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My phone's ringtone starts blaring, letting me know that someone is calling me. I let it ring a few times before finally getting my phone from the bedside table. I sleepily look at the screen, it flashes Sandy, I swipe right to answer the call.

"Gooooooood morning!" she exclaimed happily when I answered.

I groan, "Bad morning Sandy." She knows how much I hate waking up and also how much I hate to wake up before my usual timing.

"Don't worry. It will be a super good morning for you," she giggles.

I sigh, "Why so?" Why couldn't she just wait until later to tell me? I just want to go back to sleep.

"Check your WhatsApp," she demanded.

"If you texted me, asking which picture to post on social media, I'm going to kill you for disturbing my sleep," I say as I yawn.

She giggles, "Do what I said babe,"

I open up WhatsAppbon my phone to see a text from an unknown number.

"Is this your new number?" She continues giggling, not answering my question. I roll my eyes and open the message.

Hey, Jana. It's Ryan 😊

I gasp in excitement. "Sandyyyyyy!" I yelled through my phone. She screams in excitement, freaking out with me.

"Good morning," she wishes again just to remind me that what she said was true.

"A very, very good morning," I wishes back. I read the rest of the messages he send me.

There is going to be get together with me, Zyan and Sandy this evening. Will you join us?

"Ryan texted me," I said, smiling like an idiot, even without thinking that she knows it.

She snickers,  "I know right."

"You guys planned?" I asks, I'm already excited to go with them, especially with Ryan. I haven't seen him after the party, so this is a great time to be with him.

"Long story short- Ryan initiated the get together with me and Zyan and wanted to invite you to keep me company."

Once she stopped I asked "Seriously?"

"Yeah..." She trails off. "I guess he wanted to ask you out, but he made it this way," she supposed and I too guess the same.

"Unbelievable," I said as I pinched myself to make sure that I'm not dreaming because these things only happened in my dreams so far.

"Reply to his message," Sandy urged.
"He will be waiting for your reply. He texted you at 1 AM, that's when we made the plan. At first, he said that he will call you, but I told you will be already dreaming, so he texted"

"If he called me at that time I will be freaking out," I still can't believe it's the reality because dreams were always better than reality but now I think it's going to change.

"So bye. Catch you later."

I hang up the phone and immediately texted Ryan back.

Sure 😊

After sending the message, I get out of my bed to open the curtains. Looked out of the window, I notice it's lightly raining. Usually, I will try to sleep again after waking up and if it's raining, I won't even be able to get out of my bed. But now, I'm wide awake!

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now