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time skip
college opening day
at 8am
jeno POV

I woke up due to the sound of my alarm and checked it was 8 am

ugh I have college in an hour and renjun is gonna come any minute

but I am too lazy to get off the bed but I did

I went to the bathroom to take a shower

after showering I arrived to change my clothes I was just wearing my boxers when someone knocked on the door

"come inside" I said not even caring

then the door opened and someone screamed and it was renjun

I got shocked and looked at him

"oh my why did you scream"

"my holy eyes they are sinned because of you" he said and was still staring at me

I laughed at his sentence and said

"if they are sinned then why are you still staring at me" and smirked

his cheeks turned red and he looked somewhere else and I giggled at his cuteness

I went towards and hugged him

"you're so cute I love you so much" and kissed his forehead

"I am not a baby and I love you too"

"you are mine and nana's baby don't argue"

"I will choke you till death" he said angrily but he looked so cute


"shut up" and he slapped my chest

I laughed and kissed his cheek and he blushed

"so imma change now"

then I went to change I just wore a black jeans and a simple white t-shirt and came out while fixing my hair

"jun what time is it" I asked



"I know you take a lot of time let's go you have your breakfast"

"I don't eat breakfast before 8 I just can't consume"

"okay then let's go"

then we went downstairs and I took my bag, house key and motorbike's key

we went outside the house

"woah it's been a while I am gonna ride my bike" I said while sitting at it

"you ride a bike why I haven't known it"

"my old one engine became bad so dad bought a new one even though I didn't want one but he did now sit"

"okay that's cool" he said and hopped on the motorbike

"let's go and I am gonna drive fast cuz we are late so hold me tight"

"sure nono" and he wrapped his hands around my torso and held it tight

I started the bike and we were on our way to college

jaemin POV

I was on the hallways talking with hyuck

"where the hell are jeno and renjun" I said

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