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"Good morning Jana," Dad greets. "Wake up," he says, doing the usual annoying things.

"Good morning dad," I wish him back. Dad looks at me, confused. "You wished back?" He immediately ask to confirm that he is not dreaming.

Dad is surprised by two things that happened just now, first thing is that I woke up by his first call which only happens on my birthday or when I'm going for any trip because I can't sleep out of my excitement. Reason two is that I wished him back, which never happened in my life as far as I remember. So I'm not surprised that he is astounded.

"Yes dad," I chuckle and gets up. Dad is still looking at me as something happened to me. The only reason behind all these things is that I'm excited about the campaigninh and election at school. I have a chance tonnot only see Ryan, but also to talk to him!


Almost everyone is in the class so early, even Noah!
This morning the Principal made an announcement, allowing candidates to class campaign. After lunch break, everyone will vote and we will have the results by the end of the day. I'm so glad that Ryan will be the school Rep even without any campaigning.

I glance at Ms. Susan and notice that she is not in a good mood. I have seen her in a good mood, but it seems worse today. It's probably because her class was interrupted more than three times by the candidates. I only look up from my doodling to see who the candidate is, waiting for Ryan. She could have given us a free day today, but she refused and continue teaching.

"Good morning, Ma'am" I look up to see Ryan finally. I sit up straight and close my book to listen to him.

"You can come after this period, " Ms. Susan orders, a little agitated. I silently groan. Why him? She let all the other candidates to campaign. I'm so mad at Ms. Susan right now.

I lean over to Serah andwhisper, "Sometimes, I really want to kill Ms. Susan." Serah smiles, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Say we will! The Mission set." I smile, happy that I have her by my side.

After Ms. Susan left the class, Ryan came back. " Hey guys, I'm a candidate for school Rep." He continues talking about something, but all I could do was sit there and stare at him.

"So will you guys vote for me?" that's what I hear finally.

"Yes!" I say quickly. I smack my hand on my mouth when I realize that I was the only one who replied. Damn it... why do I make every situation awkward? When I meet his eyes, he winks at me, now I can die happily. I blush while Serah and Harry grins at me. I give them an embarrassing smile, thankful that Noah isn't in the class.

The break is the real-time to get out and ask for votes. Me, Harry and Serah walks with Noah down the corridor. We start campaigning as a group, but end up getting separated.

As I was asking for votes, someone commented "I will vote for Noah, if you will come for a date." I turn to see a gang of seniors. I roll my eyes, knowing that they are making fun of me.

"I don't need your vote," I say firmly with a smirk.

"What about a kiss, then?" everyone in that group starts laughing.

"Fine, don't vote for Noah. Go vote for Alex," As soon as I turn around, I saw Alex watching me. Oh, God!

He stares at me, "Hey, you are helping me?" he asked out of surprise.

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