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I lay in the bed with my phone in hand, scrolling through the social media as I wait for him. I hear the doorbell ringing. He's here! I hop off my bed and comb out my hair. I hear my mom open the door and invite him in. I rush out of my room and walk to the stairs. Wait. Isn't it Ryan's voice? Yes... Why is he here? I suppress my urge to groan. Ugh... I'm not going down! He hasn't apologized yet.

I go back to my room and stand near the window looking out at the driveway. Where is Noah? I hear footsteps getting closer to my room. Soon enough, there's a knock on my door. I stand still, pretending I didn't hear.

I hear the door opening a little. "May I come in?" A quiet voice asks.

I roll my eyes and glare at him. "No!"

"Jana..." I look at him blankly. This isn't going to help! He opens the door all the way, letting himself in. "Jana, let's talk," he says.

I turn to him, crossing my arms. "Ryan, haven't you had enough?" I mock him for what he said the other day.

He walks up to me. "Haven't you ever noticed that all the fights are about Noah?"

"You always find a way to have some kind of problem with him!" I yell.

"Because something is always going on between you two!"

"Nothing ever happened between us!" I say out loud in anger. How could he even think like that? What does he think is going on between us? He has promised that he will never come up with this...

I smack my lips together. "So, you are not here to apologize?" I raise my brow.

Ryan lets out a deep sigh. "I booked us the tickets for the concert at the Grand Fest. So I'm here to take you with me," he says calmly.

"So, you only want me to go with you just because you got the tickets?" I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. "Wow! Ryan." I clap my hands sarcastically.

"Jana-" "You know what? I just don't wanna go with you. I don't even want to see your face." I turn my head and look out of the window.

The bell rings. I know its Noah. I brush past Ryan and walk downstairs. I hear Ryan following closely behind me. I get downstairs to see Mom talking to Noah.

"Mom, I'm leaving," I say.

"Alright, have fun!" Mom waves me goodbye, smiling brightly. I guess she didn't hear us yelling upstairs...

The three of us walk out of my house. I immediately walk to Noah's car, which is parked behind Ryan's car. Ryan looks between the two of us. "You don't want to come with me because you planned to go with him?" Ryan asks.

It's hard to tell what he's feeling right now. Disgust? Hatred? Betrayed?

I narrow my eyes at him, "Why do you care?"

"Because you are my girlfriend, not his." Ryan puts emphasis on the last two words. Not his! I don't know why his words made my heart beat a little faster. I meet Noah's gaze. What is he thinking? Noah should be with Jenny, not me. But he told me he'd take me to the concert since things aren't alright between me and Ryan.

I wrinkle my nose, "As if you care."

"I do care. I always have." Ryan pauses and stares right at Noah. "But you always cared about him," he stops, glancing back at me. "Admit that you love him."

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now