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"Guys, are you ready?" I asked the participants who were gathered in the stadium for today's sports day events.

"Yes!" they responded together.

"All the boys in football and basketball team can move to the locker room at the left end. The girls in basketball and volleyball team can move to the right end," I ordered and they started to move to their allotted rooms.

"All the best Noah," Lyra wishes me with a smile. I can tell she is in a good mood. Otherwise, she would have ignored me.

"You too." With that she walked towards the locker room.

"All the best, Noah and Harry!" Serah calls out with a thumbs up. We wished her back and went to the locker room with our teammates. We start doing warm-ups in the space near the locker room.

"Is Ryan here?" I glance around to see it was Jana asking someone from the team.

Once she got the answer,  she turn to see me, "Hey Noah, best of luck," she wishes.

"Thanks," I smile. "Were you looking for Ryan?" I asked.

"," I know she is lying because I already heard her.

"Hey, Jana," Ryan calls out and waved us from a distance.

"Hey, Ryan," she greets him. "Good luck."

"You came here to wish me?" He asked curiously. Did she come here all way to wish him? Wait, is there something between them? I have been getting this feeling since the day she told me about their get together or is this just my misunderstanding?

"Uhh, no," she stutters. "I was looking for Sarah, but since youguys are here, I wanted to wish you luck." She replies. She is definitely hiding something, but I decided not to say anymore.

"Where is she?" She asks nervously.

"She is in the other locker room," I reply.

"Oh, I thought you guys were in the same room," she says awkwardly.  "I will leave then." Oncd she left the room, we went back to warming-up.


The first match was with The West High School, which ended up being a draw. We get a break after the first round, so Harry and I went to watch Serah's game.

"Noah!" I look at the audience to see who was calling me, but all I saw them cheering the players.

"Noah!" I once more and see Jana waving at us from a distance. Harry and I join her and sit next to her.

What's the score?" Harry asked.

"5 for us and 7 for the other team," Jana shouts over the loud crowd. "What about you guys?" she asked.

"It was a draw," he replies.I didn't say anything and focus on the game.

"I will watch your second match after Serah's game," Jana said with a smile.

Harry nods and continue watching the game. We cheer Serah while Harry cheers for Lyra. Finally our team won the first game and the crowd cheers.

Harry and I still have our second match, so we get ready to leave. Before leaving, we go to see Serah and the team to congratulat them.

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