Chapter 17

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Rain's Pov

I woke up and felt a strong arm wraps around me, i look at the person and that person is still sleeping "Cute" i said in my mind, i kiss his cheeks and gladly he didn't woke up. I can't get up because of his tight hug, i don't wanna wake him

After a minute he woke up still hugging me "Morning" he said with a smile on it "Morning"
"Did you woke up early?" i nod "Do you wanna eat?" i shake my head, don't wanna leave this bed with this precious sloth right infront of my face "Why?" He said "Can we stay here for a bit?" i said and he agree "Ok, my princess" he ruffle my hair, my face is blushing, i nuzzle on his chest to hide my face "My princess is blushing" he said and hug me "Stop" i said softly to him "Ok" he said as he kiss my head

The door open revealing Hyunsuk hyung "Ok, love birds you need to get up now and eat" he said and leave "Did you hear that?" i nod "We need to eat or else he will get mad, remember that you're part of treasure family now" i didn't say anything and stood up, same as Junghwan

We headed to the kitchen and half of Treasure are here "Morning love birds" Jihoon hyung said and me and Junghwan both said morning to him "How's sleep?" 
"It's fine hyung" Junghwan said and we sit on the chair, of course we sit right beside each other "I hope they didn't do bad things" Jeongwoo said while eating banana "Yeah, unlike you who just flirt with Haruto" Junghwan said roasting Jeongwoo "Ooh burn" i said in my mind

Jeongwoo blush a bit "No i'm not flirting with him" he said with a sass on it "He's the one who's flirting" he added up, i take a sip (In my secret potion SORRY I CAN'T HELP) on my water while Jeongwoo saying that he's not flirting with Haruto while Haruto is trying to flirt with him 

"Say ah" Haruto hyung said trying to feed Jeongwoo but Jeongwoo is just refusing it "Nope" he said. I took a bite on my apple while Junghwan is eating a banana, he loves banana (Don't get GM ok!) 

"Oh yeah Junghwan, the contest is near" i said making Junghwan to get confuse "What contest?" i did a "-_- " face like that and sigh "The partners of the year" i said "Oh yeah, i forgot" 
"Yeah also me" Jeongwoo said "What are going to sing?" i was thinking deeply trying to think what kind of song we're going to play "Can you play piano?" he nod "I didn't expect that" 

"Me too" Doyoung hyung said "Why?" he said "Listen, we're going to sing Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth" i said "Ooh i love that song" Yedam hyung said clapping his hands "I think that's great Rain" 
"Yeah, i don't wanna sing secret love song, it's kinda hard" 
"Definitely, it's really hard to sing" Junkyu hyung butted in
"Marvin Gaye is just a simple song so thats it" i said
"Yes, we should practice it and.... We're can we find a piano?"
"Oh i know one don't worry"


"Hyung can Junghwan borrow the piano?" i said with a puppy eyes on Doyoung hyung "Yes, i don't usually use that so you can borrow it but which piano? The grand piano or the small one?" i never expected that he's going to say that "The small one hyung" 
"Ok, and when you're going to use it?" 
"December 15" 
"I'm going to send it when you need it ok?" i nod and hug him "Thank you hyung" 

"So you two going to sing Marvin Gaye?" Eunchae said and i nod "Yeah" i said quickly "I hope you two are going to win" she said and she already know that me and Junghwan are already dating, i can trust her she's been keeping it like for a days 

We're in the school and Junghwan is just in the bathroom "Why Junghwan is taking so long?" Eunchae said and i nod "I don't know, maybe he take a shit" i said and Eunchae laugh "Probably" she said

After a minute Junghwan came out to the bathroom "Why did you take so long?" i said making junghwan look to me "N-nothing Hehehe" he said and i look to Eunchae "You say so" i said and we headed to the cafeteria

Eunchae separated to us so me and Junghwan are in Dream side "Hi you two" Renjun hyung said "You know sometimes you should go out without Rain, the others might notice" Haechan hyung said to Jughwan and whispering the last part "I don't care about them" Haechan hyung gasp at Junghwan "Oh my god, he literally for Rain" he said to Mark, i just laugh at him and we started to eat

We are on the garden and sit on the bench "Shall we do it?" he said "We need to breathe first" i said and we did what i said "Ok one, two, three"

Marvin Gaye

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

We got this king size to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else
Don't keep your secrets to yourself
It's karma sutra show and tell

There's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
(That pulls me closer)
It's so subtle
(It's so subtle)
I'm in trouble
(I'm in trouble)
But I'd love to be in trouble with you

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

And when you leave me all alone
I'm like a stray without a home
I'm like a dog without a bone
I just want you for my own
I got to have you babe

There's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
(That pulls me closer)
It's so subtle
(It's so subtle)
I'm in trouble
(I'm in trouble)

But I'd love to be in trouble with you
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Oh baby, you got that healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got that healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on, baby
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

I never expected that Junghwan's voice will be that great "Your voice is so good" i said as i hug him "You too my princess" he said and i smile at the nickname "Can you call me Princess all day even i'm a boy?" he nod "Of course my princess" he said and i kiss his cheeks "Love you" i said
"Love you too, Princess"

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