Chapter 22

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"Where's Rain?" Chenle ask making the other member look at him "His probably with Junghwan" Jeno said "But Junghwan already left the party with his hyungs" Jisung said making making the other member got worried especially Jeno "The party is almost over and it's 11pm" Renjun said with worried tone "I know that he's always in the rooftop" Jaemin said "Let's go over there" Jeno said and they run heading the rooftop

They reach the rooftop but they didn't see any presence of Rain "Where the hell he his!?" Jeno said like he his gonna explode. Jeno is in-charge in watching Rain to keep him safe but he failed today "Calm down Jeno" Jaemin said rubbing jeno's back "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN JAEMIN HOW!?" Jeamin back off a little not wanting to get hurt by Jeno "What i'm going to say to Taeyong hyung? He's missing? Thats not fucking easy to say!" Jeno is now mad at himself

He kneeled on the ground grabbing his hair with his both hands "Hey guys there's a paper here" Haechan said and he pick up the piece of paper "Guys here it says something" Haechan said and the members walk towards to him to look at the papaer

From Unknown
Junghwan or other people reading this. I have your Rain and he will be mine, you can't find us even if you call a cops you can't find us. He will be my slave forever and he will serve me what ever i wan't or worst is, he will be my s*x slave. Theres a possibility that will happened, it depends on me but i will like that to happened. Goodluck finding us Junghwan 

The dreamies are shock after reading the message "FUCK!" Jeno said while kicking "He got kidnapped" 
"But who?"
"Probably Junghwan knows"
"Maybe i know" Jeno said making all of the members look at him "Who?"

Jeno look at his member and said "Maxen" The members jaw dropped after hearing what Jeno said "If you remember that he tried to rape Rain" 
"Now it make sense" Renjun said "We should say it to Taeyong hyung" Chenle said and the members just nodded


"WHAT!?" Taeyong shout at us making our ear almost bleed "Jeno, I told you to watch over Rain!"
"Yes i know but i failed this time" Jeno said with a low tone. Taeyong sigh "We need to know where Maxen could be" Taeyong said while holding his forehead "Should i call the cops?" Johnny said and Taeyong just shake his head "No, The cops wont let us investigate, we should go first" Johnny just nodded and he shove back his phone down on his pocket

"Do you know where Maxen first hide out?" Taeyong said and Taeil raise his hands "I know where it is" Taeil said "Do you?" Taeil nodded "We can go now" 
"Yes night is perfect they can't see us" Taeyong said as he stand up "Let's get going" 

"This one?" Taeyong said to Taeil and Taeil nodded "Yes it is" 
"It suppose to be abandon but they secretly live there" He added "So he's probably here?" Taeyong said "We don't know. Remember that he has two bases and Rain is probably in the second base"

"I'm going with Johnny and Jaehyun to enter the building while the others distract the guards and if you want to stay then stay" Taeyong said "Hyung i'll go distract them" Jeno said while raising a hand "Yeah me too" Jaemin followed also Chenle and Mark "Ok four will do" Taeyong said and they jump out in the van

Rain's Pov

I open my eyes but i can only see dark "Huh? Where am i?" I said in my mind, i try to move but it feels like im being tied, i don't know if im being tied on a chair but it feels like i'm on a floor. I can stand, i think the lead is long so i can still stand but the lead feels thick, i tried to unknott it but i cant see, it's hard "Hello?" I said and no one reply back, my neck hurts so much 

I just hope nothing happened on my neck it hurt so bad. It feels odd it's not stiff neck i don't know what is it "Hello?" I tried again hoping someone will answer me "Anyone there?" no answer "Hello!" This time i shout and i feel like crying "Please! Someone help me!" I burst out in tears. I'm scared "Help" I kneeled down, i just cried there

I heared a door open and i stop crying "H-hello?" i said looking at the possible position of the door "You're awake" The sound, the sound make me terrefied. I back off and hit a wall "P-please d-don't h-h-ur-t m-me" I said stuttering so bad, i can hear his footsteps getting closer "N-no p-please, stay away!" I said trying to get away but i'm already cornered on the wall

I felt his hands on my face and he remove the blindfold, his eyes deeply staring at me without feelings on his face. Theres still tears falling while i'm looking at his eyes, he wipe my tears using his thumb "Shh, you're much safer to me" he said in a soft tone making me calm down but why does he need to tie me up "J-just let me go, please" He shakes his head "Remember you're mine"

"But i'm already in relationship" 
"Tsk, that guy is dump"
"No he's not"
"Prove it"
"He prove to me that there's still a person will love me"
"Yes and it-"
"Junghwan" i said cutting him off, he look at me with a frightening making me feel so small

"I told you, you're mine!" He shouted at me "No!" i shouted back at him, he growl and he smash his lips on mine, i tried to push him but he's to strong. The kiss is rough and i don't like the feeling he bit my lip making it bleed. I put all of my strenght and push him 

I slap his cheeks making it red and he look at me and punch my stomach making me curled into a ball "I showed love you but you don't want? Ok lets get to bussiness" He said and he take off his t-shirt "No please i'll do anything just don't rape me" i said kneeling down begging to him 

"You'll do anything what i say?" i nod at him and he sit down right infront of me "You'll do anything what i said Vixen?" i nod again, he lean and my neck and i heared him sniffing "Your scent is still on your neck" He said while sniffing me

"Look at this art" He said and i look at my neck, it's full of hickeys, some of them are purple and some of them are bleeding "What happened!?" I said on shock "This is my art" He said and he touches my neck 

I can't believe this! He rape me while im black out "HOW DARE YOU!" I shout at him "I think you forgot our deal" He said. Ugh! i can't believe this "You know. You'll get punish if you talk back to me" he said with a eerie smile on his face

I just sigh in defeat and lean my back on the wall, i have a sad face on my face while looking at the floor, he raise my chin using his index finger making me look at him "If you break this rules you will never see your Junghwan again" he said with a husky tone and i just gulp. I wanna see Junghwan so bad right now

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