Chapter 14

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Rain's Pov

I woke up in a unfamiliar bedroom, i look around then i finally realized who's room is this. It's Johnny hyung and Haechan hyungs room. I'm guessing that this is haechan hyungs bed for sure. i stand up and stretch my arms, i look at the clock and it's 8:00 in the night "Wow i slept long" i headed out to the room and saw the 127 eating in the kitchen 

"Oh rain, you're awake" Taeyong hyung said when he saw me "Do you wanna eat?" i shook my head "No, i'm not hungry" 
"You sure?"
"Yeah, i'm going to dreamies dorm now" he nod "Ok, be safe" i headed out to the dorm of 127 and headed to the dreamies dorm. I lay on my bed and get my phone, since i'm not sleepy i grab my phone and plays some music 

I was about to close my eyes when my phone started to ring, already know who it is

/Finally you pick up. I can breathe peacefully now/

/Why you're calling me? We're just saw each other little while ago right?/

/Yeah, but not picking up my calls makes me worried/

/Ok ok, i just slept 'cause you know i'm tired/

/I'm glad that you're safe/

/You're so possessive to me/

/Only yours/

/You sure?/


/You're really working for it huh?/

/Yeah, i wan't you to fall in love with me/

/What if i didn't fall in love with you?/

/Then i won't surrender/

/What if you surrender?/

/That won't happen/

/Ok. You know what? Let's meet up tomorrow so we can discuss this more ok?/

/But i wan't to talk with you more/

I can see his pout even it's just a call

/No, bye big baby/

/No! Plea-/

I hung up "I already fall inlove with you so don't worry. I'm just testing you if your really destin to be mine" i said in my mind then started watching some videos of NCT Daily then after a while i fell asleep


Hiding behind the wall, i'm currently in school. Junghwan is calling me several times even tho im just behind school garden wall, i wan't to make him worried and yeah my phone is silent so no sounds of phone ringing can hear and he is the only person in the school garden "Argh! Where is he? He's taking so long, i'm getting worried" i heared him say as he call my number again. I think i've been hiding here like 50 minutes here, i think

After a minute i decided to show up, he look at me and run towards me and run towards me and hold my hands tightly "You're not going anywhere now" he said as he sit on the bench and make sit on his lap. This is my first time sitting on his lap and my cheeks are burning from blushing, he wrap around his hands on my waist and look at me "You make me worried you know" he said with a pout and tighten his hug "Let me go, what if someone saw us like this, we're not even dating"

"Yet" he said and he smile "I don't wanna let you go again" i didn't say anything and let him hug me, we're just silent in the garden no student's hanging around here 'cause our teacher is on important meeting in China. While me here sitting on Junghwan's lap and playing with his hair, while his head is rested on my chest and his hands wrap around me

We are like couple who just do lovely dovey things but we're not dating yet and we have puppy love to each other but i'm testing him if he's really for me, i don't wanna expect to much, i don't wanna get hurt. Idols can hurt your feelings to

A person pass by and my blood rises, the person look at us and thank god it's just Eunchae "Hey- Oh?" She said with a confuse face, i sign Junghwan to let me go and he did "Eunchae come here, me and Junghwan can explain" i said and Junghwan nodded 

"And then he started fallin inlove with me" i said as i point to Junghwan, i explained everything already and i also informed her to not tell this in public 'cause this is to embarassing and not unacceptable in k-pop industry "So you guys are not dating, yet?" We nod our heads "Yeah, we're not"

"But why are you sitting on Junghwan's lap?"
"He's so possessive, i just left him like a minute"
"But you won't pick up my calls" Junghwan busted into the conversation
"Because my phone is silent"

"You know, both of you guys are really cute together" Eunchae said as i look at her and also Junghwan "We look cute together?" Junghwan said to Eunchae and Eunchae nodded. I clossed my eyes and mentaly facepalm


"C'mon just go to my dorm with my hyungs" He said as he try to pull me in, in his dorm with other Treasure member "No, i'm not going in"
"I'm going to introduce you with them"
"They already know me so i'm going home know"
"But you're already home" i look at him "You're really taking this seriously" i said and he nod "Only for you" he said and he lift me placing me on his shoulder "Hey! Put me down!" i try to punch his back but it doesn't work "So Junghwan!"
"Yes my future husband?"
"Ugh! Nevermind" i said and we entered on the dorm, he place me on the couch with Yoshi hyung

"Why you're here?"
"Talk to him, i also don't know why i'm here" i said pointing at Junghwan "Why he's here?" 
"Later you'll know hyung i'm just going to my room to change" he said and entered on his share room with Jeongwoo. I crossed my arm and i can feel Yoshi hyung gaze at me, Haruto hyung passed by but he stop when he saw me "What are you doing here?" i was about to say something when Yoshi interupt me "He also doesn't know why he's here" Oh my god he take that seriously? "Talk to Junghwan, you'll know" he added up and Haruto hyung just nod and entered his room

After a while Junghwan came out to his room wearing a normal clothes "So can i ask why i'm here again?" Junghwan was about to say something but Yoshi interupted "He said 'you'll know later'" i laugh a bit and Yoshi's hyung sillyness 00' liner but nevermind

"So why we're gathered up here Junghwan?" Hyunsuk hyung said "Yeah, why?" The second leader said "So you know that me and Rain are friends right" he is going to say it now i'm hiding behind him "Yah we all know"
"I also know why, Why we're gathered up" Jeongwoo said, HE KNOWS!?

"What is it?"
"Let Junghwan said it" 

I heared Junghwan release a heavy breathe as my forehead rested on his back "I have...........Feelings for rain so support me" he said looking down with a small voice, i didn't look at them not wanting to see their reaction "OUR MAKNAE IS INLOVE!!!" wait what? They celebrated and hug Junghwan "We are proud of you that you found your true love" Hyunsuk said 

"Are you two dating already" Jaehyuk said and i shook my head "Not yet" i said "Aw c'mon answer him" Yedam hyung said "I'm testing him if he's really the one for me" they all nod understanding what i said "That's a good idea, test him before you answer him let's see his patience" Junkyu hyung said as he sit on the couch "We'll see"

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