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wait do they know each other


jaemin POV

how the hell he is here and why does he know injun

"uh jaemin you know him?"

ugh fuck what do I answer

"yea renjun I knew jaemin but we parted ways that's it" junwoo said

parted ways my ass I hate you so fucking much

"um renjun I am just coming in a sec okay" I said

"oh okay but where are you going"

"washroom" I said and renjun nodded

I immediately went on my way to the washroom

i arrived at the washroom and washed my face with water ugh why does he have to enter my life when i was starting to get okay i hate it

i wanted to cry badly those memories were coming on my mind suddenly the door opened and it was him

"how do you know renjun" I said to him

"woah i just entered and you asked me that plus we have the same literature class so we knew each other how do you know him" he said

"he is close to me" i said coldly

"jaeminnie you have changed " he suddenly grabbed my shoulders

i got really scared by it i could not even look at him

"look at me" he said but i did not

"i said look at me slut" and i looked at him

"you have been acting really strong against me if you ever do that again i will again spread rumours like i did back in high school understand" he said and i nodded

"but please don't talk with renjun" I said nervously

"oh and why is that" he asked and raised his eyebrow

"he is close to me whatever you do just don't hurt him do it on me but not him"

"don't worry jaeminnie I won't touch him he isn't even much of my type now i am going" he pushed me and my back hit the marble walls and he left

I groaned in pain and suddenly tears started falling down my eyes and I sobbed I don't want him to ruin my life again I hate him why he came back to my life again

I wiped the tears on my face and came outside the washroom, I took a deep breath to calm myself and went to the artroom

when I arrived there was only renjun sigh I am glad he isn't here, renjun saw me and immediately smiled brightly and that made me smile too

god I don't deserve them but I never want them to leave from my life call me selfish but I don't care

"junnie did you finish your painting?" i asked

"nah I got lazy let's go see nono I guess he is at the field till now"

"yea most probably yea because coach yunho is really scary and strict I won't be surprised if nono is currently practicing and should we go?"

"same and yeas just imagine seeing our boyfriend covered in sweat and that serious look on his face okay that's so hot"

"oohhhh sexyy"I said while getting images in my head

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