
593 22 139

"what is it"

"we will say it in 3 2 1"



(so a lot of languages will happen here so bold=mandarin, italicbold= cantonese italic= english noraml= korean damn why wayv are a multilingual grp)


author POV

renjun flinched at the sudden sound of people and balloons and it was too noisy

yea the entire crew came damn this dolphin and sushi are too loud

"when did yall came" he exclaimed

"the time you were at your friend's house"winwin said

"ge I missed you so much" chenle said and hugged renjun

"i missed you too my lele"

"wait you did not miss us how rude" lucas said

"i missed yall too but lele has a special space in my heart"

"yangyang my son we aren't important for him glad I have you"

and ten ran to hug him but he pushed him

"I ain't you're son old man"


"nope it was my family and kun ge"

"someone called me" kun spoke from the kitchen

"yea I said that you and my fam took care of you oldest man"

"you know I have a knife in my hand"


the English and Mandarin speakers were arguing and making noise

"they are so loud" hendery said

"i know right too loud" lucas replied

and due to that xiaojun looked at them with a weird face

"who are you two to say it literally yall are the ones who causes noise pollution in the group"

then the cantonese speakers started their bickering too and one word it was a mess a really loud mess

pretty sure that the whole neighborhood can't sleep poor them

"wait a min" the youngest chinese said

everyone tilted their heads

"we are living here all of us soo party time"

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