Chapter 23

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Junghwan's Pov

"Junghwan!" Jeongwoo shout running to me "What?" I said when he reach me and he's breathing heavily "Y-your rain" He said still breathing heavily "What happened to him?" Now i'm getting worried, he relax first before answering me "He got kidnap by Maxen" My eye's widened and my blood is boiling from anger "WHAT!?" The students start to look at me but i didn't care

"Where is that bastard!?" I said and Jeongwoo shake his head "I don't where Maxen is. He's probably absent" 
"How did you know he got kidnap?"
"His hyungs inform me. They investigate yesterday in the old base of Maxen but they didn't see Rain. They said there's possibility that Maxen brought Rain to his second base" 

I knew it he will do this! "Do you know where's Maxen 2nd base is?" Jeongwoo shake his head "No one knows except from his minnions" 
"We need to find one minnion" I said and look around "There's time for that we need to get in our room" I shook my head "No! I'm not attending school today"
"I said no!" He didn't say anything and just nod "If want then, goodluck" 


*Knock* I knock on the dreamies dorm and i heared "WAIT!" I guess it's Haechan hyung because of small voice. The door opened and yes it's Haechan hyung "O-oh J-junghwan, why you're here?" I can tell that they are scared to say it to me "I know everything hyung" I said and i heared him curse under his breathe "Shit. I shouldn't said it to Jeongwoo" He said but i didn't mind "Oh yeah so why you're here? You suppose to be in school?" He said raising one brow 

"I wanna help hyung" i said "I didn't expect that" He said "Are you sure?" i nod "I will ride or die for him"
"Now i know why Rain loves you" 
"We promise to protect each other"
"Ok, come in"

He open the door wide open so i can enter "Junghwan?" Chenle hyung said with a confusion "I wanna help and i know that Rain got kidnap by Maxen" They didn't say anything, they just stared at me "What a brave kid you are" Jeno hyung said with a little smirk and breaking the silence "He will ride or die for our maknae" Haechan hyung said

"Ok we will let you but first we need Taeyongs permission and your leader" Jeno hyung said and i nod "I'll do anything just to save what's mine" i said with a confidence on it "I see" He said and he call Taeyong their leader

"Hello hyung someone wants to help finding Rain" Jeno hyung said "Oh you wanna know?" i think the leader is trying to say who is it "He's one and only brave boyfriend. Junghwan" He said with a smile on it and his eye smile are iconic "Ok" he said and he tap something 

"Junghwan" Taeyong hyung said, it's on a loud speaker "It's our pleasure to accept your help but are sure?" 
"Yes, im sure"
"Ok we have a plan and it involves you"
"Spill it" i said and i'm sure Taeyong is raising a brow right now "Ok, here it is"


Rain's Pov

Sitting on the floor hopeless, tears still falling in my eye looking down in the floor. My stomach growled, i haven't eaten anything yet since yesterday but i'm glad that there's clean water dispenser here so i can substitute water as a food

While drinking a lot of water the door open and Maxen showed up with a tray of food, the food looks normal, he kneeled down infront of me "I'm sorry for the hickeys and bruise on your lips, i just can't help my self" I don't know why he's nice to me but he still rape me sometimes when he's in mood to do it

"You're getting thinner, here i've got you some food" he said and place the tray on the floor, he was about to left when i called him "What?" i showed my hands being tied up "Oh, sorry i forgot" He kneeled down again infront of me and started feeding me. To be honest the food is not bad at all "I cooked this, do you like it?" I nod as a answer "I'm glad you liked it" I don't know why but he's suppose to be bad but i don't see it

Is he really love me or something? Is he just acting so i could fall for him? Maybe that's it i shouldn't trust this guy. He keeps feeding me until i finish all of it "I bet you're really hungry" he said and stood up leaving me again

I sigh. Its boring here i can't do anything, i look around to make my self temporary happy and i saw a glass, half empty glass and i can reach it. I grab the glass and shattered it to pieces, i hope he didn't hear that

I grab the sharp very pointy broken glass and try to cut the rope. My hands are free now, since i can move hands freely i try to unknot the lead in my feet and i unknot it. I rub off the dust in my costume yes i'm still wearing the costume

I look around to see wheres my phone is and i saw it on a very small table, i dial Taeyong hyungs number "C'mon please pick it up" i said in a very low tone, after a few rings he answer it "Thank god you answer it" i said whispering "Where are you? Send me the adress"

"Ok please save me hyung" 
"Ok just send me the adress"
"I'll text it to you and im free right now im not being tied cause they left the glass"
"Junghwan will be there he will save you"
"Wait, No he will get in danger"
"He said he will ride or die for you"

I didn't say anything, i just cant believe how he loves me. Now i want to leave this god damn place, someone is waiting for me "I need to find the way out" i look around but theres no way out except from the door

I reach the doorknob and slowly open it, i first saw a stairs like stair way to heaven. I step on the stair and slowly walk up, Theres another door and its wooden unlike the door behind me made by steel. I slowly open the wooden door and its a

"Room?" i look around and its a boys room, the walls is painted in blue, there's some bookshelfs even the door that i open is a bookshelf "I thought i was on a base or something" i look on the window the place is looks like Japan very clean and colorfull walls and fences. Wait! don't tell me i'm Japan!?

I'm panicking right now what if i'm in Japan? I call Taeyong hyung again and he pick it up immediently "Now what place is it?" He said in the other line "I think i'm in Japan" 
"WHAT!?" that made me flinch a bit

"It looks like Japan, the place is very clean in the outside, also the drainage water is also clean"
"How the hell did you get there?"
"I don't know? Im just past out then awake up i'm already tied up"
"It's not a big deal. Korea is close to Japan" 
"Just please hurry up i already saw the sign and it's written in japanese i'll take a pic of it then i'll send to you" 
"Ok i'll hung up now"

He hung up and i took a picture of the sign hoping that was the street sign "Ok mom i'll be right back" I heared Maxen said and i immediently panick "Where should i hide?" i saw the bed and hide under it, the door open and i can only see his feet. I hope he will not go down there 

"He's so quiet. What is he doing?" oh god please don't go downstairs. he slowly walk near the secret door and he open it, shit. He walk in and close the door, a light bulb pop out in my head, i can trap him there by blocking the door using this bed

I slowly crawl out under the bed and give all of my strenght to push the bed to block the door. I succesfully push it and it's perfect, he cannot go out. I open the window as a escape before i can jump the soud of a door trying to be open ring on my ear, i look at the secret door and he's trying to open it. I hear him cursing, i jump on the window and run faster as i can

I'm lucky that i have money behind my phone, i always put money inside the phone case "Now where should i go?" i said to my self and look around. Maybe in this town i can saw some of my Japanese friends family like Mashiho hyung Yoshi hyung  or Haurto hyung even the living robot Asahi hyung "I need to get going now" i said and roam around the city

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