Chapter 9

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Junghwan's Pov

"This should be good right?" i said and Rain nod "yeah let's purchase the noodles" we're in the convenience store where we first meet, We place the noodles on the cashier counter and the guys started scanning them, after the guy scanning it we handed him the right amount of cash then we grab the plastic of bags full of instant noodles "You sure you can lift all of that?"

"Yeah, besides it's not heavy at all" He is not lying, the instant ramen is not that heavy but he is a feminist type unlike me, we're just walking until we reach the dreamies dorm "Thank you Junghwan" he said and smile at me "Here's the other noodles" i handed the bag and he grab it "Thank you again, sorry for disturbing you. My hyungs are to lazy to buy their own foods"

I just laugh and wait till he entered the dorm "Good night rain" i said in my mind and started walking away


I lay on my bed and stretch my arms "So hows the date?" I look at Jeongwoo and glared him a shot "It's not a date!"
"But i smell something different"
"Then what is it?"
"If it's not a date, why you dress like that? And why you smell so good?"
I look at my self and yeah

I look so good, instead of a hoodie i wear long sleeve turtle neck and rip jeans and i smell girl perfume 'cause rain prefer girls perfume than guys "Tell me, are starting to fall in love with him, i mean yeah his voice will make you fall in love, if you love him......Don't hide it" 

I was stun for a bit at Jeongwoo's words, i'm really confused, do i love him? Ever since we met i started to think about him, dream about him "Confes to him before it's to late" i was taken aback to reality when Jeongwoo started to talk again "I don't have feelings for him" i don't know why i said that "You say so" he said 


I invited rain 'cause it's Mashiho's birthday, we all agreed that we invite rain because he is fun to hang out, the doorbell rang "I'll get it" i said and run to the door to open it, when i open it. It showed up rain with a cute tee design with a red heart shape and a tight pant's perfectly fitted on him, he snap his fingers close to me and i snap back to reality "Why you're staring? You like saw medusa and turn into a stone" i laugh a bit at his joke "Come on" i said and he enter

He greeted Mashiho happy birthday and he handed his gift to him, of course rain cared about others but he can't even look after to his self, he is lack of self love that's why i wan't to be with him like everyday. Wait what am i saying. Am i in love with him? I shrug all of my thoughts and look at him

He is having fun with my hyungs, he is smiling even tho it's fake, i know all rain body language, i know if he is faking a smile or forcing a laugh, like his brain saying that 'force a smile, force everthing' and his heart saying like 'say you're in a deep sadness so they can comfort you' but he can't show it to others, cause he said it to me that "We live in a judgemental world so i prefer to hide it than showing it" he said that before to me when we're chatting and he is in deep sadness 

He is eating a cake on the couch and i sit right beside him "Is it good?" he look at me with a kinda surprise reaction "Yeah, its delicious" he said and continue to eat "I actually made that with my hyungs" 
"Whoa you can bake?" i nod
"I'm not lying though, its really good"
"I'm glad that you liked it" i said with and smile and i put my hands around his shoulders

I don't why i did that but my heart says do it. i look at him and his cheeks is burning, you can see a tinted bright pink on his cheeks, he just continue eating a peice of cake, well i think i wan't to tease him more but maybe this is enough

The party went well and some of the guest are still having fun, i look at rain talking with Haruto and Junkyu, argh those guys always stole my spotlight! someone elbowed me and it was Jeongwoo "Jealous huh?"

"There" he pointed at rain
"Why? Whats wrong with him?"
"Oh come on, don't hide it to me, i know you like him" i sigh and nod "Yeah i like him"
"Or more than like"
"What do you mean?"
"Maybe....You love him than like"

"What love?" Hyunsuk hyung said surprising me and Jeongwoo "Uh n-nothing hyung, nothing" i said with a awkward laugh "Yeah it's nothing just talking about our song I Love You, yeah hehehe" Jeongwoo said saving me "You sure? I thought you two have a girlfriend or if you have you will sleep outside, if it's a boyfriend well it's ok" he said and he leave

"Does he support LGBTQ+?"
"I think so" we look at each other and laugh "You know let's party, since the party is not yet over" Jeongwoo said and i agree

The party is over and the dorm is so messy except rain's place, the couch is ok not messy at all, how can he manage to be clean. He stand up and started to grab all the cups on the floor "Hey you can go, you don't need to help us" i said but he shook his head "No it's my pleasure to help, besides your hyungs is like my hyungs to" he said and he dump the plastic cups on the trash can "I will go home if the dorm is clean" i didn't say anything and let what he want, i help cleaning the dorm after a minute the dorm is clean 

"I'm going home now" rain said and i look at him "Oh im going with you"
"No, i'm fine i called my hyungs to pick me up, i don't wan't to disturb you its midnight now" he said and he bid his goodbye to us, we all said good bye to him, after that my hyungs started to look at me "What?"

"Yeah it just smell fishy here, i don't know why?"
"Yeah me to"
"Everytime Rain comes here somone is dying inside"

I know who their talking about, i just ignore them and close my door room and lay on the bed to sleep 'cause i'm tired and it's midnight. I wanna see Rain with full of energy tomorrow

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