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He pulls me closer to him. "Happy New Year Jana," Noah mutters into my shoulder.

I rub his back and slowly pill away. "This is the best New Year I ever had."

Noah stares into my eyes, "A moment, forever to remember." I hold eye contact for a few seconds and break it before making the eye staring session awkward. "Uh, anyways..." he clears his throat. "I should write this day in my diary."

My eye lit up, smiling brightly. I know he had a great time today with me. I grin, "Of course you should write. So I can read afterward."

He raises his eyebrow and smirks, "You think I will let you read it?"

I gasp dramatically, "Are you saying you won't let me?"

He laughs, "No way!"

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Whatever. One day you will let me read it,"  I smirk with full confidence. He hums in response, giving me a smug look.

We stay in the hot air balloon for thirty minutes. After getting off, we walk around the Razzle Dazzle once more, catching the last glimpse of it before heading home.


Today was everything I could hope for. With the entire year being special to me, the Carnival adds to the charm.

I enter my bedroom witj a smile still plastered on my face. Noah is the reason for that! I quickly take out my phone from my backpack to text Ryan.

ME: I'm back home!

I wait for five minutes for his reply, but whe  he didn't, I throw my phone to the side, plopping onto my bed. Groaning, I fall into a long stretch. After five minutes of lying down, I look back at my phone. No reply. I sit up little, glancing at the clock. Huffing, I rub my eyes. It's 1.30 AM, Ryan must have slept after the celebration. I glance at the ring on my finger for a bit, admiring it's beauty. Slipping it off, I place it in my drawer safely. I change back to my home clothes and jump into the bed. I snuggle into my blanket and doze off into the darkness.



I groan, shuffling in my bed. What are those noises? Am I dreaming?


My eyes instantly open. I'm not dreaming. What is happening? My heart starts racing as a million thoughts race through my mind. Looking down in the darkness, I notice someone was on the floor. I breath heavily, making me feel like I will pass out any moment. Who's that? What do I do? Should I scream? Run? Throw something at them? I sit up on my bed, preparing for what's about to happen. I quickly reach over, turning on the table lamp. I blink briskly, letting my eyes adjust to the light.

The person lifts their head up. "Happy New Year Jaan!"

"Ryan!" I yell. I let out a sigh of relief, groaning in the process. "You scared me!"

He sheepishly smiles as he gets up from the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. This was meant to be a surprise, but I guess that backfired."

A breeze flows through my room. I glance at the window cracked open. "You snunk in through my window?" I ask out of surprise. He nodded with a naughty smile. I'm no longer safe in my bedroom, I have to change that glass window soon. "Damn, Ryan!"

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now