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"Noah!" Someone calls out my name, interrupting the conversation between me and my friends. "I love you," she says as soon as I turn around. Dazed,  I stand speechless for a moment. I wasn't expecting a proposal at the moment and especially by her. Does she really love me? That was so quick! "I said I love you," she repeats, waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention back.

Serah notices me strugglingto get the right words out, so she intervenes "Why do you love him?"

"I just... love him," she said in a very casual way.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I can't love you." Now it's her turn to get surprised.

She looks at me in shock, "Why?" I think she didn't expect a quick rejection, maybe she thought that I will fall for her at the moment she confesses her love.

"There is no specific reason. He just don't love you babe," Harry grins, teasingly.

Before she could respond, Alex steps in. "What? You just proposed him?" I subtly glare at him but don't say anything.

"Yes," she replies.

"That was all of a sudden," he mumbles under his breath, still in the surprised look I was in a minute ago.

"So what?" She shrugs. "I love him and there is nothing to wait for!" She turns to face me, as if she was waiting to receive the response that she wanted. But there is no way that I'm accepting her proposal.

"You are right Lyra, even I should do the same," Alex says, and then walks over to Jana. "Jana, I love you." What? Is he mad?

"What?" She quickly yells, with a bewildered look on her face. What is Alex trying to do? Her met her just few days ago!


"What?" I asked in complete shock. This is completely unexpected. What the he is happening here? Lyra proposed Noah and now Alex proposing to me? This is all too sudden, and I don't think neither of them mean what they are saying. I think they are just trying to make fun of us.

"Alex, stay away," Noah warns, I warily look between the two. Oh god! I don't want another fight to break out. Please, go away, Alex.I said in my mind wishing there is telepathy between hearts.

After a few seconds, Alex smirks and walks away. Thank god! I have no clue about what I will do with his proposal.

After Alex left  Noah was back to the interrupted conversation "Lyra you can't love someone all of a sudden. It's just an infatuation," he says desperately.

"It's love at first sight, Noah. I loved you the moment I saw you on the first day of school," she corrects him. I agree with her, I too believe in love at first sight.

"You can't just love someone by the way they look. That's just an attraction," he triesbto make some sense to her, but I don't know if I could agree with him. Is it just an attraction? I think it's much more than that.

"Lyra, it's clear that he doesn't love you, so just leave it," Serah says, she knows the real feeling of being rejected.

Lyra looks at Serah in disgust, "It's none of your business."

There is a wave of complete anger on Noah's face when Lyra insulted his best friend. It's totally her mistake.

"I hate you," he spat after getting in her face. That's final. She is the one who made him say that, the overreacting bitch.


By the lunch break 'the girl who proposed Noah' news git spread in the whole school. Everyone in every direction was talking about it.

"But why me?" Noah groans as we sit down at the table.

"Because you are good looking," that came from my mouth before my brain could stop me. Shit, did I just say that? What is he going to think? Oh god!

I accidentally look up at him, his beautiful blue eyes captivating me to look deep into it. I want to look away so it won't be awkward, but I can't.

"She is right," Serah agrees. I break the eye contact, silently thanking Serah for breaking the silence between us.

"Guys, but don't you think Lyra just wanted to get popular by proposing Noah-the-most-popular-one-in-the-school?" Serah asks, raising an eyebrow. She has a good point, it's a pretty easy way to quickly get popular  at a new school. But what if he actually lives him? No idea. I don't want to spill out more stupidity about this incident so I just shut my mouth.

"Am I the only one who is popular here?" Noah asks, facing Serah. But I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eyes.


"Am I the only one popular here?" I ask, nobody has an answer for that. I glance over Alex and see him staring at Jana. What is going through his head? What is he planning? I look down at Jana and noticed that she is avoiding eye contact with me, maybe she got embarrassed.


After school, the three of us walk towards the bus bay. "So, you think I'm handsome... why?" I ask Jana curiosily. The main purpose of the question is to make her blush more than getting an answer. I wait for a few seconds, her face turned red, making her so goddamn cute.

"Yeah, why do you think so?" Harry asks, trying to be serious  but it's just to make fun.

"You are... you are just... um..." she was struggling to answer my question while Harry and I try to control our laughter.

"You are very good looking, your blue eyes are so special," she finally answers, smiling at me stupidly.

"So, what about me?" Harry asked, making more fun of the situation.

"You are even much more handsome. I can't compare you with him!" She says. I both hi-fives Harry and we burst into laughter. I haven't been this happy in a while.


Hey guys, thank you so much for the support you gave me through your votes and comments. This means so much to me! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter too. So please do vote, follow, share and comment. I also thank @vanshikasoin999 for recommending my story in the 'BOOK RECOMMENDATION SHOP'.

Is Lyra sincere about her love?

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