Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: this is just a fictional story that i made. I'm really lacking of contents right now so i made a story like this. I hope you'll like it

Rain's Pov

"Rain wake up you have school today!" i stretch my arms and adjust my eye sight "What time is it?"
"Its 8 you still have 2 hours to prepare now get up and prepare!" my mother always shout at me, i don't know why, maybe problems 

I headed towards bathroom and take a shower first. I changed into my fance uniform and headed down to the kitchen, the food is bacon and eggs as usual "Don't forget to drink milk" my mother said, i don't know why my mother always recommend me to drink milk even in the school

I started to eat and when i was done, started to brsuh my teeth so i can go no "Heres your backpack" i grab it and wear it, i waved at my mother and i enter the school bus

I'm on my school now and entered the building "Hey Rain" i look back to see who called me, it was Aera "Oh Aera hi" i said and she hold my hand "since we have 1 hour to explore the school why don't we go to the cafeteria"

"Oh ok let's go" while walking Aera interupted the silence "By the way do you know Treasure?"
"Yeah i know them i really love their song, specially Junghwan" Aera fake a gasp and slap my arms not that hard "Share him with me"

"No i won't share him with you, you're small to be Junghwan's bf"
"But i'm 159"
"But i'm 164"
"Ok fine but do you know that SMTWON is comming here?"
"Wait what!?"
"Yeah they're comming here"
"I need to audition, this is my chance"
"I will support you friend, you will pass for sure"

Aera said and i smile "Ok let's go eat first i'm kinda still hungry" i said and she laugh

After the second period the teacher said that we need to gather into the court and audition there "Hey are you excited?" Aera said and i nod "Of course i am, always want to be an idol in SMTOWN" 

"Let's go and sign up"


"Ok kid what will be your stage name?" the staff of SM said
"Ok Rain, write your stage name here and fill up everything" the guy said and i fill up the paper "Done"

"Ok just wait if you got pick" (lol i'm doing my own audition settings)

I headed back to my seat where Aera is "Are you done?"
"Yes i fill up everything" i said and sit "I hope we'll get pick" She said and i nod i really hope both of us get picked

"But if only one of us got pick, then we should support each other and don't forget about our selves" she said and i feel bad tho if i got pick, but i'm not assuming that 

After a hour of waiting the event started and they started picking some papers, even the school population is 1000+ only lucky 10 will get pick

"Ok and the lucky first pick is.........."
All students waited hoping they will get pick "...........Eunsung!" the other students shouted probably it's Eunsungs friends of classmates

"The second is.........Munhee!"

"And the 9 lucky student is...........Sukchin!" Aera and me look at each other if one of us got pick at the last one, we probably won't see each other for years "Let's just hope we're not get picked" Aera said and i just nod

"And the last lucky student to audition in SMTOWN is..................................Rain" Its like the time just stop, i look at Aera and she had wide eyes I'm happy that i got picked but at the same time i'm sad cause i won't see her for a years, she look at me with fake smile and said "Go to the stage now, they are waiting for you" i really wanna cry for now, we've been bestfriend since we we're kids, we didn't feel anything to each other we just feel friendship nothing else

I stand and headed to the stage "Ok our Lucky 10 is here now, give them some claps" the students clap and i look at Aera smiling widely even it's fake and tears falling in her eyes, he is clapping and i know it's not fake, she's happy for me but i'm not happy for myself, i don't wanna debut without her, we've been praying that we will debut, even we are not in the same group atleast we are in the same ent. but now i think it's not happening

And busan is far away in seoul she's not that rich to go seoul like that, i'm also not rich but we wanna debut, that's the only thing that we wanna to do, is to debut in the same Entertainment


I got home and changed into hoodies and pants "Oh rain your here come on lets eat" mother said and i seated on the chair "Uh ma" 

"You know theres an event happening in my school earlier right?" she nod "The SMTOWN? yes did you get picked?" i nod and her eyes widened "Oh my god your going to be an idol son! is it tommorow?" i nod again "Oh my god let's go pack up hurry"

"But mom" she stops and look at me "But Aera didn't get picked" i said with sad tone on it, i saw sadness in my mothers eye, she also know that Aera wants to debut with me in the same ent. "She didn't make it?" i nod and i want to cry badly but i can't not today, she sight like she wants to cry to "Come on lets pack your things so you can go tommorow" her voice was excited earlier but now it's like sad, i headed to my room aand help my mother to pack my things up

Its the day that i'm going to the seoul, i saw the other students in the airport and i think i'm late "Oh there he is" the girl said and i run towards them "Ok great you're not that late" Sukchin said who is 2 years older to me 

"Flight to the seoul aboarding in 10 minutes" We all look to each other and started running at number 4 where the airplane fly to seoul, we all got to the airplane and seated in our desinated seats, my seat is C46 and i'm seated with Yejun who's 1 year older to me "Hi nice to meet you" he said and i smile "Nice to meet you to" i know everything about him cause he is popular in our campus so people in our school got mad if you dont know him

The airplane started and it's loud that i can only hear is the engene, the airplane move and we fly away, when we are stable in the sky, i look at the window and its so beautiful "Is this the feeling of being a bird?" i said whispering, i can't believe that i'm actually in a airplane, i just relax my back and read some books while waiting

I woke up and look around me, i look at the person who is shaking me up and it's Yejun "Where going now let's go" he said and i grab all of my stuffs and exited the plane, there was an bus waiting for us and we approach it "Oh the student's are here come on hop in the bus and i will take you all to the Entertainment where great singer is" Well he is not lying tho, main vocalist of SM are really good like they are god and goddesses

We hop in into the bus and the driver started driving, after a while the Smtown showed up into the window and we entered the parking area

We exited the bus and we saw a guy like he is waiting for us "Ok kids follow me" the guy said and we follow him, we're at the lobby right now and it's so pretty, it's like heaven, we seated in the soft and comfy couch "Ahh so comfortable" Eunsung said well he right its so comfy like i can sit here every day and do nothing "Ok kids heres your keys" i grab the key "And all of you will be room mate by your same gender" the girls started to squeel while the boys didn't react at all specially me "Ok here's your room mates" i pick up a paper and my room mate is Sanghoon

"Ok who's your room mate?" i showed the paper to everybody "Its Sanghoon" i said "Sanghoon come with rain now" he nod and he grab his stuff, i also grab mine and headed to the room, i unlocked the room and it's so fancy theres two single beds, Sanghoon place his bag to the other bed and i did the same, i unpack my things and we have our own cabinets which is nice 

"I'll go take a shower first" Sanghoon said and i nod, i'm already done unpacking my things and all of them are organized "Thats exhausting" i said and i sigh, i heared a door open and it's the bathroom door, Sanghoon showed up and a towel is wrap around his waist and build well abs, i gulp and averted my gaize to my phone so he don't get suspicious "Are going to take a bath to?" i look at him and nod "Yeah" i grab some cloths to wear when i'm done bathing and immediently headed to the bathroom and shut the door and locking it

I turn off the shower and dried my body and wear some clothes, i'm not like other guys who showed their body to anyone, i just don't have confidence, when i got out to the bathroom Sanghoon is already sleeping, he is also handsome but he is not my type except for those abs and biceps, i dried my hair using the towel cause i don't wanna interupt Sanghoon i don't wanna use blowdryer, its loud you know

When my hair is completely dry, i lay on the bed and think about Junghwan

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