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"Janaaaaa!" Ryan yells through the phone as soon as I answer.

I giggle, "Yes, Ryan?" Someone's excited today. Lilith jumps into my lap and lays down.

"I passed the interview! I got into my dream college!" He exclaims happily.

"! We should celebrate!" I cry out enthusiastically making Lilith jump off me. Oops, I think I got too excited.

The doorbell rings, interrupting our conversation. "I'm coming tod-" "Ryan, hold on. I have to get the door. I will call you five minutes later." I hang up and rush out of my room.

I open the door to see Jenny. "Hey, Jenny," I greet with a smile.

"Jana..." She smiles widely before pulling me into a soft hug. "I want you to come with me," she says. I look at her expectantly. When she notices my confusion, she smiles again. "It's a surprise."

"Oh, let me get changed then." I let her in and go change my clothes. What surprise is she planning for me?


Jenny leads me outside of her room at the right of the hall. "Wait here." She walks inside, leaving me alone in the hall. I'm excited for the surprise! She comes back with a long red gown in her hand.

I gasp, looking at the dress. "It's beautiful!"

She nods, "I want you to wear it."

She hands me the dress. "Why? What's the plan?" I ask anxiously.

She smiles, "I can't reveal the surprise yet." I nod in response. "The day I wore this dress is unforgettable," Jenny pauses, staring into the distance. She's probably lost in the memories of that day. From the look on her face, I can say that she miss that moment.

I take the dress from her and walk in an empty room. I put the dress on, letting the long red gown flow around me. I look at myself in the mirror, admiring the strapless dress and the subtle glitter at the ends, shining under the light. It's beautiful! I put on some makeup and leave my hair down, letting it flow down my shoulders.

Jenny walks into the room wearing a purple gown. I suck in my breath. "You look beautiful," I whisper. I mean that genuinely. The color really suits her, and the dress overall looks wonderful on her.

"You, too. He will love it." She purses her lips as if she's taken aback.

"Who?" I ask confusedly. What is she saying?

"Uh... I mean... anyone who sees you right now... will love it," she stammers nervously. I eye her down. That seems somewhat believable, but still...

We hear a knock on the door. "Can you get the door?" She asks. "I need to get my hair done."

I agree and walk to the main door. I open the door to see Noah in a black suit and a red rose bouquet in his hands. God, he looks so... good! He even got me flowers? Oops, it's for Jenny, Ugh... Wait... Jana! Stop staring! Noah stares at me blankly.

"Noah!" I snap my fingers over his face.

He finches a bit. When he realizes that he zoned out, he mutters an apology. I fully open the door to let him in. "You look gorgeous," he compliments me with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Jenny appears from the room with her hair tied up. He gives her the red rose bouquet. "Red roses for the girl in the red dress," she tilts her head at me. He awkwardly glances between us before giving me the bouquet. I take it in my hands and give him a quiet thanks you.

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now