Chapter 2

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Junghwan's Pov

"BYE!" Me and my member said when we're done doing V-Live "Wew, i didn't expect that we are getting a lot of hearts" Hyunsuk hyung said "Yeah i love the feeling that we are getting lot of attentions right now" Our second leader Jihoon said "Ok since we don't have anything to do, you can do what ever you wan't" Hyunsuk said and i can finally sleep "Oh Junghwan" i look back to Hyunsuk hyung and said "What hyung?"

"Do your homework first" i groaned hearing that word "But hyung you just said-"
"Ok bye i'm going out now" he said and left "Well i guest i need to do it" i towards my room and sit on my study table to do homeworks "Argh! why theres so many homeworks" yeah i'm one of the smart in the class but sometimes my brain doesn't work 


"Finaly done" i lean my back at the chair and stretch my arms, i glance at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon "Well i can go out for a bit" i change my clothes into casual and headed out to my room, i decided to go in the park so i can rest and breathe some fresh air (PS: Theres no corona virus in wattpad community) I'm under the big tree in the park and seating down on the grass "It doesn't feel like afternoon" It feel like its morning with a cold breeze hitting your skin, i lean my back at the tree and i didn't notice that i fell asleep

I woke up and i'm still on the park, i look at my watch and it's 5 in the afternoon "Did i just slept?" i've been sleeping here for 3 hours? "I guest i need to go now" i stand up and started to walk, i prefer walking than grabbing a car

I'm on the dorm now and saw Jeongwoo on the bed "Where did you go?" he said while using his phone "I'm the park and i didn't notice that i fell asleep" he chuckle "You're always sleeping you know"

"You can't blame me"
"Yeah yeah fine, you better sleep early cause we have classes tomorrow" i didn't say anything and sit on the edge of my bed and look at my phone playing some PUBG "Oh yeah do you know about the new Rookies of SMTOWN?" Jeongwoo said and i look at him "No i didn't know that they have new Rookies"

"They are all from Busan"
"Jinjja?" (Really?)
"Yeah, its weird that they didn't pick from random province"
"Are they doing something?"
"I don't know but theres a possibility that one of the new rookie will be NCT new member" i didn't say anything and think about if the new member is a maknae or same year old as me

I'm on the school now and lot of girl looking at us, i'm with Haruto, Yedam, Jihoon and Jeongwoo, the other members are in different schools 

Me and Jeongwoo are classmates and by the way we are attending school of performing arts seoul, YG gave as scholarships to attend this university and we are thankful for that, we entered our room and sit to our seats, the teacher came and the class started 

"Yah eat this" Jihoon hyung said to me while feeding me, yeah it's lunch time "I'm not a baby anymore"
"For me you're still a baby so eat this" he is feeding me a letuce with a pork on inside, i open my mouth and he shove the food in my mouth "There my baby Junghwan good boy" i wanna punch him right now but he is my hyung, but also sometime, i like the feeling being treat like a baby but sometimes i also hate it "Here let me feed you again" i didn't protest and open my mouth and eat the food

I'm eating my food while this Yeruto flirting infront of me and it's annoy me FOR REAL, i just bear with it cause i cant do anything, they might found out that i'm jealous but i'm not JEALOUS 

I just eat my food so i can go out when i'm done eating "Hyung i'll go first i'm already done eating" i said to Jihoon hyung "Ok but eat this first" he said with a smile "No" 
"Ok you're not going"
"Fine i'm just joking" i open my mouth and he shove the food in my mouth "You can go now baby Junghwan~" he said while singing it

Since i still have time to go anywhere i decided to go rooftop, usally students here doesn't like being hit by the sun so nobody is in the rooftop, i sit on my favorite spot in the rooftop and grab my phone, while scrolling in the social media a pictures of new SM rookies pop out in my Newsfeed, i look at the pics and they have information about them

They are 10 so 5 boys and 5 girls, who's the maknae i'm curious, the most oldest is Yongsaeng born April 23 1995, most of them are born 2000 and 2001 but the most youngest is 2005 his name is Rain born May 2005 and live from Busan his possible positions are Main Vocalist and Main Dancer "Wow i guest this kid is talented, im 3 months older to him and its says he is Korean but his name is English and theres a lot of information about him heres his info

Name: Rain
Possible Positions: Main Vocalist, Main Dancer
Height: 164 cm (5'3)
Weight: Unknown
Birthday: May 7 , 2005
Facts: Rain is allergic in mint and his body is so sensitive
He's been performing on stage when he is 9 years old
Rain prefer salty and sour foods than sweets
He's been suffering from anxiety attacks
He is been in accident when he is 8 years old and thats the reason why he has anxiety and depression attacks and he is with his grandmother when the accident happen and his grandmother died
He is also suffering from having a low IQ

Well theres a lot of facts about him and some of them are sad like the accidents and anxiety attacks, and he is small to be honest, i'm not judging him and he is cute on his picture and i'm impress by his possible positions, the shcool bell ring as a sign that the school continue's


The school was done and i can freely rest and thank god theres no assignments today, i was walking on the streets when i saw a cute cat "Aw cute" i approach it and the cat is nice, i touch the cat and it furred "Aw you're cute~" i stroke the cat more but the cat move and run away "Hey comeback!" i shouted at the cat as if it will come back

i run to catch the cat but i lost it "I suddenly feel hungry, is should go convenience store" i started to walk and reaches the nearest store, i entered inside the building and theres only a few people here, i check at the noodles section but suddenly i bump to someone, a lot of noodles fall and the guy collect it "Let me help you" i help him collect the noodles and when we stand up, his hoodie slip down and i saw his face, it's Rain

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