Chapter 11

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Rain's Pov

I woke up and i look at the clock, it's 6 in the morning, i stand up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. After brushing and showering, i put my uniform on and headed out to my room. I saw Jisung hyung still on pajama and it looks like he just woke up "Morning hyung" i said with a smile on it "Good morning to you too" he said with a smile to, we headed on the kitchen and Renjun hyung is cooking, mostly Jeno hyung is the one who always cook, i guest Jeno hyung is tired "Oh morning kids, i fried some fried chickens here"

"CHICKENS!" Me and Jisung hyung both said in harmony and we already sit on the seats waiting for Renjun hyung to place them on the tables. After a minute the chickens are already cooked and he place them on the table "Alright eat now kids and here some ketchup so it will taste very great even more"

"I prefer to hide that ketchup to Mark hyung" i said and they laugh a bit "Yeah so it faster so he won't see it" i just nod and dip the chicken on the ketchup and munch

I place some of my books in my locker 'cause i will not use them this day, i close the locker and lock it, same as Junghwan, we started walking and after a minute we arive to the room. Eunchae waved at me, i sit on my seat, Eunchae poke my shoulder and i look at her "What?" 

"Do you know that the teacher is not here?" i shook "No, so it means no class?" she nods "Yeah we have nothing to do right now"
"We can rest for a bit"
"Yeah, and i forgot to do my homework, i'm lucky"
"Here copy mined, it's already done, it's complete no erasure and you will understand it"
"Oh thank you, well i'm going to do this now thank you again" i nod, she grab his book and copy my assignment

I grab my phone and scroll on insta, i always go to ig if i'm not doing anything like this, while scrolling someone message me and look at the user name


Really? He is just besides me, he's so silly. I look at him right beside me and started typing on my phone

You're just beside me

I know but, i'm bored i wanna talk with you

You're already talking with me

I know, so did you do your assignment?

Yeah, i just finished it last night

Can i copy it 'with pleading eye's'

I look at him and he really did the pleading eye's

Eunchae is copying it

After she finish it me next

I don't know if........

Please cutie pie

I didn't type anything 'cause my body froze at the 'cutie pie' Should i say no or yes?

I'll think about it

Thank you ;)

I'm just chatting with Junghwan in the whole first period. After a while the bell ring and we all got up to take our recess. Of course i'm with my hyungs today in the school garden, while eating i just glance on the entrance of the garden and saw a person and he quickly hide when i saw him or her. i felt a shiver down to my spine and i feel in danger "Rain are you ok?" Chenle hyung said and i just nod "Uh- y-yeah i'm ok" i said and continue eating and talking with my hyungs


While walking on the hallway i'm scared to let go on Jaemin hyungs hands "Rain, your hands are cold. Are you ok?" i just nod not looking at him "You've been holding my ha- oh are you scared?" i nod then started crying "Shh, don't cry" he said while petting my hair, after a minute i calm down and said "Piggy back" 

"He's probably little right now" Jeno hyung said and Jaemin hyung position his self so i can ride on his back, i wrap my hands on his neck and he grab my thigh to support me, he stand up and started walking "As expected, you're not heavy" he said and i place my chin on his shoulder

Someone poke my back and i look back, it was Jisung hyung "Here candy" he said and i take the candy from his hands "Thank you" i said in a baby tone. Whole NCT know that i have this kind of behavior so if i slip on Little Space, they baby me. I tried to tear the candy wrap but i can't "Hyung i cawn't owpen it" i said and pout, i heared them laugh and Jisung hyung take the candy and open it for me "Thank you hyung!" i said with a high pitch voice making Jaemin hyung ear bleed "Oh sorry hyung hehe" they just laugh at my sillyness until we reach the dorm

Jaemin hyung put me down on the sofa and i sit there "Just wait there and wait for the food to be cook ok?" I nod at Jaemin hyung "If you're in the big space, you're free to leave the couch but your still little so Shotaro and Sungchan will take care of you" he said and he went to the kitchen with the other dreamies 

While watching TV Shotaro hyung gave me a plushie "Just in case if you're in little space, me and Sungchan bought you a fox plushie" he said with his iconic smile and smile to him too "Thank you Shotaro hyung, Thank you Sungchan hyung" i said and they let out a soft giggles "You're Welcome" Sungchan hyung said as they hug me while we watch TV

"KIDS TIME TO EAT!" As Jeno hyung shouted and we headed to the kitchen to eat, they make soft tofu stew and this food taste so good, we sit down and before we it, we pray first (Cause there's Mark so don't expect)

After the prayer we started to eat and since i'm a little i'm not allowed to listen or talk while the olders are talking


No school today and i don't know what should i do, i lay on the bed and roll around "Argh! Boring, where's my phone?" I look around to find my phone but i can't find it. While looking for my phone something vibrated on my pocket "Oh, i'm so dumb it's just on my pocket" i laugh at me self and open my phone to look who texted me

Look at your window

Is this guy up to something? I look at my window and then i saw him. He sign me to go down and i did

"Why you're here?" i said when i approach him "I just wan't to see you" See me? I blush a bit and look down at the grass "Why?" i said quickly still not looking at him "Uh....... I just not use to..... Not to see you" he said while his hands or on his nape "So you mean-"

"Yeah let's hang out" he said cutting me off "Let me change first" he nod and i headed back to my dorm. I grab a hoddie and a sweat pants, i wear them and i apply some perfume, i headed back outside ignoring my hyungs call

Dreamies Pov

"Where is he going?
"Who knows"
"Guys there's Junghwan outside"
"Oh, now i know"
"Theres something on them"
"What is it?"
"I think they have the same feelings for each other"
"You sure?"
"Yes, i'm sure"

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