Chapter 5

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Junghwan's Pov

(Here's the song that rain is going to sing, it's on the top)

My things is already prepared and i'm waiting Rain in the rooftop, after a while i heard a door open and i look behind, he is here "Hey" i said with a smile and he smile back at me, oh god why i suddenly feel strange. He stop infront of me and he grab his phone "Here's the song that you'll play on the guitar" he said and he played it, not gonna lie the song is really beautiful like you can't stop playing or singing the song "I like it"

"You do?"
"Yeah" i said and a smile form on his face "There's a reason why i pick this song"
"What is it?"
"'Cause i love it, see you already fall inlove with the song even it's just an intro"

He has a point on that one, i already fall in love with the song by just the intro "Ok shall we start? I wanna see you and hear you sing" i said and he sit, i also sit beside him, instead of playing the audio he play the musical audio

Not A Pop Song
(By: Little Mix)

They look for picture perfect
Don't look deeper than the surface
Bubblegum always pops and
Stars they fade out, life never stops

I don't do what Simon says
Get the message 'cause it's read
That's just life, it never plays fair
Said to follow any dream
Be a puppet on a string
Works for you but that isn't me

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

A hamster on a wheel
That's how it feels tryna be real
These unrealistic expectations
Said we'll make it if we fake it

I don't do what Simon says
Get the message 'cause it's read
That's just life, it never plays fair
Said to follow any dream
Be a puppet on a string
Works for you but that isn't me

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

No broken bottles
Or glitter on the floor from the night before
Ain't no boy troubles
If that's what you came here for, then you should know that

This ain't another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
Or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs
No more singing songs 'bout breakin' my heart
And my lonely nights, dancin' in the dark
If I'm a guilty pleasure, I want this life forever
I'll take it all 'cause anything is better
Than another pop song 'bout fallin' in love
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

Not a pop song
I don't give a what
Not a pop song
But if you wanna sing along say, "I don't give a what"

I was shock, now i know why he is a main vocalist, he sounded like a girl instead of a guy "Whoa! I'm not expecting that" i said and he chuckle "So are you going to....." he said while pretending like he is playing a guitar and i get what he said "Oh yeah i'm going to memorize it" he smile and look at the sky "The sky looks more blue than yesterday" he said and i kinda notice it too "Yeah it looks beautiful, like you" i whisper the last part, i don't know why i said that, i just want it to say 'cause its real that he looks blueming today and the glasses hits different, he is more handsome with a gla-- why i'm saying those? Wait am i gay? Whoa whoa whoa! i never say those words, even to a girl!

I look at him and he is still looking at the sky. I think this person love sky so much, i grab the guitar and try to play that rain sing "Here play the song" he said and i smile, i grab his phone from his hand and i started playing the song titled Not A Pop Song

After a few minute im almost half way on the song, i easily learnd things when it comes to music "Wow your learning fast" he said while looking at me playing a guitar, the bell rang signing that it's school time "We should go to our room now" he said and i nod


" is it?" Jeongwoo said "It's beautiful" i said over thinking "What?" i snap back at the reallity and i look at Jeongwoo "I mean the training went well"
"But you said it's beautiful"
"Yeah that's what i meant, the reason why i said beautiful because it went well"
"You sure?" i just nod "Well i'm going to trust you but i'm looking at you" 

It's lunch time and as usual Jihoon hyung feeds me "Junghwan say ah~"
"Ah" i open my mouth and he shove the food inside my mouth "Very good~" he said as he ruffle my hair "Yah don't mess my hair" i said with a food inside my mouth "And don't talk when your mouth is full" he said with a tiger eye i didn't say anything and i continue to eat my ramen

I was walking out of the school when i saw rain with his member, i hide behind a wall but i can't here what their saying. Rain nod and his member left him, why they left him? I approach him and he smiled when he saw me, heart beat so fast when he smile at me, i don't know why but my heart did it "Uh hey.... i saw your member left you, why?" 

"Oh about that i said to my hyungs that i'm going to the park with you" now my my heart beats really really fast "W-why? w-we're not go-ing to go the park...right?" i want to slap my face for stuttering "Yes but we do now 'cause we have to practice" he said and he hold my hand "c'mon" he said he pulled me and we walk 

"It's perfect no one is here" i said and he look at me "Yeah. I can hit high notes without disturbing someone" whoa! he can hit high notes!? amazing. We sit on the grass and i started to play the guitar, he also started singing "They look for picture perfect, don't look deeper than the surface, bubble gum always pops, stars they fade out, life never stops" since i know to play the song by a guitar, i look at him while singing and i can't stop looking at him

"I don't do what simon says, get that message 'cause it's read, that just life and never plays fair. Said to follow any dream be a puppet on a string, works for you but that isn't me" i was smiling, can't stop smiling "This ain't another pop song 'bout falling in love or a party song 'bout drinks and drugs, no more singing songs 'bout breaking my heart and my lonely nights dancing in the dark. If i'm a guilty pleasure, I wan't this life forever i'll take it all 'cause anything is better, than another pop song 'bout falling inlove, but if you wanna sing along say 'I DON'T GIVE A WHAT'" 

He stop singing at the chorus "I know you don't know the bridge part, you should learn it first" well he has a point, i still don't know the bridge part of the song, i'm glad that i download the song cause i have a access in the wifi of the school even its not allowed, cause i hacked it hehe

"You download the song?" i nod "wow how did you?" i smile and i shook my head "It's a secret" he pout and i giggle "You look cute" after that i realize what i said but you can see his cheeks is burning "I-i should continue" i said and practice the song

While practicing, i felt a heavy weight on my back, i look behind and rain was sleeping "Hey rain" i tap his cheeks but he didn't wake up, i check his temperature thinking he might be sick but he is not sick "He fell asleep" i said and grab his phone and open it but it has a password and it's a pattern "Oh god how can i call your hyungs if your phone have a password" 

There's no other option is i will take him to my dorm with my hyungs, i piggy back him and i started to walk

"i'm here!" i said when i entered the dorm, they were about to approach me when they notice rain "Why rain is here!?" Jeongwoo said "Ok let me explain but first let me place him in my bed" they just nod and i walk towards my room and place him in my bed

I sit on the couch and they are all looking at me "Ok explain" Hyunsuk hyung said "Ok we we're practicing but after a minute he fell asleep" 
"Well that's not exciting at all" Jaehyuk hyung said "I tried to wake him up but it didn't work"
"Did you call his hyungs?" i nod "Yeah i try to call his hyungs but his phone has a password, anyone has a friend in NCT?" 

"Me!" Jihoon hyung said "I'm renjun's classmate and i have a number of him"
"Dial renjun now" hyunsuk said, we dialed renjun and he pick the call

hey why did you call?

Your maknae is here

Why rain is in your dorm?

Listen, your maknae fell asleep during their practice with Junghwan and Junghwan has no other option is to bring rain here

Ok i'm coming with Jeno

He hung up and that's a relieve "We don't need to worry now" Jihoon hyung said "But he looks cute like i wanna pet him" Junkyu hyung said "Seriously hyung? he is not a dog to pet" i said "Yeah but he looks cute cause he is small"
"Whoa calm down he might woke up if you call him small once again" we just laugh at Yoshi's joke and we wait for the dreamies to come

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