Chapter 10

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Rain's Pov

It's Sunday, it means i don't have things to do, just lay on the bed, scroll on Instagram, read some stories and sleep, but actually i wan't to go somewhere but i don't know where? 
While watching some MV's on YouTube someone message me

Are you free?

It's Junghwan and why he's asking me if i'm free

Yeah, why?

Do you wanna go somewhere else? I'm bored

Yeah, i'm also bored. Why not

Ok, i will come to your dorm at 11AM 

Ok ok, i'll go prepare now

I open my closet and look for a pretty clothes "Should i wear all black? Argh! Fine i don't have choice" I grab my black long sleeve hoodie and my black T-shirt, i also grab my black pants "Do i look like a gangster in here? I have so many colorful clothes but i don't like them" i just shrug and take a bath

After taking a bath, i put on the clothes that i grab in the closet, i also put a belt 'cause i feel more comfortable when wearing a belt. I went to the living room and theirs my hyungs watching a horror movie, Jeno hyung saw me "Where you going?"

"I don't know"
"You don't know?"
"Yeah, Junghwan just invited me"
"Ok, as long as it's Junghwan your free to go"

Jeno hyung said and i just nod, i wear my black fila shoes and exited the dorm. I wait till Junghwan come infront of the gate and it's 10:30 "Where he is?" i look around and then i saw a figure, when the figure came closer i recognize it, it was Junghwan wearing a all black clothes to "Hey we're wearing a same outfit, i softly laugh "Yeah, it's a coincidence i think" 

"Look, i have two tickets to watch the movie Paramedic"
"Ooh is it Horror?"
"I guest so, Let's go Hyunsuk hyung will bring us to the mall" i nod and wait for Hyunsuk hyung to come "By the way, why you walk all over here?"

"Hyunsuk hyung is not in the dorm, i don't know where he is" i didn't say anything and after a minute Hyunsuk hyung came "Come inside now kids" he said and Junghwan open a door for me "You don't need to do that"
"But i already did"

I just shook my head and enter the car, same as Junghwan. The ride is silent and i don't want to ruin it 'cause i like silent place. Should i go to the Quiet Place? 

"Tell me are you two dating?" Hyunsuk hyung said and my eyes wide open "No we're not hyung, were  just friends" Junghwan said and Hyunsuk nod while looking at us in the rear mirror "But you two look good at each other though" my face can't stop blushing, i didn't dare to look at Junghwan 'cause i don't want him to see me blushing, i just look at the outside, counting tree's as they pass me by

After a while the car stop and the mall showed right infront of us "Ok kids we're here" i open the car door and jump off the car "Junghwan do you have your money?" Junghwan nod "Yeah, i have my card" well i feel out of place, i'm not that rich unlike him, ok stop thinking rain anxiety might attack

"Let's go" he said with a smile and he hold my hands "You don't need to hold my hands"
"I don't want to lose you in the mall, your so small i can't see you in crowded place like this if i lost you" i slap his bicep not that hard "Ok ok let's go" he said and we entered the mall


We are in the movie theatre right now watching Paramedic, it's actually a horror but less scary but more violence, i'm holding Junghwans hand so i can hold something when the movie got more scarier "Tell me if you're scared we can change the movie" he said and i shook my head "No, i can watch this, it's not that scary after all" i said and he nod, i take sip of my coke to reduce my scaredness and eat cheese popcorn

The movie ended and i kinda like it, except for those scary parts "So what's next?" i'm thinking what should we do next, a bulb showed up above me and i look at him "Let's play arcade" i said and he agreed "Ok let's go" he hold my hand and we started to walk

We arrive at the arcade and Junghwan bough a lot of token "That's a lot, don't waste your money" i said and he shook his head "Don't worry, Hyunsuk hyung always open my bank account and give me money" wow i can only say wow

We play a lot of games in the arcade, we even fight on a zombie "There's a zombie look back" i said while we play arcade version of World war Z "Aw i died" Junghwan said and the game stops "Ok let's play other game"

After an hour we run out of tocken's "That's fun" i said while smiling "Yeah, i suddenly felt hungry" 
"We should eat" he nod and we look for a good restaurant

"Wow i love the food here"
"Yeah me to, i always eat here when i was a kid"
"You do?"
"Oh that's why we're here" I said and we laugh but soft

I was about to eat the food on the spoon when he put a pork on it "Try that it taste great" he said and i just nod and eat it, he is not lying its taste great "Mmm i like" i said with a full mouth, he just smile at me and we continue to eat

Our tummy is full and i can't even stand up "I should visit here everyday" i said and i can here Junghwan is laughing softly infront of me "What's funny?" i said "You"

"'Cause you look cute" my world stops. Did he call me cute!? Omo i'm gonna die any minute right now. There's a long silence in our atmosphere but Junghwan break it "We should go" he said and i nod

We're walking out now to the mall and it's 5 in the afternoon "You know. I really hates it when its 5:00"
"Why?" he asked
"'Cause it's going to be night and we have a class tomorrow" i said, he ruffle my hair "Your silly"
"No! I'm not"
"But you're showing it" i pout at him and he giggle "See, i told yah"
"Yah yah whatever" i said while rolling my eye's

Hyunsuk hyung's car is already on the parking area "Did you two have a great dat- i mean day?" me and Junghwan look to each other and we nod at Hyunsuk hyung "Yes hyung, this day is the best" i said "I thought you'll got bored to Junghwan 'cause he is a boring person"

"Hey!" i laugh at their sillynes "Now, who is silly" i said while looking at Junghwan "Not me" he said, i softly slap his biceps and crossed my arms

"You two both silly" Hyunsuk hyung said and i just chuckle "But who is the most sillyes?" i said and he point at Junghwan "It's suppose to be him" Junghwan said while pouting "Ok kids stop fighting" he said and i didn't say anything. I just rest my head on Junghwan's shoulder and take a little nap

"Rain, rain, rain, wake up" i woke up and look around, i'm still on the car with Junghwan and Hyunsuk hyung "Well, i think you're tired, hop out now we are infront of your dorm" Hyunsuk hyung said and i hop out in the car "Thank you hyung for driving me home safetly" i said with a bow "Ok we're going" he said and drove away

I look at my watch and it's 6:30 in the night. I open the dorms door and there's a lot of mess in the living room "Hyungs!" i said and Haechan hyung pop out "Oh hi rain. You're in bad timing 'cause you miss the party of NCT DREAM here" he said while eating a burger "It's ok hyung, atleast i have fun earlier"

"So what did you did with Junghwan?"
"Oh, we're just watch a movie and play arcades and we eat a lot"
"I'm glad you enjoyed your dat- i mean day"

Why they're saying that....... are they saying date? Oh god we're just friends! i don't want to ruin my friendship with Junghwan. I don't want him to know that i'm kinda gay to him! "Ok hyung i'm going into my room now" i said and he nod

I change my clothes into comfy one so i can sleep very well. I stretch my arms and yawn "Its a tiring day, but i enjoyed my day" i said to myself while looking at the ceiling not noticing that i fell asleep

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