Chapter 6

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Rain's Pov

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face, i adjust my sight and i'm in my room "How did i get here?" i said in my mind, i look at my clothes and i'm wearing a unifrom. Wait did i sleep wearing a uniform!? I try to refresh my brain to recall what happened yesterday but i don't remember a thing, i only know is singing with Junghwan but i don't know how did i sleep

I went to the kitchen to eat something and i saw Jeno hyung cooking some food "Morning" he said with his iconic smile, i would die to be honest "Good Morning" i said and he continue cooking "Can i ask you something?"

"Yeah what is it?"
"How did i end up sleeping in my room and why i'm still wearing uniform?" he stop cooking and he look at me "You don't know what happened?" i shook my head "No, i don't" i heared him sigh, he turn off the stove and he sit on the chair "Listen, your classmate Junghwan notice you fell asleep beside him, he tried to call us with your phone but your phone has a password, he has no other option is to bring you in their dorms and he asked his hyungs to call us"

"Wait he bring me into their dorm!?" he nod "Yes" i'm speechless, my crush did that!? I look at Jeno hyung and smile "Ok thank you hyung" i said and he continue cooking the food that he is making, i took a quick shower first before eating 'cause i probably smell bad

After a quick shower i went to the kitchen again and then i saw Renjun hyung and Haechan hyung bickering

"The chicken is mine!"
"No! It's mine!"
"Well Jeno. Who deserve the chicken" Haechan hyung said and we all look to Jeno hyung for his answer "Me" i tried not to laugh and Renjun hyung and Haechan hyung touch their chest as if they are hurt "How dare you to stole my chicken!" 
"Yeah!" Oh now they arguing with Jeno hyung "Cause i cooked the chicken" you can't even see madness on Jeno hyung, he is always smiling like nothing bad happening even there's two people fighting infront of him

Someone pat behind me and it's Jisung hyung "What's happening?" 
"Well look Renjun hyung and Haechan hyung are fighting"
"Ah, thats normal" we're actually hiding behind a wall 'cause we don't wanna get involed "Are they always like this?" i ask Jisung hyung and he nod "They always fight for a food" i giggle a bit "Well i see" the arguing stops when Jaemin hyung entered the scene "Hey guys stop fighting, don't fight in the morning, instead fight at the night comes" Lol i thought he is going to stop it, but i guest not 

"You're not helping!" Renjun hyung said and look back at Haechan hyung "The chicken will be mine" he said and he left, the fight is actually 20 minutes long, me and Jisung hyung revealed our selves and sit in the chairs "Did you two heared everything they say?" Jeno hyung said to me and Jisung hyung and we both nod "Don't copy them ok kids? Thats bad" he said and we just nod again


I'm climbing the stairs and open the rooftop door "That's exhausting" i said and i look around, i saw Junghwan sitting on the same spot where we practice yesterday morning "Hey" i called him and he look at me "Hey" he said with a smile and i sit beside him "Thank you" i said and he look at me with confuse face "Why your saying thank you?"

"Cause you didn't left me at the park" i said and i'm looking at his glassy eyes "No problem you should sleep early so it won't happened again" he said and i nod, i look at the sky and the clouds are even more puffier "You know, most of people intended to leave me in the mid-air, they think that i'm useless 'cause i have a low IQ" I laugh a little at the part low IQ "Even my family thinks that i don't have bright future" Now a tear escaped in my eyes and i started crying so hard "They all think i'm useless, thats why i'm here" He wrap his arms around me and cried on his chest "Shh stop crying, don't let your Anxiety attack you again" he said while rubbing circles on my back. After a minute i got calm and no more tears running down

I wipe my tears using my fingers "Thank you Junghwan"
"Thank you 'cause you're the only person who did that to me" i said while smilling and looking deeply into his eye's

Junghwan's Pov

I was overthinking when Jeongwoo tap my shoulder "You ok?" i just nod "Yeah i'm ok" im actually ok but seeing Rain being attack by his Anxiety, it's hard to look at him. I look at him and he seems ok "What's with him?" I look at Jeongwoo and i sigh "He cried earlier. His anxiety attack" 

"Ok now i know why you look sad, are you worried about him?" i glance at him and averted my gaze, didn't say anything "I know you cared about him" 

"Yes, i cared about him, a lot"
"Do you have feeling for him?" my eyes widened "N-n-no i d-don't" 
"Then why are you stuttering" 
"None of your business and i don't have feeling for him"
"You say so"


I was hiding not wanting to Jihoon hyung baby me again "Junghwan yoohoo~ Where are you Junghwan~" i'm peaking out to see if Jihoon hyung is still around but theres no Jihoon presence. Someone tap my shoulder and i slowly look back

And there's Jihoon hyung smiling devilish on me "JUNGHWAN!" He tackle me and ruffle my hair so hard "Why are you hiding from me huh?" 

"Uh.................. I don't know" 
"Ok come on let's eat so i can feed you. I don't like seeing my baby have a thin tummy" Oh god how can i escape in this hell hole

The school ended, i look at Rain packing his things up "Hey" i said and he look at me "Hi Junghwan" he said with a smile and i notice that he is wearing a glasses, the glasses looks like harrypotter's glasses but silver "You're wearing glasses?" he nod "Yes i always do"

"But you didn't wear glasses in your first day"
"Yeah i tried to change but you know" he said, and his sadness is attacking again "Is your anxiety coming back" he shook his head "No, don't worry"

"So tomorrow will be Thursday and it's our last practice.......... I just wan't to say that. Can you go to my dorm so we can have our last practice?" He look at me and he didn't say anything for like 10 seconds "Uhm i think theres nothing bad at that, sure" i smile and ruffle his hair, i also notice that he looks cute when his hair looks messy "You look cute when your hair is messy" i said and he blush, he fix his hair and bid a goodbye to me


I'm playing LOL even though i have a homework "Jung, we have a homework" Jeongwoo said "I know but let me play first, the homework is easy tho so no worry's"
"Yeah yeah and our teacher will scold you if you forgot to do it" he said and i didn't say anything, and yeah we share room "By the way, is rain ok?" i died in the game and i look at him "Yeah he is ok, he said but  i can still feel it"

"Then you have feelings for him" he said with a 'pft' on it "Hey! I don't have feelings for him, he is just my friend"
"But you always cared for him"
"Cause he is my friend"
"But friends don't usualy do that"

Does friends do that? I'm confuse, am i in love with Rain? Do i?

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