Chapter 19

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Rain's Pov

Junghwan is hugging me while sitting on the sand under thr tree, my hyungs already know that he's here and we're currently watching my hyungs play volleyball. The other member who didn't join are already in the ocean playing with the water "Do you wanna go in the water?" Junghwan said and i shook my head "Why?"

"I'm only here to take a rest"
"Read some books, watch some video in youtube? Thats boring c'mon lets go in the water"
"Why don't you go without me, besides your members are already in the ocean"
"I'm not going if you're not going"
"Ok, i'm just going to stay here"

He suddenly lift me in a bridal style way "Hey! Put me down!" 
"I will only put you down when we're on the water"
"Oh god, No!" He put me down in the water and i'm all wet "Now i'm wet" i said and pout at him, he pinch my cheeks "I'm also wet babe don't worry" My cheeks start to blush because he called me babe "Y-yah! Don't call me like that in the public!"

"Oh sorry but media doesn't bother me anymore babe" i slap his biceps, turn my back at him and crossed my arm, i actually like it but it's embarassing, my cheeks burn so hot. I can feel a hand wrapping around my waist, i don't wanna look whos is it, besides i already know who is it 

"You look so hot when your wet, babe~" He said in a husky tone and it makes me more blush "YAH!" I shout and run back to the shore. I can hear him giggling, i think he prefer to tease me now a days. Oh my god! I can't handle that! He's voice is so sexy when it's husky, i feel like i'm dying


The volleyball game is ended and the winner is Johnny hyungs team. I decided to go in the building to do something besides of swimming, i entered the building and walk in the hallways. The hallways are empty, it kinda reminds me of the abandon hallway in the school but i think this is safe because it looks modern and it doesn't look abandon at all

A cold breeze hit my skin, a shiver down to my spine making me scared and getting a goosebumbs. I slowly walk in the hallway trying to reach the end of it 'cause the end of the hallway theres a door that leads to the garden, while walking someone poke my back and i jump and scream in scaredness

I look at the person who poke me and it was Jeongwoo "Why you're screaming all of sudden?" he ask "It just scary here, i got some goosebumbs look" i said and he saw my small hair standing "Thats just air look" he point at the window and it's widely open "I didn't notice that window" i said in confusion "You probably busy thinking" i nod "Yes i am" 

"What are you thinking then?"
"The r-rape?" i hesitated
"You mean the guy who tried you know" i nod "Why?"
"You see this hall, it's empty except from us" 
"Oh yeah it reminds you"
"Yeah kinda scary" i said and the hallway got silent again

"Hey!" someone shouted and we look at the person, its Haruto, i saw Jeongwoo blush a bit. Hmm? I smell HaJeongwoo here "I was looking for you" Haruto said to Jeongwoo and the blush from Jeongwoo is much more red than before "Oh hi rain" Haruto said and i smiled at him "Hi" i also said "C'mon Jeongwoo, Hyunsuk hyung is finding you 'cause we're going to eat" Haruto said "Oh yeah do you wanna come?" Haruto said to me, i shook my head "No, i'll go with my hyungs"

"Ok you say so" He hold Jeongwoo's arm and pulled him away "They're full of something" i said to my self and headed out to the building since i remember that they're going to eat

"Oh there's rain" Ten hyung said while eating a roast chicken "Where did you go?" Johnny hyung said "In the garden" i said and he only nods, i grab some banana 'cause i can't find the roasted chicken that P'Ten's eating 

"Where's the roasted chicken?" i said while pouting at Taeyong hyung "Let me grab you" he said and ruffle my hair "Thanks hyung" i said and he gave me a roast chicken legs, i eat it gently not wanting to look gross at my hyungs


It's late and it's getting dark outside. I'm on the room with Renjun hyung and he's currently reading some books. I'm just looking at the sky waiting for some stars to show up. While looking outside of the window my phone vibrated and i look at the name, it's Junghwan who message me 

Hey do you wanna go outside to watch the sunset?

Of course, i'm currently looking at the window right now

Ok, c'mon i already outside i'll wait for you

I didn't reply back and look for Renjun hyung to aks permission to go outside but he's already sleeping "Guess i'm going tosneak out" i said whispering not wanting to wake up the small guy. I slowly open the door and exited the room then closed the door very slowly. I run faster at the elevator and press the floor 1 

The elevator door open and i run faster as i could, i got out of the building and run to the beach were few of people are here to watch the sunset, most of them are couples of course. I saw Junghwan waving at me and walk faster towards him, i hug him as i reach him "Miss me already?" i nodded, i look up at him and smile "Aw cutie~" he said and pinch my nose "Here sit let sit here, it's a perfect view" he said and we seated on the sand, I look at the sun and it looks like the sun is sinking in the middle of the ocean 

"It's pretty" i said quietly but it's enough to Junghwan to hear it "Yeah like you" he said and i blush a bit, i rested my head on Junghwan shoulders and he wrap his arm around my waist, as the hour past by the sun already sink down and the moon will appear sooner or later, some stars started to show and this is the scene that im waiting for

The peoples are standing and going to their rooms now while me and Junghwan still here sitting on a cold sand "Aren't we going?" i said and he shook his head "Let stay here for a bit" he said and i just nod. Minute past by we're still seating on the sand and we are the only person in the beach now "What if the hotel locks their door?" 

"Then we're going to sleep here" he said and he chuckle, i can't stop looking at him until he notice me "Stop staring i might melt and i know i'm handsome" he said and i slap his arm playfully "Junghwan" i said and he look at me, i kiss his lips and i was to break the kiss when he grab the back of my head making the kiss longer

Our nose sliding to each other and our lips are wet from each others saliva. I lay on the sand but my head is protected by Junghwan's hands, the kiss rough than earlier and deeper, we broke the kiss and a string of saliva is connected to our lips. The kiss lasted for 7 minutes, we look the each others eyes and we both laugh at of no where "Let's go?" he said and i nod "Let's go"

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