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I run up to the lunch table, plopping do next to Ryan. "I got some plans for us!" I squeal excitedly. "I wanted to spend as much time as I can before you leave. I want you to have a lot of good memories here before going to college."

"You just got me excited. Tell me more." Ryan smiles widely, eyes shining with happiness, seemingly intrigued.

"Honestly, there is not much. I only thought of a few couple goals."

"We can make it special in our way," he winks, making me blush.

"So, what about a movie date tonight?" I ask.

"Sure!" He agrees happily and my face glows with happiness. I'm so excited.


After lunch, I walk back to class and join the group. I glance at Noah, he is looking out of the window. I frown, letting my gaze drop. He's been very successful in avoiding me all week and won't talk to me unless it's very necessary. Why is he doing this to hurt me? Isn't there a better way to fix everything?

Ms. Leena walks in. We get our greetings over with and start class. "Now, all of you sit with your teammates." I let out a small groan. I have to face Noah. I wait for Lyra to come and sit next to Noah. If staying away from me is his decision, letting him do so is my decision. I had lunch with Ryan for the whole week to make it easier for him. Why should I care? Who am I kidding? As much as I can pretend, I can't keep lying to myself. No matter how much I try not to care, deep down, I know I want Noah to be with me.

I reach down, pretending to grab books from my bag. I'm delaying because I don't want to sit next to him. "Jana, you should go," Alex says hurriedly to join Serah. I look up to see Lyra settling next to Noah. I get up from my seat and grab a seat next to her.

"I will give each group a different topic. I suggest writing it down somewhere." Ms. Leena flips through some pages. Her eyes soon roam around the room. "Okay, group one!" I quickly take a piece of paper and pen ready to note down. "Your topic is 'Does love hurts?'"

I tense up in my seat. My hand goes numb. I can't write. Why did we have to get that topic? I reluctantly turn to face Noah. He's already staring at me, pain fulfilling in his eyes. Love does hurts... I can see it in his eyes... Lyra clears her throat, breaking our gaze. I quickly turn back to my paper, writing down the topic. Does love hurt his? I know I hurt him. He's hurting because of me. This assignment is going to turn out worse than I thought.

Ms. Leena finishes up with instructions and let us get to work. I turn back, facing Serah. I need to distract my thoughts. "What's your topic?" I ask.

Serah glances at Alex with flustered eyes. "We got 'define love'," she grins idiotically.

I frown, slightly rolling my eyes. "Is it all about love?"

Alex looks at me in confusion. "You didn't listen? We are covering love in the second term."

I stumble over my words, unsurewhat to say. "Uh... yeah."

"Students!" Ms. Leena claps her hands together. The class falls into hush. "I will give you a week to complete this assignment. I suggest you all to start working now so you wouldn't have to stress about it later on in the week."

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now