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I drop my bag in my seat and walks over to Serah and Harry, who are standing near the window. "Morning!"  Harry grins.

"What's up?" I give him a half smile.

"Finally, we are back after the Christmas break!" Serah says.

We talk for some time, until I notice someone moving near us. I glance ti the side to see Jana walking over to us. "Guys, I have to go. I will see you all in a bit." I excuse myself. I ruds past Jana. I saw her looking at me from the corner of my eyes as we cross each other. We briefly brush against each other before I quickly walk out the classroom. This is my first step of staying away...


Ms. Susan walks I'm the room. "Morning, students," she greets us. "Good morning," the class responds. As she takes attendance, I slump in my seat. I let my mind warder after she calls out my name.

After attendance passes, she taps on the table to get our attention. "As you all know your final exam will be in the beginning of March. I know that none of you have studied seriously all year, but now you have to concentrate on your school work." Harry groans loudly. Ms. Susan looks at him in disapproval before going back to explaining. "You all have an assignment on business studies for internals."

"Ms. Susan really just ruined our reopening day. She would have assigned this tomorrow," Serah whispers to Jana.

"That wouldn't have made any difference," Jana talks slowly.

Ms. Susan continued with the instruction. As usual, I didn't listen to a single word. I was just thinking about  Jana. How am I supposed to avoid Jana for the whole day? How long could I actually keep this up? I can't avoid her forever, even with the promise I made... The bell rings snapping me out of my thoughts. Ms. Susan gathers her stuff and leaves the class. Harry turns around, facing Serah and Jana. "Girls, I need your help with that damn assignment."

Serah giggles, "Do you really think we actually know everything?"

He raises his brow, "You don't?"

"Nope," Jana confirms.

Harry throws his head back, letting out a groan. "Wow!" Harry claps his hand in a sarcastic manner. "What the hell will we do now?"

Serah shrugs, "I guess we can do something together."

I sit still, listening to their conversation. I don't even turn their way. I don't want to face Jana yet. From the corner of my eyes, I can see her trying to look at me. I can tell this situation is upsetting her.

"So, we are meeting up at Memories Café after school?" The girls quickly agrees with Harry. Harry turns to face me, "Noah, what world are you in?"

"Seems like this doesn't really care about anything," Serah scorns, glaring me down.

I catch a glimpse of Jana as I turn to face Serah. "I was just thinking," I lie.

"About what?" She asks.

The door swings open. We turn to see Ms. Leena walking in. Thank god! I don't think I could have lied my way out of Serah's question.

Ms. Leens settles down in front of the room. She quitely waits as the room slowly falls into a hush. "Thank you for getting quiet, everyone," she starts. "I'm sure everyone enjoyed your holidays, but now we have to focus on the exam. You have two months left beforeyou take your tests. There is also an important assignment for the second term." The entire class groans and whines.

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