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We are all at Serah's house, finishing up the decorations for the celebration. "We are almost done!" Serah cheers. In the hall, we have speakers and lights for the dance. There are games in the drawing-room while the dining area includes drinks and snacks.

"All set!" Noah gives a thumbs up to the whole team.

"Just one more thing," Harry interrupts. "Jana, can you help me hang the pieces on the tree?"

"Yeah, sure." I take the decorative pieces and we go down the hall.

As we start decorating, I hear the front door opening. Noah rushes over, greeting someone excitedly. I glance back, noticing Lyra and Noah hug each other. A weird feeling build up in my chest. Why am I uncomfortable with this? I shake the feeling away, focusing on the tree in front of me.

"Will Jessica come to the party?" I ask Harry to divert myself from them.

He nods, "Yeah, she's coming."

I overhear Noah speaking from the distance, "I'm glad you came." I try not to listen to their conversation by making myself busy talking with Harry.

"Do you really love her or just flirting?" I ask with a grin.

Harry chuckles and starts pouting,  as if he's offended. "Jana, are you doubting me?"

"Everyone's doubting you." Harry and I burst into laughter. As we laugh, Harry spots Jessica as she walks in. He sets the decorations at a nearby table and goes in for a hug.

"How are you?" He asks quietly.

"I'm good," she responds.

Harry turns to me, as if he could go spend  time with her. "You can go, Harry. I will complete it," I assure. He thanks me and leaves with Jessica.

When Harry left I let my mind drift off. I had never know what Noah goes through. What he said to me the other day caught me off guard. Why can't he understand that I can't love him back? I get that he can't love Jenny or Lyra that way, can't he get the same in my case?

The sound of laughter snaps me back to reality. I turn my head back, noticing Ryan and Serah talk. I look back at the tree, pretending I didn't hear them talking. Someone's arm snake around my waist. I smile, knowing it's Ryan.  "Didn't you hear me?" he whispers in my ear.

I turn to face him. "No, I didn't," I lie, but then I break into a smile.

He raises his eyebrow, "Oh?" Ryan grins as he pulls me closer to him.

Before I could say anything, Serah taps a glass to get everyone's attention. "Okay guys! Let's begin the celebration!" Alex happily holds Serah's hand and start dancing to the music that started playing.

I look up at Ryan with a smile. This is a part of our deal.

"Noah, will you dance with me?" I hear Lyra ask.

"Yeah," he agree. I glance back and notuce the bright sme on her face.

"Jana, are you ready for the dance?" I quickly look back at Ryan.

Smiling,  I let out a deep breath. "I'm ready." Keeping my hand on his shoulder, he takes my other hand in his.

He smiles, wrapping his hand around my waist. "Excited?" he breaths, making me blush.

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