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I pull in my car in Ryan's driveway. I get out of the car and walk to the front door. I ring the bell and soon the door was opened by Ryan's dad. "Hello, Jana," he greets with a smile.

His mom quickly comes over to me and pulls me into a small hug. "Morning Mr. and Mrs. Philip," I greet.

They invite me in and I settle down on the couch. "I will get you coffee," his mom says and walks over to the kitchen. "Hey, Jana," Alex waves while coming downstairs with a bag in his hand.

"Morning, Alex."

"Ryan is getting ready. He will come now," he informs.

As I wait for Ryan Mrs. Philp brings me coffee. After a few minutes of talking with the family, Ryan comes down with a bag slung on his shoulder. "Morning everyone," he wishes. I smile back.

"Taken all documents?" Mr. Philip inquires.

"Yes, dad," he confirms.

His mom goes for a hug. "Happy journey, Ryan."

We all walk out to my car and Alex gets Ryan's back to the boot. Ryan bid everyone goodbye before getting into the car.

"Can we go?" I ask. I start the car as soon as Ryan nods. I turn up the radio, knowing this is going to be an awkward 30-minute ride.

After nearly five minutes he turns down the volume of the radio. "Jana..." He calls softly.


"Do you remember the Grand Fest Day?" He asks. He's trying to get me in a better mood... reminding me of good old stuff.

I smile, "Of course, I do." How can I forget?

"It's after two weeks," he says.

"How can I forget they perform every summer?" I ask myself stupidly.

"I will get the tickets and we can go together for the concert this time," Ryan offers.

I smile brightly, "I would love that." Last time, I just caught a glimpse of him during the concert. This time we are together... everything changed within another 365 days...


We stop the car as we reach the airport after 30 minutes of driving. I get down and help Ryan to get his bags from the boot. He takes one bag onto his shoulder and keeps the other one on the ground.

"So..." I trail off. What do I say? Goodbye? No! Then? "I will miss you," I say and go for a hug. I rest my head on his chest. I don't know how this is going to be...

"I will miss you too," his voice trembles.

After a minute, we pull apart. Ryan keeps his hand on my shoulder, "It's just a week." I nod in response. "We have deals, so we be will okay," he grins.

I sigh and give him a weak smile, "We will be... okay." I slowly raise my heels and kiss him on the lips.

"I love you, Jana."

"I love you, too."

I wave him goodbye as he walks into the terminal. This week is going to be difficult for both of us... Before entering the final gate Ryan turns back and waves again. I will miss him... a lot.


Soon, I get back to my car and buckles the seat belt. My phone rings and I take it out from my bag to see Noah's name flashing. I swipe to answer the call. "Hey, Noah."

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now