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I slouch on the couch, my eyes fixed on the T.V screen. I try to focus on the movie that's been playing for the past hour, but my mind is too preoccupied. All I could think was about Ryan, me, and Noah.

"Jana!" I jump up, looking at my mom walking over to me. I sit up straight, looking at her in confusion. Why she is yelling? "Your phone is ringing," she points out to my phone on the table.

"Oh," I murmur. Where was I? I turn down the volume of T.V, but by the time I reach for my phone, it stops ringing.

Mom locks eyes with me. I can tell she's worried about me. "Are you okay?" She asks with worry in her voice. I shake my head. "You wanna talk about it?"

I let out a sigh and shrug, "It's just a little fight with Ryan."

I hear her sigh quietly before pulling me into a mommy soft hug. "Fight happens in every relationship. Just talk. Everything will be alright." I hum into her shoulder. "Don't stress on it too much, yeah? It's a part of life." Mom gives me the mommy advice.

She let go of m and sits right next to me on the couch. I check the call history to see it was Serah who called me. I dial her number and lean back into the couch, waiting for her to answer. "Hey, Jana!"

"Hey, why'd you call?" I ask, leaning on mom's shoulder.

"Jenny wants all of us to spend this night at the amusement park. So..." She trails off, knowing I won't agree to come.

"Serah, you know right. I'm not in a mood to hang out," I admit. "Things aren't still right between me and Ryan."

"I know, but everyone wants you to be there," she convinces. I can practically see her pouting.


"How long are you planning to sit all moody?" I stay quiet. Well... that's a question I don't have an answer.

"You should go, Jana," Mom whispers to me. "Go have fun."

Ugh... Mom is right. I shouldn't stress too much about him. I should probably go and have fun.

"Fineeeee! I stretch out the e. Mom gives me an encouraging smile.

I hear Serah squeal through the phone. "We will be there in the evening!" With that, she hangs up.


Serah drives us to the amusement park. After fifteen minutes, we finally arrive at the park. I get out of the car and take a look at the amusement park. After sometime of walking, I see Harry waving at us from the distance. I quickly notice Noah, Alex, and Zyan closely behind him. Why are they here? "Isn't this girl's day out?" I ask curiously.

"Nope," Sandy replies while shaking her head. "This is one among Jenny's and Noah's together let's list."

"Then why are we here?" I turn to face Jenny.

"It wouldn't be that fun without you all," Jenny replies with a genuine smile.

"Hey, boys!" Jenny greets as soon as we get together. "Jana, long time no see! How are you?" Harry asks while he holding Juliet's hand.

I weakly smile, "I'm good."

I look at Noah, hoping he will say something, but all he does is just smile. I really thought he would be there for me, especially on the night of the concert... even though I told him I'm okay. I'm just a friend, after all.

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