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"Good morning, dear," mom says while pulling the blanket away from my face and opening the curtains to let the sunlight in, knowing very well that I won't wake up if she didn't do so. I groan, not wanting to get out of the bed.  She looks at me with a disapproving face, "Show me a smiling face." I roll around my bed, not wanting to smile.

My dad comes over and stands near the door, "Good morning, Jana." I stay silent. "Wish me back," he orders.

"Dad, you know that I'm not a morning person and I never wish good morning" I reply, still lying on the bed trying to get back my sleep even though I know that I'm going to be late.

He sighs in disappointment,  "Whether you wish or not get ready on time."


I finally arrived at school just before the final bell rang. I quickly walk to class and notice that most of them were already there. I sit where I sat last time. We all start talking until the final bell rings. Ms. Susan entered the class, even before the first-period bell and everyone just groaned. She ignores their complaint and starts the class with theory. Since the class got bored, I start doodling in my book.

"May I come in," a voice asks. I lift up my head from the book to see Noah.

Ms. Susan looks at him disapprovingly. "Why you are late to class?"

"I woke up late," he answers casually as that's a valid reason.

"Is that a reason?" She yells. "Don't come late to class next time. This is your final warning." Even without apologizing, he walks to his seat in front of me.


The bell finally rings, after the two 'boring as hell' periods by Ms. Susan. Serah and I get up soon as she promised to  take me around the school. When we reached the door, someone stands in our way. "Hey Serah. Where you are taking her?" He asks. Who is he? I have no idea since I didn't get a chance to meet him yesterday.

"None of your business," she replies rudely. Why is she being rude?

The guy ignored her and look at me. "Hey, I'm Alex." He introduces as he put forward his hand for a shake. He seems to be a nice guy, but why does Serah don't like him?

"Jana," I smile, shaking his hand.

"Let's go?" Serah asks impatiently. Can't she wait for a minute?

"Why in a hurry?" Alex asks, almost tauntingly.

Serah glares at him threateningly, "Don't ever think she will fall for you." Wait. What? What the hell is she saying? He just introduced himself and that's nothing related to falling for him. What is wrong with her?

"Let me give it a try," he smirks. As soon as he said those words, there goes all the image I had for him. What does that mean? That he will try to make me fall for him? No way! I barely know him and we just started a conversation and the topic went to far.

"There is no point, Mr. Alex. Jana won't fall for you," she rolls her eyes. Serah quickly grabs my hand, taking me out of the class before I could ask anything.

"What-"  "I will tell you later," she says, cutting me off. I sigh. Why can't she tell me right now what just happened here? I want to know what is between the two of them.


And instead of the school tour we planned, we walk to the washroom. I accidentlly hit Lyra, our classmate. "Sorry," I apologize immediately.

"Are you blind?" She scorns and bend down to pick up a lipstick on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn'tmean to-" "Can't you see?" She looks at me angrily, which was kind of overreacting for the scene.

"Don't make a scene, you are new here," Serah warns. All Lyra could do was glare at me and walk away. What is wrong with this girl?


"There is no point, Mr. Alex. Jana won't fall for you," Serah rolls her eyes and leave the class with Jana.

"Alex!" I yell while getting up from my seat.

He looks at me and smirks, "Oh, you heard us?"

"Don't ever think you can do whatever you want," I said roughly as I walk towards him.

"What if I will?" He asked sarcastically.

"I won't let you do the same thing you did with Jenny," I glower. As soon as I said that name reminded me everything I'm trying to forget.

"Jennifer Fernandes..." he mumbles. "She was a bitch." The moment those words came out of his mouth I punched his nose hardly.

"You!" Alex shouts in pain before grabbing me by the collar and punched my stomach with the other hand. I punched him once again when the memory of the two of them rushes upon me. Before our fight causing getting it much scene, Harry jumps to stop us.

"What is going on?" Ms. Susan yells while coming out of the next class.

"Both of you go and meet the Principal!" She orders.


"Both of you go and meet the Principal!" I hear Ms. Susan shouting at someone when Serah and I walk out of the washroom.

I walk over to the small crowd gathered there. "What happened?" I ask someone who witnessed everything.

"Noah-Alex fight." What is between Serah, Noah and Alex?


After the break, everyone except, Noah and Alex got back to class. Ms. Leena enters the class and scans the room. "Did Noah andAlex fight again?"I look at her with bewilderment.

"Yes Ma'am," someone answers. It must be a very usual thing if  teachers knew very well... but what is it about?

She sighs, a look of worry covering her face. "I don't know how they will end up."

After a few minutes of lecture, Noah and Alex  returned from the Principal's office. I want to ask why they got into fight, but decided against it. By the end of the second day, I'm left with many unanswered questions.


Hey guys, thank you so much for your support. That means a lot to me. I hope you liked this chapter too. So I request you guys to vote, follow, share, and also don't forget to comment your views about this story.

What is the reason behind their fights?
Who is Jennifer Fernandes?

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