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"Good afternoon children," Ms. Susan greets while entering the classroom. Everyone groans, not liking to the fact that we have to put up with her class for the second time of the day.

"Ma'am, it's an economics period!" Alex informs. I'm happy that the whole class is a team when it comes to being against Ms. Susan.

"I know right" she replies coldly.

"I can't listen to her boring lectures again," I hear Jana whispering to Serah sitting behind me.

"You don't have to listen," Serah chuckles. "Let's play something."

"Jana, stand up," Ms. Susan orders. "What's so funny?" How did she hear them? They were practically hidden behind me and Harry and they weren't that loud.

Harry and I slightly turn back to listen to Jana's response.going to reply. "Nothing Ma'am," she replies politely. "I'm sorry," Ms. Susan just nods.

"I wanted to convey something very important and I'm reminding you all once again that nobody is supposed to talk in my class," she says, tapping on the table.

"The school election is next week, so those who are interested to be the candidate of Arts and Sports representative can inform me now," Ma'am announces.

"Noah," Serah whispered.
"Noahhhhhhh!"I sigh, turning back "What?"

"Be a Sports rep" she orders.

"No," I quickly replies, there is nothing to think about it.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"I'm not interested"

"I'm going to give your name," Serah said. I sigh, knowing damn well how stubborn she is.

"I said no, Serah," I say firmly, I have already finalized my decision.

"Why Noah?" and now Jana is too questioning me.

"Why? You are good enough in sports and can manage their team as a leader. Go for it, man," Harry says, trying to encourage me. But still, I didn't feel like agreeing with them.

"He is right," Serah says. "I won't let Alex take the position, so I'm givin your name." I have no other option other than agreeing with her.

"Ma'am, I will be a sports rep candidate," Alex says out loud, smirking at me as if he has achieved something great. Lyra stood up and announced that she will be an Arts rep candidate.

"C'mon Noah" Serah insist me. I know how much she hates Alex take over me and also how much she wanted me to be the Rep.

"Okay, fine, " I give in even and reports to Ms. Susan.

"Yesssssssss!" Serah smiles, her face glowing with happiness. She hi-fives Harry and Jana.I half smile, seeing  how happy they all are.

"We should celebrate!" Harry shouts with happiness.

"Memories Café?" I suggest, I feel like going back there after a long time.

"Sure," Serah agrees. "It's been so long we have been there. Jana, you have to come with us," Harry says.

"Okay," Jana agrees.


"Okay," I agrees, I wanted to go there since I read about 'Memories Cafe' in Jenny's book. Finally, it's time to go.

After the class, four of us go to the Cafe nearby the school.
When we reached the place,  Serahturns to me, "This is the Memories Café." It looks exactly like the picture captured by Jennifer. Even after two years, nothing has seemed to change. I glance at Noah and notice that he is lost in thoughts. He is probably thinking about the first time he and Jenny came here and all those unforgettable moments that happened at this place.

Serah led us to the table at the end of the place. I look out the window nearby taking an amazing view. Noah and Serah sat across me on the couch while Harry sits on the chair on my right.

"Let's begin with a Chocolate shake!" Harry exclaims excitedly.

"Yup" Serah agrees, me and Noah just nods.

Now I know the reason why Noah is being so quiet, it's just this place with lots of memories, but he is the one who suggested to come here, so I guess he is fine with it. I exactly remember all those moments he had here and now I'm visualizing them.

"Whenever we have something to celebrate, we come here," Harry explains, interrupting my visualization. I look around,  "It's an incredible place" I admire. A kind of darkness covers the place, but the golden lamps are lit around giving a great look inside the cafe. At the other end I can see a small stage with instruments and a wall covered with pictures. There is a title above the pictures, 'MINE FOREVER'. I want to go over there and have a look at it, maybe there will be pictures of Noah and Jenny.

"It's not easy to forget someone with whom you shared your soul with," Noah mumbles. I guess he saw me looking at the wall. When I faced him, I saw him already looking at me, staring deep into my eyes, "Now I know that I don't have to miss her anymore."

After a moment of silence, Harry suddenly shouts "Hey Ryan!" my heart dropped. Ryan? OMG! Is he here? I  turn to make sure it's Ryan Philip, yes, it's him.

"Join us," Noah waves over. Ryan walks towards our table and sits next to me. NEXT TO ME! I can't believe that someone whom I have a secret crush on is sitting next to me. I silently freak out, trying not to make it obvious that I was.

"Hello, School Rep," Serah grins.

"Not yet, " he replies. He looks at me for a split second, then turns to Harry when he asked "Chocolate shake?" Ryan turns to me again. "Hey," he smiles, "I have seen you before, but never got a chance to introduce," he said to me. Oh my God! We are finally introducing each other. He told that he had seen me, but which incident does he remember?

"Hello, I'm Jana" I smile, even if I can't see I know it lit up.

"How you get into this gang?" he asked me. "As far as I remember, it has always been the three of you, never seen someone else in your gang."

"Long story man" Noah replies. I guess our official intro is done with that. I expected more, but this is reality and reality sucks.

"Jana, this is Ryan, our senior and the School Rep" Serah introduces him to me, but I already knew a lot about him because I have been stalking him.

"Serah, shut up, " Ryan says with a laugh while ruffling thick, black hair as it falls on his face. He is so hot, I can spend hours just looking at his beautiful face. I wish if he gets the same feeling I have.

"I'm sure you will easily win, even if you only get the votes from all those girls chasing after you, " Serah's words took me back from my imaginations. I guess a lot of girls at school fancy him. How can I blame them? He is so damn good looking! I'm one among them, no, I'm not just one among them.

"Oh really?" Ryan raises an eyebrow.

"So Jana, will I get your vote?" he asks me. Don't overthink, I say to myself, he just asked that's it.

"Sure" of course I will, how can I not vote for someone on whom I have a secret crush.

"Thanks pretty," he smiles."I have to go. Catch you later guys." He gets up from seat and leaves the cafe. He called me pretty? Unbelievable. Oh god! Now I'm going to live in a never happening imaginary world with Ryan.


Hey guys!!! I'm back. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas full of love and happiness. I know it's been so long since I updated and I'm sorry for that. I hope you guys liked this chapter, so please do vote, comment, and share.

Who is your favorite character? My personal favorite is Noah. Do let me know whom you liked the most through comments.

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