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I was walking alone suddenly I bumped my shoulder on someone

"oh sorry my bad"

"it's fi- jeno"



"yangyang oh my god"

"yo wassup bro we finally met again"

then he hugged me

"ah it's been so good to meet you again by the way what the heck are you doing here"

"oh actually I moved here I will continue my university here"

"oh that's cool which university"


"gosh I am there too"

"we will meet again"

"hey yangyang whom are you talking to"

"ah renjun it's my friend the one I met in an all world dance competition"

with whom he was talking to and what the heck is that language sounds like chinese gosh jeno you need to improve ur language knowing skills

"oh hi"


i guess he is of my age he is really small at height

"hey I am jeno"

"renjun nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you too" I smiled at him and he smiled back

aish renjun seems cold I guess he doesn't want to know me well not everyone would like me

"well I gotta go (by chungha and sunmi) now"

"oh fine it was nice meeting you bye"


I waved at them and yangyang waved back but renjun didn't I guess he doesn't like me then I moved towards home

renjun POV

I don't like this jeno he seems too sweet and good and those people are playboys and I don't like it

"I don't like this jeno"

"huh why he is a good person"

"that is the reason he is too good and these kind of people hide many secrets so he is kinda fake"

"yah he could hide something personal which he doesn't want everyone to know so he fakes but he is good and he goes to the same uni as us so don't make a bad impression pls"

"yea could be but still I don't like him the only person I liked meeting the first day was jaemin and I will not"

"good now let's go home it's late we need to eat dinner"

"oh yea let's go"

then we went on our way to home after a few mins we arrived we opened the door and winwin-ge wasn't in the living room

eh he is probably at the bedroom then we placed our stuff in the kitchen table and then I laid on the sofa

"INJUN INJUN" winwin said

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