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"Text me when you are back home," Ryan says through the phone as I look myself in the mirror while getting ready for Razzle Dazzle.

"Yeah, I will," I assure while applying lipstick.

"Have fun, Jana. We will celebrate tomorrow." His words make my heart flutter.

A smile forms on my face. "Enjoy your New year," I say softly whilst glancing down at the gift I bought for him.

So.ekne quitely taps on my bedroom door. "Can I come in?"

Immediately recognizing Noah's voice, I put down my lipstick. "Yeah, you can come in," I call out. Whispering into my phone, I bid goodbye to Ryan. "Ok bye, Ryan. I have to go, I will talk to you later." With that, I hang up the call and put it back on the table.

Noah slowly pushes open the door, making the bells on the door jingle. "I will be ready in five minutes. Make yourself comfortable," I inform, waving over to the bed. I look back at my mirror and apply eyeliner.

"Take your time," he says. I watch him through the mirror as he moves across the room, sitting on the bed. Lilith gets up from the floor and settles next to Noah.

I wrap the envelope pendant chain Noah gave me around my neck. I notice him staring at me intently. Still looking through the mirror, i shift my gaze. We make eye for a second before he quickly looked away. I hope this won't be too awkward.

I look down at my black jumpsuit with white floral prints, taking in my fit. "I'm ready."

He stands up. "Let's go then."

Grabbing my backpack, I make sure I have everything. Noah and I quitely talk among each other as we make our way downstairs.

Mom peeks around from the kitchen. "Have fun, children!"

"Yes, mom!" I quickly respond. Grabbing Noah's hand, I drag him outside.

"So, are you excited?" he asks as we get into his car.

I smile brightly, "This is for the first time I'm going to Razzle Dazzle Carnival, so I'm super excited!" A subtle smile forms on his lips, as if he's happy to hear the answer. "What about you?" I ask.

"Just excited to go with you!" He gives me a genuine smile, starting the car in the process.


I practically jump out of the car as Noah pulled in. I gasp, taking everything in. I excitedly looked at the carnival entry which is filled with people, talking and enjoying themselves. Seems like everyone is excited as I'm to celebrate the last day of the year.

"Can I hold your hands?" I look up at Noah I confusion. "You said me you'd be my girlfriend for the night."

"Oh, right..." I mutter under my breath. I reach out, holding his hand in mine. As our fingers intertwine, the warmth from his hand travels up my body. I let out a deep breath, holding back my smile.

We entered the Razzle Dazzle Carnival hand-in-hand. Golden lights wrapped around the entrance, lighting up the place. We stand in front of a board, looking through the list of rides and games. "We have time until 12. What should we do?" Noah asks.

I frown, pouting up at him, "You didn't come up with a plan? I thought you had some idea so you could celebrate the New Year with your one day girlfriend."

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