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When I got into the class, I notice an envelope on my table. I sat down and open it up.

To the girl I love

I flip it over to see if anything is on the other side, but it's blank. Was this meant for me? Who put it on my desk? Ryan, maybe? I blush, knowing how much I adore love letters. What's on his mind? Proposing letter by letter? Omg, I'm already on cloud nine.

"Hey Jana! You look happy." I look up to see Serah next to me. "Did Ryan invite you for another date?" I give her the envelope to read.

"Who do you think this is from?" I ask, acting clueless.

She wraps her hands over my shoulder, "Don't act like you don't know who it's from?" She grins teasingly.

I blush playing with my fingers thinking about Ryan proposing me.

She sighs, "God, I wish I could get such letters in the future."

"Don't worry. Someday someone will fall in love with you and I will ask that someone to write you letters like these," I reply, giggling.

"Aww, how nice of you," she says pinching my cheeks. "Anyway, I can't wait until you get the next letter."

BeforeI could respond I see Harry walking in. "Quick, hide the letter in your pocket! Harry is coming!"

Serah stuffs the letter in her pocket and smiles at Harry. "Good morning, Harry."

He grins, "Morning girls! Have you submitted your accountancy note?"

I gasp, forgetting that we had that assignment. "Crap! I forgot! Ms. Susan will kill me!" I quickly get up, grabbing the book from my bag in the process.

Harry gives me his book, "Submit mine as well." I grab his book and rush to the staff room.

I quickly pace down the hall, not paying attention to who's around me. All of a sudden, I bump into someone. I stumble backwards, dropping the books in the process. Not looking at who I bumped into, I bent down to grab the book as I was in a hurry. When the books are in my arms, I decided to look up. I come face to face with an angry looking Lyra. She is probably expecting an apology, but I ignore her instead and continue walking. I can't waste my time anymore. I really don't want to turn this in late.

"Watch where you are going next!" Lyra yells.

"I should be telling you the same thing!" I yell back, not turning around.

Why is she always like this? Just trying to get into a fight with me all the time. Does she have any reason for hating me? I didn't do anything to hurt her.


On my way back to class, I spot Noah standing near the door, facing the other side.

"Hey Noah, submitted your note?"

He turns around and looks down at me in confusion. "Note?"

He moves to side, allowing me to see who he was talking to. I come face to face with Lyra, who is annoyed that I interrupted their conversation.

"We never get a chance to talk alone. Why did you want to interrupt at this time?" She sneers.

I roll my eyes, "Sorry, I didn't know."

I went back to my class and notice Harry and Serah peering down the hall. I sit down at my seat and look to see they are starting at Noah and Lyra.

You Are The One For Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now