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I want to thank sipstea19 for editing my story and making it a better one. Thank you so much♡





3.00 P.M Grey sky

3.30 P.M The sky is getting darker

4.00 P.M Black sky

4.30 P.M Heavy rain

My room gets darker as time goes on. I'm sitting on my bed, arms wrapped around my legs and my head resting on my knees, tears falling out of my eyes as I think more about it.

Even looking outside through the window didn't make me feel better as I couldn't stop my tears in any way. I haven't left my room for the last few days nor have I let anyone in when I realized that I missed something in me. And when I think about how my life will be in the future, I get depressed.

This rain couldn't bring a smile to my face as it always did, but this rain does remind me of all those happy times...

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now