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I pull in my car in front of Ryan's house. I take out my phone from the bag and call Ryan. After a few rings, he picks up, "Good morning!" I greet excitedly.

He groans into the phone, "What's the time Jana?"

"It's five in the morning," I reply enthusiastically, which is quite unusual since I'm not a morning person but I'm excited about today.

"Why are you calling me at this hour?" He asks in a sleepy tone. Aww! I can practically imagine him speaking to me with his eyes closed, lying on the bed.

"Come out of your house!" I order without giving him an answer to his question.

"What?" He asks in doubt. "Why... is there anything... special?" he slowly asks. I sigh in disappointment. He doesn't remember what's special about today? I thought he had plans... maybe he's trying to fool me by acting like he doesn't remember.

"Surprise!" I exclaim. I smile, knowing that he is going to love it.

"Okay," he mutters. "I will come down now," he says and hangs up.

I roll down the glass and turn on the radio as I wait for Ryan in my car. Ryan will never expect this kind of surprise. This will be a day full of good memories he can think about when he leaves this town.

He comes out of the house after nearly five minutes in his gray hoodie and ripped black jeans. How can someone look so adorable even after just waking up?

"Morning!" He wishes as he pops into the passenger seat, bringing me back from my adoration. Smiling, he takes my hand in his, raising it to his lips, he gives it a sweet morning kiss. Aww! I loved this new gesture! His eyes are still tired from lack of sleep, but he seems like he doesn't mind at all. "Tell me what's in your mind," Ryan demands.

I grin, "No way!"

He looks at me curiously, "Why?"

"Uh..." I trail off. Should I tell? No! "Just know that I got us some plans for us."

He raises his brow, "What plans?"

I turn to him, "It's..." I stop. I guess I shouldn't tell him the whole plan, let him wait and watch. I shrug, "Just the couple goals."

"Okay," he smiles brightly. "I'm excited."

I start the engine and drive off. He takes out my journal from the dashboard and opens the page with a bookmark. "So... sunrise? Recreating our proposal day?" He asks with a smirk as if he found out my plans. I just nod, biting back the smile forming on my face. That's just one, Ryan! I will keep the rest of my plans to myself for the time being.

I drive us to Sun Hill, Ryan is still holding my hand as romantic melodies play on the radio with the cold morning breeze making my body chill. We exchange glances in between, smiling at each other. There's romance in the air. I just want to freeze at this moment with Ryan. It's perfect!

We reach Sun Hill after ten minutes of driving. Sun Hill is a hillock, this is the best place in the town to watch the sunrise. As soon as we get out of the car, I switch on the flashlight on my phone as it's pretty dark. We walk through the middle of the trees hand-in-hand for nearly five minutes onto the top of the hill in silence.

We sit down at the edge as we wait for the sun to rise. Ryan wraps his arm over my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder. This is exactly as on the day he proposed to me. I want to be with him forever! "I don't know how I will stay away from you so long," Ryan whispers.

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