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"Hey, he is over there!" I excitedly point at Ryan, who is on the ground to Serah from the corridor of the first floor during the break.

"Oh yes, look as much as you want" Serah laughed teasingly.

"Shut up, " I roll my eyes, biting back my smile.

"Hey, look at him!" Serah gasps and pointd out a boy on the ground. From his uniform, I guess he is from 9th or 10th grade. What about him?

I looks at her clueless, "I have been noticing him for a while. Cute, right?" She asks with a stupid grin. I look at her, slightly confused. There is something going on with her.

"I couldn't really see his face, but he seems a little younger than us," I respond, hoping that she will spill out the truth.

"C'mon, he is good-looking. Also, I'm not developing any crush on him." she rolls her eyes.

"Okay, look at him as much as you want," I say mockingly. We both start laughing and continue our conversation.

"Hey, what you girls are doing here?" we turn around to see Noah.

He gives a mischievous grin, "Looking for boys, right?"

"Good looking boys in this school?" I scoff. "No chance." I say, trying to make a disappointed face and Serah nods, pretending to be sad.

"But Serah is looking for someone. He is our junior," I inform Noah, just to tease Serah.

"Serah, I didn't expect this from you." He giggled, supporting me to tease Serah.

"Jana, oh god, you cheat!" She groans.

"Noah, did you know Jana has a crush on someone?" I immediately actioned her to stop once I heard the word crush. But Noah already heard and there is no way I could defend. She promised that she wouldn't say anything, but now she is making fun of me. I silently pray that she won't spill more.

"He is not in our school. He is her neighbor," Serah lies. Neighborhood? Whatever. I let out a deep breath, thankful that she didn't say I liked Ryan.

"Seriously?" he asked out of curiosity, a small grin playing on his face.

"Yes, " She replies immediately. Noah lookd at me for confirmation and I nod. Because even if I say no, I don't think he would have believed me.

"Okay girls, you carry on. I have to go, " he said and left.

As soon as he was out of sight, I screamed "SERAH!" She laughed as I groan in annoyance. "You promised me, right?" I whined.

"You told him about that junior. I don't even know his name man," She exclaimed.

"That was for fun right. You don't even have any crush on him," I try to argue.

"Yeah, it was for fun, but I can't say if I will be serious about it," She smiles flirtatiously.

"But don't worry. Noah will never know it's Ryan." She promisebme and I sigh.

"Ok, fine... but we have to get a code name for Ryan," I suggest.

"Well, obviously," She replies in a duh tone. "Every kid in the school know who Ryan is."

We walk around the school as we contemplate, throwing some nicknames here and there.

"What about Art?" Serah comes up with a name.

"ART," I mumble. "That's cool. He is an artist, so it's great."

"I know right." she grins.


"Okay girls, carry on, I have to go, " I said and walked back to the class. On the way, I started thinking about Jana. Does Jana really have a crush? I hope not. I'm still wondering why I'm so bothered about her. Serah too got a crush? They were acting a little different at the cafe yesterday.

A voice calls out my name, pullingme away from my thoughts. "Noah!" I turn around to Harry. "Lyra was searching for you."

"Oh, where is she?" I asked.

"I think in the class," He grins. "Now she finally got a good chance to be with you all the time." I roll my eyes and continue walking.

"Where were you? With Serah or with Ryan? I was looking all over for you, and you know Harry told me you are with... " Lyra started rambling when I saw her in the corridor.

I put my hands up slightly, makingher stop talking. "What's the matter?"

"All the reps have to assemble in the main hall at 3 pm for an official meeting about sports day with the Principal," she finally said after her blabbering.

"Okay, I will be there," I assure her.

"And one more thing," She says before I walk away. "I don't know where the hall is, so can we go together?" I know she's only making some excuses to be with me, but I agreed anyway. I guess was Serah is right last night, Lyra just wanted ti be friends with Ryan, she is still into me.

The meeting ended around 4 pm, but the reps were still in the hall for a special meeting with the sports teachers.

"Hey Lyra, I will be back in 5 minutes, you guys can start the meeting, " I inform, getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lyra asks. Why does she want to know everything?

"To our class," I reply quickly as I don't want to hear more questions.

"Why?" and again she needs details.

"I have to inform Jana that I will be late," I replies.

Lyra rolls her eyes  "She is not a kid. She can go alone."

"I just have to inform her and it's none of your business," I said harshly and walk to our class.

Once I reach the class, I found Jana waiting for me and Harry alone.

"Hey Noah," She smiled. "What took you took so long?" she asks.

"Jana, I have to attend a meeting right now," I reply.

"I can wait," she assures. "By the way where is Harry?"

"I think Harry's at football practice  and I don't know when my meeting will get over, so you can leave." I inform her, not wanting to wait long for us.

"Okay, I will leave. Bye." she waves me goodbye as she leaves.


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