know
You got to work (You got to work)
(You gotta work before I let you go)
Baby, before I give it up
(If you want my love, you better know)
Whatever you're doing, it ain't enough
(You gotta work before I let you go)
Baby, if you want my love

"You played that on purpose right?" i nod "If you wan't my love, then you need to work it" i said and pat his cheeks "Yes, i'll work for it" he said as he snuggles on me, after a while i heared a 'click' right behind us and i look back, some sassaengs took a pic of us and they run "Sh*t, some sassaengs took a pic of us"

"They run"
"Oh no please, i don't wanna lose you"
"Let's go chase them" i said and he agreed

We chase the sassaengs, they are not that fast so i think we can catch them "Quick" i said and Junghwan run and woah he is fast cheetah "I guest he can catch up without me, but i still need to catch those peoples!" i follow Junghwan

I was running when i saw Junghwan holding the sassaengs arm "I caught them!" he said and i approach them "I'm right you can catch them without me" i said 
"Ok, why did you two took a picture of me and him?" i said pointing at Junghwan "So we can post it on social media"
"Content" the girl said whispering while she look down "Yeah, you guys seems like, couple?" the guy said and i bet this two are couples "Can you two just delete that 'cause we're not literaly dating, we're just friends or just give me your phone so i'm sure it's already deleted" i said and the girl gave her phone to me, i open the phone and tap the gallery

Thank god it's just a one picture, i delete it PERMANATLY DELETED "Here" i said as i gave the phone to her "Can we just ship you two?" the girl said and me and Junghwan look the each other, since Junghwan is behind this two. They cant see him nodding "Yes, just ship but don't take it serious ok?" 

The couple nod and they left "I think we're safe if we're in my dorm?"
"Nah, i'm tired i wanna go home, i've dance a lot here today" i said and he nod "Ok, let me take you home" i nod


"Hi hyungs" i said when i entered the 127 dorm 'cause the dreamies are busy doing NCT DAILY "Hi rain, how are you doing?" Taeyong hyung said
"Here exhausted" i said and lay on the couch "Why are you tired maknae?" Johnny hyung said as he come outside on his room "I dance a lot at the dance studio" 
"I see"

"Here, let me give you some warm hugs" Jungwoo hyung said as he lay right next to me and hug me "Yeah, it's warm hug" i said as i felt Jungwoo hyungs warmth "This is the reason why you're my favorite hyung" i said and he ruffle my hair "Yeah yeah, know sleep maknae" he said and i nuzzle more into him and fell asleep

Junghwan Fall In Love To His FanboyWhere stories live. Discover now