Chapter 3

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Rain's Pov

Is this the real Junghwan? My eyes are wide opened, i snatch the noodles that his holding and put them on the basket and said thank you to him and walk faster but suddenly he hold my wrist "Uh wait" i didn't say anything and let him talk "Are you Rain?" my blood rises up, how did he know me "a-ah n-n-no, i'm n-ot rain" i said and he let go my wrist and immediently go to the cashier counter, after paying the noodles i immediently run away and go to my dorm

I reach my share dorm with Sanghoon, i place the noodles in the mini table and lay on the bed "What happened to you?" I ignore what Sanghoon said i just wan't to scream out my lungs, like i'm dying inside "Hey i'm talking to you! are you ok?" 

"Yes i'm ok" it was total lie, im not really ok "Your so pale, it's like you saw a ghost or something" of course everyone will get paled after seeing their idol "I'm sure i'm ok just don't worry about, you can eat the noodles without me"

"You say so" after that i didn't say anything and my mind is a mess right now, he hold my wrist, and he knows my name! He probably saw the post on social media but why he is curious if it was me

It's 6 in the night and i should eat some salads instead of noodles, the noodles are just snacks for me, i preffer healthy foods than junk foods thats why i'm feminine, i stand up and wear my slippers "Where you goin'?" Me and Sanghoon hyung became friends to each other, he even treat me us a younger brother or most likely he baby me "Im just going outside to breathe some fresh air" you're probably wondering why i said that instead of saying the truth, look there's already a food in the dorm and i don't want to get judge by him "Ok just be careful ok" i nod and left the room

While walking in the hallway i saw Mark hyung with Haechan hyung in short they're flirting "Oh hi rain, don't mind us" Haechan hyung said and yeah i'm close to them, Like haechan hyung said i didn't mind them 

I reach the cafeteria and get some salads, i search some seats and i saw my co-trainees which is Suseonhwa, Munhee, Hangyeol, Sukchin and Faylyn "Guys" i said when i approach them "Oh hi rain come sit here" Munhee said, i'm really close to her because we've been classmate when we are grade 7 and she's nice "How yah doing small guy?" Sukchin said and i'm offended

"Hey you're just tall i'm 164cm"
"And i'm 178cm" 
"Hmp!" i didn't say anything and eat my salad, while eating i remember what happened to me earlier at the convenience store "Hey guys" i interupt their discussion and they look at me "What?" they all said in unison "You all know Junghwan right?" they all nod "Yeah the maknae of Treasure right?" i nod "What happened did you saw him?" I nod and Sukchin choke on his drink "I didn't expect that" 

"Yeah me either"
"Are you sure or you're lying?"
"No i'm not. I'm sure it was him, i even bump into him"
"Wow is this another K-drama here?"
"It's ok if all you don't believe but i swear it was him"

This is the reason why i'm always alone if not im always with Aera, no one actualy believes me even though i'm saying the truth, i know what i said is unbelievable but its true, Aera will definitely believe me if i said that i saw Junghwan even without a picture she will believe me, i just eat my salad, when i'm done eating i bid a goodbye to them, instead of going in the dorm, i decided to go in the garden

My anxiety is attacking me and when it happened i prefer to be alone, i'm seating on a bench while hugging my knees, some tears slowly escaping, i'm an emotional person and i hate it, my hearth easily break into peices, i don't know but its breaking, lots of tears start to drop and my clothes are getting wet, i wipe away my tears using my long sleaves 

I decided to go back to my dorm to sleep, when i opened the door of my dorm Sanghoon is sleeping i lay on the bed and started crying softly 


I woke up because of the damn alarm clock, i look beside me and Sanghoon is already gone "Where did he go?" i said looking around and then i saw a paper in the table, i open the folded paper and read it

Hey Rain
I'm on a special meeting right now, don't worry you're not involve with this meeting, only me and don't worry about me i know when you wake up you always find me when i'm gone so don't worry i'll be back at night

Well i guest it's only me today, i don't wanna go outside since my anxiety attack me yesterday i just wan't to be alone, i open my phone and watch some NCT DAILY and TREASURE

I'm really a big fan of them like i'm fan boying oh mean fan girling, The camera close up with Junghwan and i'm flustered "Argh why i'm like this" i cup my both cheeks an jump on my bed "Oh god now it's messy"

Im on my bed laying not doing anything "I wanna dance on the stage right now" its my dream to stand on stage and dance freely like no one is watching, my dancing style is like Taemin, he is like a ballerina but boy, while overthinking i didn't notice that i fell asleep

2 years later (sorry i need to do this)

I'm really happy that im the new member of NCT, im a big fan of them but now im a NCT member, im on NCT DREAM dorm right now and i don't have room mate in my room NCT said that they respect my privacy and i respect their decission if they want me to give privacy, someone knock at the door and i said come in

It was Jeno hyung "Come eat with us the food is already done" he said "Ok i'll follow hyung" i said and Jeno hyung leave, i look at the mirror and brush my hair neatly so i look good when i face them, this is my first time eating with them so i need to look good

I open the door and exited my room, i saw them already eating in the kitchen and Jaemin hyung saw me "Hey rain come sit here beside me"

"No beside me, i wan't to know him well" Haechan hyung said and he pulled me and i sit beside him "Here eat rain" they give me some food and they place it on my plate "Eat those they are really good" i only nod as response and grab the chopstick and pick the sweet and sour pork "Hmm its great" i said and they cheered "i know he would love it" Jaemin hyung said while his both hands are high above his head 

"He should sleep with me cause we are both starts with letter R you know we have lot a similarities like we're both feminine, both main vocal, and both silent" 
"No he is going with me so i can HUG HIM!" Jaemin said and i think he drink a lot of coffee this day and if he is my room mate, im doom for sure

We are done eating right now and Jeno hyung is cleaning the plates, i said that i wanna help him but he refuse so i let him do the choirs since he is like the father of NCT DREAM i sit on the couch with Jaemin hyung and he instantly attack me "RAINY!!!" He said and now he is giving me nicknames, he probably drink a lot a coffee today, i just let him hug and cuddle on me while watching TV

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