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My phone started ringing, waking me up from my sleep. Who's calling me in the middle of the night? I ignore the the ringing, trying to go back to sleep.

I feel Serah movingaroundin the bed and she groans. "Jana, answer the call," she said groggily, annoyed as  our sleep is disturbed.

I mentally scold the person calling me and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I check to see Ryan on the screen. I checked the time, it's just 5 in the morning. Why is he calling me at this hour? I quickly sit up in bed, not as sleepy as.i was few seconds ago. "Serah, it's Ryan."

"Then answer the call," she replied without even turning over to me.

I swiped right to answer him. "Morning, Jana," Ryan said softly. I immediately smil after hearing his sweet morning wish. I silently curse myself for mentally scolding him.

"Good morning, Ryan," I wished. This morning is one of the few mornings where I'm not irritated for having to wake up early.

"Come out of the room," he ordered.

"What?" I immediately ask loudly. Serah rolls around to face me and looked at me in confusion. I put my phone on speaker for her to hear.

"I'm sorry for last night," he apologized. "Can you come out of your room nowhere?"

I glance at Serah for a reply, she nods towards the door, "Go," she whispers.

"Please Jana" he requested when I didn't give him any response.

"Fine." I hand up the phone and sit in bed for a minute.

"Why did he ask me to come out at this time? Do I have to go? What if-" "Girl, just go. You have been waiting for this moment for a long time, " she said, cutting me off from my rant. I nod, taking a deep breath. I was waiting for this, but never expected at this time.

I quickly hop out of the bed. I brush my teeth and tied my hair into a ponytail. I pull a hoodie over my dress and grab my phone. Before heading out of the room, I wave goodbye to Sarah.

"Enjoy" she calls out.


When I walk out, I notice that the night lights are on, so it is not dark as I thoughtas I thoughtit would be. I slowly close the door behind me, trying not to make much noise. I look down to find a book on the ground. Did Ryan put it here? There is no way someone dropped it here by accident. I bend down, picking up the book.


I hastliy check my phone to see if Ryan texted me, but there are no new messages. Speaking of Ryan, where is he? I just opened the book and find a note.


A book and a note? What does he mean? Does he mean that this is the beginning of us? My phone buzzes as a message pops up. I unlock my phone to see a text from Ryan.

RYAN: Hey Jana. It's a treasure hunt!!!

Oh, a treasure hunt! I didn't expect this at all, so this will be interesting. I look back at the note, not knowing where to go next. Roses are red... Is there a rose garden here? I walk through the corridor to the front door. Wait, wait, wait... there is a rose bouquet on the table in the lobby. Is that where my next clue is? I walk to the table to find another book.


I was right! I smile, trying to contain my squeal. I seriously can't believe this is the beginning of us and never expected anything like this. So he knows that I love books. I open the book, a note was attached to it.

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