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"can't I ju-"



"tell me what do you fucking want junwoo"

"jaeminnie I want nothing I just want to talk to you"

wow I just can't believe it he wants to talk to me really

"i can't believe you"

"no one does I am complicated"

"why did you come back"

"i didn't come back for you I was just wandering around then I saw you so I said hi"

"didn't have to say it"

"wow you really hate me" and he laughed

gosh you ruined my life and I would still love you, junwoo why just why

"you're a heartless monster"

"maybe I am even if it try now I can't change myself and I don't want to I feel happiness here"

i just can't understand him he is such a complex person no one can understand him

"you are such a complex person"

"i know that no one understands me except one person but he left me cuz I turned like this I thought you will be another person who would understand me but you are just"

then he came near to me we were so close to each other we could feel each other breaths why I didn't move I didn't even know that he practically was one who ruined my life yet he is here in front of my face and we looked like we were about to kiss

"one of the people whom I wanted to use"

obviously I am one of them I loved you so much heck I still like you a little I know I should hate you for all the horrible things you did to me which was less but it was a lot but I have this stupidity to always remember the good moments among us I am such a stupid person

i didn't even realize our faces are so close to each other that our lips can touch at any moment I don't even know if I want that or not

we both looked at each other and he went one step backwards unintentionally I pouted and he laughed

"jaeminnie you still want my kisses god you are such a slut"

that broke my heart in pieces but he was true i am a slut

then he pulled my shirt and my face was really near to his

"you wanted my kiss right slut so you are getting it"

no I don't want it I never even thought that I wanted it I was just thinking if I needed it or not but I definitely don't want a kiss from a person who just insulted me

he forcefully smashed his lips in mine and started kissing me I didn't even kiss him back I don't want to, ugh I feel so disgusted but I was the one who intentionally pouted

i am such a disgusting person

then he pulled back for a second

"i thought you wanted this kiss why aren't you kissing back now do it"

then he smashed his lips again this time I was forced to kiss him back so I had to do it, it was definitely a rough kiss and I was hating it so much

after kissing for sometime we pulled out

"i just met you after months and I got to kiss you" he said and then laughed

Everything is not perfect ◗ norenmin✓Where stories live. Discover now