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I arrive early today for class and since no one was there in the class I went to the corridor. I stare at the ground, thinking of how I will clear things up with Serah. I can't fight with her any longer. This is the first time we stopped talking to each other for so long.

"Noah." I turn after hearing Serah's voice. I smile, knowing she couldn't stay much longer without talking to me. I turn to see Serah and Harry walking towards me. "I'm sorry," Serah apologizes.

It was my mistake, she doesn't have to apologize. "No, Serah, I'm sorry. That was my mistake."

Harry groans, "No more apologies, please. Both of you give me a hug." I laugh, leaning over to give him a hug and Serah joins. He can always make us feel better, even with a simple gesture.

Serah tugs on my arm to get my attention. "Can we talk?" she asks gently. My expression growers. The Serah I know is full of life and cheerful - this is not the Serah we know. When I nod, she leads us to 'our paradise'. I sit under the tree with the marking while Harry and Serah sit on the opposite side of me. "There were mistakes on my part, too," Serah concedes. "I shouldn't have overreacted."

"I could have told you both about what I felt. It wouldn't have gotten this bad, then," I replied. I regret for not letting them know about my feelings.I don't know why I waited this long. Harry and Serah stay quiet listening to me. "I wanted to tell you guys, but I was waiting for Jana to realize," I explain, Serah nods, understanding what I was trying to say.

We sit in silence for some time and then Harry spoke. "Why had you fallen for her?" Harry asked. "Was it for her looks?"

I shake my head, "I didn't fall for the way she looked, but the way she looked at me." I reply, thinking about each time I fall for her the way Jana looked into my eyes. "There is something special in the way she looks at me. Every time, she looks at me, I fall for her more and more," I explain. "If she comes to know about my feelings for her, she will fall in love with me."

"It was a shock for all of us, not just her. That's probably why she rejected you so quick," Harry replied. "Give her time. She will love you." Harry assured with a smile.

Serah stares at the two of us timidly. "She won't," she said firmly.

I furrow my brows, "Why?" I ask curiously. Why is Serah so sure about that?

"I don't know," she said, looking away.

"Are you sure?" I ask. Serah nods, giving no reply. Harry shrugs when I glance at him.

"Why?" I ask, wanting to know the answer.

"Noah, please," she pleads.

I cross my arms, "You are hiding something."

She pouts, "Noah, I promised to keep it as a secret."

I groan, wanting to know what Jana is hiding from us. "We never kept secrets," I mumbled under my breath.

Serah grumbles, finally giving in, "Jana told me that she wanted to be someone's first and only girlfriend." When she reveals the secret, my heart breaks into small pieces. I wish if I didn't ask her.

"You know what I feel now? I feel like I need my Jenny back." I quickly get up to leave. I'm not angry at Serah. There is nothing she could do about this. But the only question is, how am I supposed to continue this conversation?

Harry gets up, following me. "Look Noah, we always wanted you to love someone after the Jenny incident, but..." Harry trails off.

"Jana is a wrong choice," Serah finishes his sentence.

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now